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how early can a clear blue digital pick up a positive
I got a digital positive at 9 dpo! So much more real seeing it
If it's the week estimater it is designed to be as sensitive as the first response. The older clear blues aren't though.
I got mine 13 dpo, but all I had tried before were the EPT, which I DONT recommend for early detection
I am 10 days pasted and I have gotta positives with first response but I tried the clear blue easy and it said not pregnant :(. What a waste of a good test.
The weeks estimator worked for me when I got my bfp this week it showed up reading pregnant 1-2 weeks and the top test was my first test about 4 hours before I did the digital. The next morning I had a hcg level of 15.4 the regular Clear blue digits are not as sensitive but the clear blue weeks est. are very sensitive. Good luck:)
I got a faint positive at 11dpo and a pos on clear blue digital 2 days later.
Hope you see those magic words
I did! I believe I'm 11dpo today but will know better how far along when I go for an ultrasound at the fertility clinic Sept 25th the pic loaded upside-down for some reason.im mobile sorry lol
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