Power Rangers

Power Rangers: Our 10 Favorite Moments From Go Go #17 With Ryan Parrott

Go Go Power Rangers #17 was full of interesting answers and questions alike, and we’re going […]

Go Go Power Rangers #17 was full of interesting answers and questions alike, and we’re going through our top 10 favorite moments from the issue with writer Ryan Parrott.

Spoilers incoming for Go Go Power Rangers #17, so if you haven’t read the issue yet you’ve been warned.

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Go Go Power Rangers #17 kicks off with the birth of Rita Repulsa, but that’s not the only thing that sequence teases, and there are several big subplots throughout the rest of the book. Not only do we get the real debut of Alpha-1, but we also get more insight into Rita Repulsa as a person as well as more time with the adorable couple that is Trini and Jason.

Most of the Rangers get some time in the spotlight by issue’s end, but as we wind down the issue we also see some interesting revelations that will continue to be the focus future issues, including more than a few questions regarding that big last page.

Alright, we’ve touched on a few light spoilers, but from here on out it gets truly spoilery, so only hit the next slide if you really want to know. You can also check out our full review of the issue right here.

Go Go Power Rangers #17 is written by Ryan Parrott and drawn by Eleonora Carlini with colors by Raul Angulo and letters by Ed Dukeshire. Covers were provided by Marcus To and Raul Angulo, Audrey Mok and Dylan Todd, Miguel Mercado, and Gleb Melnikov and Dylan Todd. You can check out the official description below.

“Rita needs the Green Power Coin to create a Ranger of her own, but in order to move forward she must first go back to the home she left behind?”

Alright, without further ado hit the next slide to read all about the big issue with Ryan Parrott on commentary!

Mother of Repulsa

(Photo: BOOM! Studios)

One of the first things we see in the issue is the birth of Rita Repulsa, giving us a glimpse at the villain’s mother. More surprising is the care and compassion that seems to be in the home of her birth, especially considering the character’s villainous deeds later in life.

“In some of the early issues of GO GO, we got to show a little bit of the origin stories for each of Rita’s minions… so it only seemed fair to do the same for Rita,” Parrott said. “Fienna will play a pretty significant role in this arc and it’s always fun to bring in a new character that sees… a different side of our villain.”

Hellooooo Zordon!

(Photo: BOOM! Studios)

We also see a young Zordonย (and not in a container!), and the design by Eleonoraย Carliniย is out of this world. You can take a gander at the fantastic design in the exclusive breakdown above.

“Eleonora did such a fantastic job with his design,” Parrott said. “I think she really gave Zordon the majesty and power that we associate with someone we’ve really only be a giant head in a tube. And now… he’s almost as dashing as David Fielding. Almost.”

A Master Vile Tease?

(Photo: BOOM! Studios)

We also get a reference to Rita’s father, who fans will know goes by Master Vile. This sequence might have been interpreted as if Zordonย is the father, but that is definitelyย not the case.

“I know there was some speculation that Zordon might be Rita’s father? But, no, that’s not the case,” Parrott said. “Master Vile is indeed Rita’s father and he is not happy that Fienna ran off pregnant with his daughter. So I think she’s smart to expect a… response.”


(Photo: BOOM! Studios)

Go Go Power Rangers always includes a few fun Easter Eggs for fans and this month that included the Mighty Morphin classic monster Pineoctopus, who is just as disturbing in comics as he was in live-action.

“I think the Power Ranger comics work best when they are telling new stories and not retelling old ones,” Parrott said. “But, I do try and drop in a few fan favorite monsters here and there not only to help orient the reader where we are in the timeline but also… so Eleonora gets to play a little. She did a phenomenal job with that double-page spread.”

Young Love

(Photo: BOOM! Studios)

One of the biggest highlights of this current arc is the dynamic between Jason and Trini, who are still trying to figure out their relationship but know they want one. They’re ridiculously adorable, but there will be challenges ahead.

“Aw, young love,” Parrott said. “I treated Jason andย Trini’s romantic excursion on Breel almost like… a summer camp crush. It blossoms because you’re away from your real life and you get to sorta step into something new. But, that doesn’t mean it’s going to be smooth sailing when you return to the normal day to day.

It’s Morphin Time

(Photo: BOOM! Studios)

It wouldn’t be Go Go without a fantastic Morphin sequence, and Carlini did not disappoint here. Seriously, this is poster worthy.

“I never get tired of Morphin sequence pages,” Parrott said. “In translating the show to the comic, that process was such a hallmark of the show that I knew we just had to keep doing it but — we get to a new interpretation each time. So much fun.”

Returning Home

(Photo: BOOM! Studios)

One of the more poignantย moments in the issue occurs when Rita takes Squattย to her old home, though we initially thought it was Squatt’sย old house. Regardless, the baby prison line was hysterical.

“Actually, that’s Rita’s birthplace from the opening flashback,” Parrott said. “I was hoping people could tell from the architecture, but… yeah, probably should have captioned it. This arc is all about Rita having to come face to face with her past and who she was supposed to be… so it made sense to literally have her have to go back to maybe the one place she’s ever been happy?

As for that line, well, that was all Squatt. “And… thank you. But, I actually have to give credit for that line… to Squatt. Sometimes the characters tell you what they want to say,” Parrottย said.

An Alpha-1 Entrance

(Photo: BOOM! Studios)

While he debuted in the last page of the previous issue, this is really the first chance we’ve had to see Alpha-1 in action, and his entrance was stellar. Not only does he save the Rangers, but he also looks pretty dang cool while doing it, and that slick design doesn’t hurt either.

“Such a long time coming! To have the idea for that character over two years ago and now finally see him in action was awesome,” Parrott said. “I love the design, familiar yet more primitive. Alpha-1 is a complicated character and I hope readers like what we have in store for him.

An Unexpected Reunion

(Photo: BOOM! Studios)

The last page gives us a reunion we didn’t expect, as Rita comes face to face with her deceased mother Fienna, and for Parrott,ย it parallels well with the story of Alpha-1 and Zordon, another reunionย no one saw coming.

“This arc is about prodigal sons and daughter,” Parrottย said. “In the same way that Zordon is going to have to come face to face with his first child in Alpha-1, it felt thematically relevant to have Rita have to deal with a similar situation with her mother. What went right? What went wrong? Both sides have some unfinished issues to work through…”

Is That The Dragon Shield?

(Photo: BOOM! Studios)

That last page also features another big shocker, as Fiennaย also happens to be wearing something that looks an awful lot like the Dragon Shield…and that’s huge!

“Is she wearing the Dragon Shield?!? Huh, that’s interesting,” Parrott teased. “Sorry, my friend, but… spoilers.”

Drat! We’ll just have to wait till next issue for more answers.

So what did you think of Go Go Power Rangers #17? Let us know in the comments and hit me up at @MattMuellerCB!