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The Berlaymont Building and European Flags
  • News article

As the escalation of hostilities between Hezbollah and Israel continues, the Commission announced a further €30 million in humanitarian aid to Lebanon. This bring the total EU humanitarian assistance to the country to over €104 million this year.

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Student life during Erasmus+ at Sofia
  • Novice

Evropski dan jezikov, ki ga vsako leto praznujemo 26. septembra, spodbuja jezikovno raznolikost, učenje jezikov v vseh starostnih skupinah ter poudarja pomen prevajanja in poklicev, povezanih z jeziki.

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European and Ukrainian flags raised in front of the Berlaymont building to commemorate the second year of the Russian invasion of Ukraine
  • News article

The Commission has proposed a comprehensive financial assistance package, consisting of a Ukraine Loan Cooperation Mechanism of up to €45 billion, and an exceptional macro-financial assistance loan of up to €35 billion. It leverages extraordinary profits from immobilised Russian assets.

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