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Experimental-and-Computational-Analysis-of-Polyglutamine-Mediated-Cytotoxicity-pcbi.1000944.s007.ogv (Ogg Theora video file, length 14 s, 694 × 520 pixels, 399 kbps, file size: 666 KB)
- Videos of systems biology
- Post-translational regulation of gene expression
- Videos of diseases and disorders of the nervous system
- Cell death
- Tumor cell line
- Cell survival
- Videos of bioinformatics
- Computer simulations
- Inclusion bodies
- Videos of fluorescence microscopy
- Video microscopy
- Videos of neurodegenerative diseases and disorders
- Videos of peptides
- Proteasome endopeptidase complex
- Protein folding
- Reactive oxygen species
- Time-lapse microscopy
- P38 mitogen-activated protein kinases