CSMS# 18-000493 - UPDATE: Section 301 Trade Remedies Assessed on Certain Products from China

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08/21/2018 01:07 PM EDT

Automated Broker Interface

UPDATE: Section 301 Trade Remedies Assessed on Certain Products from China; Additional List of Products Subject to Section 301 Remedy.


On August 18, 2017, the Office of the United States Trade Representative (USTR) initiated an investigation under Section 301 of the Trade Act of 1974 into the government of China’s acts, policies, and practices related to technology transfer, intellectual property, and innovation. On June 20, 2018, the USTR published a Notice of Action and Request for Public Comment Concerning Proposed Determination of Action Pursuant to Section 301, imposing additional import duties on a list of Chinese products. See Federal Register 83 FR 28710 (June 20, 2018).

On August 16, 2018, the USTR published a Notice of Action providing for the imposition of additional import duties on a second list of Chinese Products. The August 16, 2018 list of products covered by the Section 301 remedy, which comprises 279 eight-digit Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (HTSUS) subheadings, can be found in Annex A to the USTR’s August 16, 2018 notice of action. See Federal Register 83 FR 40823 (August 16, 2018).


Products Covered by the June 20, 2018 List for the Section 301 Action

The additional import duties for Chinese goods covered by the June 20, 2018 list were effective with respect to goods entered, or withdrawn from warehouse for consumption, on or after 12:01 AM Eastern Daylight Time on July 6, 2018.

In addition to reporting the Chapters 1-97 HTSUS classification of the imported merchandise, importers shall also report the 9903.88.01 special tariff number for goods subject to the additional duty assessment of 25% ad valorem as a result of the Section 301 trade remedy.

9903.88.01: 25% ad valorem additional duty for articles the product of China

Products Covered by the August 16, 2018 List for the Section 301 Action

The additional import duties for Chinese goods covered by the August 16, 2018 list of products subject to the Section 301 action are effective with respect to goods entered, or withdrawn from warehouse for consumption, on or after 12:01 AM Eastern Daylight Time on August 23, 2018.

Any article classified in a subheading covered by the August 16 list that is a product of China is subject to a 25% ad valorem duty rate, in addition to the general (Column 1) rate of duty for that particular subheading.

In addition to reporting the Chapter 1-97 HTSUS classification of the imported merchandise, importers shall also report the 9903.88.02 special tariff number for goods subject to the additional duty assessment of 25% ad valorem as a result of the Section 301 trade remedy.

9903.88.02: 25% ad valorem additional duty for articles the product of China

All Products Covered by Section 301 Duties

The Section 301 duties only apply to products of China, and are based on the country of origin, not country of export.


The USTR’s August 16, 2018 notice of action has provided updated instructions in respect to the use of Chapter 98 provisions for all merchandise on the June 20, 2018 and August 16, 2018 lists covered by the Section 301 remedy.

The additional duties imposed by headings 9903.88.01 and 9903.88.02 do not apply to goods for which entry is properly claimed under a provision of chapter 98 of the HTSUS, except for goods entered under headings 9802.00.40, 9802.00.50, 9802.00.60, and 9802.00.80. For headings 9802.00.40, 9802.00.50, and 9802.00.60, the additional duties apply to the value of repairs, alterations, or processing performed abroad, as described in the applicable heading. For heading 9802.00.80, the additional duties apply to the value of the article less the cost or value of such products of the United States, as described in heading 9802.00.80.

The provisions related to goods entered under headings 9802.00.40, 9802.00.50, 9802.00.60, and 9802.00.80 are effective with respect to goods entered, or withdrawn from warehouse for consumption, on or after 12:01 AM Eastern Daylight Time on August 23, 2018.


When submitting an entry in which a heading or subheading in Chapter 98 is claimed on merchandise covered by the Section 301 remedy, the following instructions will apply.

When submitting an entry using a Chapter 98 provision that normally requires the reporting of a secondary Chapter 1-97 HTSUS classification, a filer must first report subheading 9903.88.01 or 9303.88.02, as applicable, followed by the applicable Chapter 98 subheading, and the Chapter 1-97 HTSUS classification for the commodity being imported.

When submitting an entry using a Chapter 98 provision that does not normally require the reporting of a secondary Chapter 1-97 HTSUS classification, neither 9903.88.01/02 nor the Chapter 1-97 HTSUS should be reported.

When submitting an entry for a Temporary Importation under Bond (TIB), a filer must first report the applicable subheading in Chapter 98 (i.e., in heading 9813), followed by subheading 9903.88.01/02, and the Chapter 1-97 HTSUS for the commodity being imported.


Products of China that are covered by the Section 301 remedy and that are eligible for special tariff treatment under general note 3(c)(i) to the tariff schedule, or that are eligible for temporary duty exemptions or reductions under subchapter II to chapter 99, shall be subject to the additional 25 percent ad valorem rate of duty imposed by headings 9903.88.01 and 9903.88.02.


For further information, please refer to the USTR’s Notice of Action and Request for Public Comment Concerning Proposed Determination of Action Pursuant to Section 301: China’s Acts, Policies, and Practices Related to Technology Transfer, Intellectual Property, and Innovation, 83 FR 28710 (June 20, 2018); and the August 16, 2018 Notice of Action Pursuant to Section 301, 83 FR 40823 (August 16, 2018).

Questions related to Section 301 entry filing requirements should be emailed to [email protected]. Questions from the importing community concerning ACE rejections should be referred to their Client Representative.

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