IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences, Volume 92-A

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Volume 92-A, Number 1, January 2009

Special Section on Cryptography and Information Security Regular Section

Volume 92-A, Number 2, February 2009

Special Section on Analog Circuit Techniques and Related Topics Regular Section

Volume 92-A, Number 3, March 2009

Special Section on Latest Advances in Fundamental Theories of Signal Processing Regular Section

Volume 92-A, Number 4, April 2009

Special Section on Advanced Technologies Emerging Mainly from the 21st Workshop on Circuits and Systems in Karuizawa Regular Section

Volume 92-A, Number 5, May 2009

Special Section on Frontier of Quantum Computing Regular Section

Volume 92-A, Number 6, June 2009

Regular Section

Volume 92-A, Number 7, July 2009

Special Section on Recent Advances in Technologies for Assessing System Reliability Regular Section

Volume 92-A, Number 8, August 2009

Special Section on Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications Special Section on Signal Processing Regular Section

Volume 92-A, Number 9, September 2009

Special Section on Multi-dimensional Mobile Information Networks Regular Section

Volume 92-A, Number 10, October 2009

Special Section on Information Theory and Its Applications Special Section on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications Regular Section

Volume 92-A, Number 11, November 2009

Special Section on Wideband Systems Special Section on Theory of Concurrent Systems and its Applications Special Section on Smart Multimedia & Communication Systems Regular Section

Volume 92-A, Number 12, December 2009

Special Section on VLSI Design and CAD Algorithms Special Section on Image Media Quality Regular Section