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Consumer Alert

Marriott data breach settlement: What it means for consumers

Alvaro Puig
Marriott settled charges related to a data breach that exposed the information of millions of guests. The company will take steps to better protect customers’ personal information. And it will give customers more control over their information.
Consumer Alert

How to recover from identity theft

Colleen Tressler
We get it. You hoped the day would never come when you learned someone used your personal information to open new credit accounts in your name. But it did. So now what? Act fast. It can help reduce the damage identity theft can cause. Here’s how to get started.
Consumer Alert

Three ways to protect the personal info on your phone

Alvaro Puig
Imagine carrying a written copy of all your conversations with you everywhere you went. Or copies of your account numbers, usernames, and passwords. Or all the photos and videos you’ve ever taken. I bet you’d do just about everything in your power to protect all that valuable information. Well, your mobile phone holds all that stuff — and maybe more. Are you doing everything in your power to keep it from ending up in the wrong hands? Here are three things you can do today to protect the personal information on your phone.
Consumer Alert

Home title lock insurance? Not a lock at all

Larissa Bungo
If you’ve seen ads for home title lock insurance, they might have you worried. After all, the ads say thieves can steal the title to your home. But then the ads tell you to buy title lock insurance to supposedly prevent home title theft. Stop. Take a breath. It’s just a ploy to scare you.

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