Vibration API

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Many of the new APIs provided to us by browser vendors are more targeted toward the mobile user than the desktop user.  One of those simple APIs the Vibration API.  The Vibration API allows developers to direct the device, using JavaScript, to vibrate in a pattern for a given duration.

Detecting Vibration API Support

It's always good to check for the presence of API support before using it;  here's how you can detect the Vibration API's presence:

// Standards ftw!
var supportsVibrate = "vibrate" in navigator;

The Vibration API consists of only one method provided to the window.navigator object:  vibrate.

Vibration API Basics

The navigator.vibrate function accepts either a single number or an array of numbers for a series of vibrations. When using the array method, the even indices represent vibration duration, the odd indices represent a delay before the next vibration.

// Vibrate once for one second

// Vibrate multiple times for multiple durations
// Vibrate for three seconds, wait two seconds, then vibrate for one second
navigator.vibrate([3000, 2000, 1000]);

To stop vibration when active, simply pass a 0 or an empty array to the navigator.vibrate method:

// Either of these stop vibration

Realize that vibrations do not loop until stopped with 0 or an empty array;  the single number vibration occurs once and then becomes silent, the array of vibration durations run and becomes silent again.

Continued Vibration

Some basic setInterval and clearInterval action will allow us you to create persistent vibration:

var vibrateInterval;

// Starts vibration at passed in level
function startVibrate(duration) {

// Stops vibration
function stopVibrate() {
	// Clear interval and stop persistent vibrating 
	if(vibrateInterval) clearInterval(vibrateInterval);

// Start persistent vibration at given duration and interval
// Assumes a number value is given
function startPeristentVibrate(duration, interval) {
	vibrateInterval = setInterval(function() {
	}, interval);

Of course the snippet above doesn't take into account the array method of vibration;  persistent array-based vibration will require calculating the sum of the array items and creating an interval based on that number (with an additional delay, probably).

Why Use the Vibration API?

This API is clearly targeted toward mobile devices.  The Vibration API would be good for alerts within mobile web applications, and would be especially awesome when used in games or media-heavy applications.  Imagine watching a video on your mobile device, and during an explosion scene, your phone got a bit of a shake.  Or playing Bomberman and feeling a gentle kick when a block explodes!

What do you think of the Vibration API:  immediately useful or not quite yet?

At the time of writing, Firefox BETA for Android is the only browser which supports the Vibration API. WebKit landed the Vibration API a while back, but in my testing of iOS Chrome and Safari, as well as Android Chrome and standard browser, I could not find a working vibration property. Opera doesn't appear to support vibration yet either.

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  1. Great article, appreciate the code samples. I think this could be great if it’s widely supported and used properly. I’d like to see mobile browsers add an option to turn it off, like you can with location services. It could be very annoying if a website is constantly buzzing at me.

  2. @Steve Edson I don’t believe it should need to ask. If it’s annoying just close the site. I tested it and it won’t run in the background if Firefox isn’t the focused application.

    I know where you’re coming from w/ it being annoying, but it’s the same w/ popups, popunders, blink, css3 animations, etc… if you don’t like it, close it and blame the developer for using it improperly. :)

    • Good point Andrew. Features that are more invasive, like Geolocation and getUserMedia, do require permission via prompt; vibration isn’t invasive but could be misused. That said, browsers do provide popup blocking so…who knows. I wouldn’t be opposed to the Vibration API being a setting.

    • Steve Blair

      I totally agree. Vibration is just output like the screen or audio (although there is device level control over the sound), while location and getUserMedia are input. Input requires a prompt since it typically includes personal data

    • Antonio

      quote ” I tested it and it won’t run in the background if Firefox isn’t the focused application. ”

      That’s my big problem :(
      I want the vibration to play together with the notification that works very well when firefox is in background but unfortunately there is no way to get vibration to work in this situation. How can I contact mozilla about this? Why the notification can work in background, even audio play works in background, and not the vibration? The vibration is the best way to call user attention when the phone is in the pocket (and firefox in background of course) if they disable this beahaviour they almost defeat the purpose of the feature.

  3. Hey Dave,

    Nice write-up!

    Speaking of standards, shouldn’t the sniff for “vibrate” look more like the following?

    // Standards ftw!
    var supportsVibrate = "vibrate" in (clientInformation || navigator);


    — John

  4. Chris Strat

    That is brilliant – I am loving how there are API expanding deeper into the device.

    One that I am really keen on finding is one to prevent the screen from dimming/locking.
    Are you aware of any that are out there that work across iPhone and Android browsers?

  5. Rick

    Next thing I want to see is desktop browsers providing support for these things.

    Vibrate, for example, could make the tab jiggle. Or play a fake vibrate noise.

  6. “Make the tab jiggle” !? Please God no ! A persistent animation was annoying enough, imagine shaking all the content of a tab.
    I think it can be well used on a mobile : i once developed a site where alert windows could be critical (a one-cent bidding playful website), and buzzing could have been a real plus on mobiles.

  7. Alex

    Maybe pr0n companies will adopt this “new technology” faster than the rest of us… AGAIN :P

  8. psobko

    I really hope this never comes to my iPhone. Apple’s had a history of cracking down on apps that abuse vibration, in fact it’s even impossible to create a sustained vibration with the iOS SDK. The last thing we need is unregulated access to this feature. The less hardware the browser has access to, the better.

  9. Ravindran

    I hope user should get some say/allow on whether he should allow the site to use vibrate API. (similar to desktop notification API in Chrome desktop browser)

    In desktop era, SetForegroundWindow ( is the most abused API by desktop applications. Eventually Microsoft changed the behavior to just flash the taskbar entry.

  10. I really love the MSN nudge idea: No, really! We need more bling

  11. Bart Nelis

    Thanks for this article, this could prove very useful indeed !

  12. Bart Nelis

    Very interesting feature, thx for the article. This could prove very useful .

  13. The Vibration API is still primarily unsupported.

  14. You should put “WARNING: ONLY WORKS FOR FIREFOX BROWSER” at the top of this page.

  15. alexandervrs

    Is this designed to work along with the Gamepad API to enable vibration support for gamepads or is this mobile device only?

  16. Loupax

    I found it really that my browser on the desktop supports vibrate, but disappointed that it didn’t actually do anything.

    It would be nice to apply a pseudo class at the body element, so the developers can provide visual feedback in case that vibrate doesn’t work

  17. TheCuBeMan

    What mobile web browsers types and version support the vibrate API?

  18. TheCuBeMan

    What mobile web browsers support this Vibrate API?

  19. Ravindran

    >>What mobile web browsers support this Vibrate API?
    You can check here.

  20. Andrei

    Well, the vibration API does not work on Chrome with Android Lollipop 5.1, although I get ("vibrate" in navigator) == true.

    Firefox works! but does not accept the vibration patterns.

  21. bingb511

    The Vibration API is still primarily unsupported.

  22. Steve Blair

    Is there anything like a Volume API in the works to detect if a device has the volume on or off?
    Just thinking it’d be great to be able to use the Vibrate API in place of auditory notifications when the device is muted, similar to happens when you mute your phone

  23. Jeff

    This works on chrome version 48.0.2564.95 on lg-d415, and I just saw it on an attempted drive by download from a Google search result. It almost had me fooled for a second. I think this is a very bad “feature”.

  24. I created an open source GUI for generating and testing vibration patterns. After you generate a pattern you like, you can copy the Javascript for use in any projects.

  25. akosieme

    during friendster days…
    we have xss code that runs in IE that makes the browser shake/vibrate

  26. Very cool feature. It also could be use to alert the user if a device parameter become to high or low, or maybe to alert the user that an operation went wrong. We are so use to look to a screen that sometimes we don’t pay enought attention to it.

  27. Rubuert

    Thanks for the write up buddy. The article was useful for me.

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