Information and Details from past LibreOffice Conferences

LibreOffice Conference 2019, Almería, Spain

The 2019 edition has been held in the city of Almería, Spain, from September 10 to September 13, 2019. 

Thanks to our sponsors

Without you the conference would have not been possible.

Last news!

LibreOffice Conference 2020: Next year we'll meet at Nuremberg!

LibreOffice 20th aniversary: Will be celebrated in Turkey!

Shared pictures:  Now you can share your conference pictures at:

Discussion forums

Do you want to prepare your travel and participation at the conference? Join to these forums at your convenience: 

Primary contacts for TDF

  • Sophie Gautier (mail: sophie dot gautier at documentfoundation dot org
  • Italo Vignoli (mail: italo at documentfoundation dot org)

Contact for the conference organization team

Contacts for the local team organization