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Chinese Text Project
Simplified Chinese version

Content requirements


Much of the utility of the Chinese Text Project textual database derives from its formal structure and the requirements placed upon texts included in it. For example, the site knows which lines of text are chapter or section headings, and how these relate to one another hierarchically; it knows, for instance, that "Xue Er" is a chapter of the Analects, and that "Annals of the Five Emperors" is the first chapter of the "Annals", itself being the first major division of the Shiji. This structure is semantically more detailed than the way texts are commonly represented in computer software as single text files or documents. As a result, adding a text to the Chinese Text Project textual database can require a significant amount of work, even when the text itself already exists as a computer readable file.

In order to make it easier to add texts to the textual database, the site has a Wiki section that is separate from the main textual database, but offers full-text search and other features, while also allowing collaborative editing of texts to prepare them for addition to the main database.

Requirements for the Wiki section

To add a text to the Wiki section, the following criteria must be fulfilled:

Requirements for the textual database

To add a text to the main textual database, in addition to the requirements for the Wiki section, the following criteria must also be fulfilled:

Adding a text

To add a text to the site, first check that no version of the same text exists in the textual database or Wiki section. If no version of it exists, create a new Wiki text, and upload the text in suitable sections (e.g. 卷 [volumes], or 篇 [chapters]).

Once a text is in the Wiki section, it can be edited to correct errors and bring it into compliance with the textual database requirements given above. When all of these have been fulfilled, the text can be moved to the textual database to enable more advanced functionality not available in the Wiki section.