How To Stay Injury Free When Participating In Summer Sports Camps


Summer sports camps are a great way for kids to work on their sports skills and stay active during the summer.  Some of my fondest memories growing up were going to sports camps, meeting new kids, and working to improve my game.  Every year, however, we see kids who get injured at sports camps.  Though there is no way to completely prevent injuries from occurring, there are certainly steps you can take to help reduce the likelihood of injuries.  

1.Start with some exercises before camp.  With all the recent restrictions and cancellation of activities due to COVID, kids have been less active in general.  Make sure your child has been active before camp starts.  Going from doing very little physically to training every day is a sure way to get injured.  Even doing some light exercise a few days a week leading up to camp will help.

2.Make sure to stay hydrated.  In the hot summer sun, dehydration can happen quickly.  Be sure to drink plenty of water.  The American Medical Society for Sports Medicine recommends 12-20 ounces of water before starting training, 4-8 ounces of water for every 15 minutes of strenuous exercise during training, and another 8-16 ounces following exercise.

3.Take time to recover after camp.  Rest and recovery is so important following exercise.  Be sure to give your athlete some time before heading off to the beach, or to a summer league game.  Recovery is important both physically and mentally as the body and mind need some time after a long day of training.

At Complete Game Physical Therapy, we specialize in working with athletes and active individuals of all ages.  If you have any questions you can email Greg at [email protected] or call us at 978-710-7204.