Ку ăнлава Вăйă тенипе пăтраштармалла мар

Вайă[1] — икккĕленсе, апла-капла шутласа тăнă психологилле тăрăма палăртакан сăмах. Вайăн-шайăн[1] — иккĕленсе, ÿркенсе тăни (Тăвас-ши, тăвас мар-ши текелесе тăни).

Mr Pipo Think 03
19-v 2h Vasnetsov

Çапла вара, ку ăнлав иккĕленÿ тенинчен кăшт анлăрах.


  • Berger, Peter L. and Zijderveld, Anton (2009). In Praise of Doubt: How to Have Convictions Without Becoming a Fanatic. New York: HarperOne. ISBN 978-0-06-177816-2. A book by two eminent sociologists, one American and the other Dutch.
  • Hecht, Jennifer Michael (2003). Doubt: a history: the great doubters and their legacy of innovation from Socrates and Jesus to Thomas Jefferson and Emily Dickinson. San Francisco: HarperSanFrancisco. ISBN 0-06-009795-7. This book traces the role of doubt through human history, all over the world, particularly regarding religion.
  • Hein, David (Winter 2006). "Faith and Doubt in Rose Macaulay's The Towers of Trebizond". Anglican Theological Review 88 (1): 47–68. ISSN 0003-3286.


  1. ^ 1 тата 2 Тезаурус Лингве Чувашорум


  • Braiker, Harriet B. (2004). Who's Pulling Your Strings ? How to Break The Cycle of Manipulation. ISBN 0-07-144672-9.
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