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Fungsi, status dan kelas jalan sangat penting sesuai dengan ketentuan. Kesesuaian itu akan meminimalkan biaya transportasi maupun biaya pemeliharaan prasarana transportasi, dalam hal ini konstruksi perkerasan jalan, maupun biaya pengguna... more
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      Transportation EngineeringTransportation Studies
Selain perencanaan geometric jalan, perkerasan jalan merupakan bagian dari perencanaan jalan yang harus direncanakan secara efektif dan efisien, karena kebutuhan tingkat pelayanan jalan semakin tinggi. Jenis perkerasan jalan W.J.... more
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    • Environmental Science
This study investigated the effect of dust to the performance degradation of PV street lights deployed at several areas (coastal, urban, industry, and village) in Kupang city. Results showed that maximum power output (Pmax) of all modules... more
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    • Environmental Science
Secara visual agregat dari lokasi quary Wae Mese dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai agregat untuk campuran beraspal panas maupun untuk campuran beton semen. Setelah dilakukan kajian secara laboratoris material tersebut dapat digunakan sebagai... more
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Secara visual agregat dari lokasi quary Wae Mese dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai agregat untuk campuran beraspal panas maupun untuk campuran beton semen. Setelah dilakukan kajian secara laboratoris material tersebut dapat digunakan sebagai... more
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Jalan raya merupakan salah satu prasarana yang sangat penting dan sangat dibutuhkan oleh masyarakat karena jalan raya berfungsi menghubungkan sumber–sumber produksi serta berperan  memperlancarkan mobilisasi dan arus transportasi  darat... more
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    • Physics
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      EngineeringPhysicsCompressive StrengthPhysical sciences
The "A+B" bid method is determined by the lowest combined bid. Contractors must greatly shorten construction time to be able to win bidding competitions. However, the risk under the shortened duration of construction increased... more
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      PhysicsMultidisciplinaryBiddingCompetitor Analysis
Over the past half-century, value engineering (VE) has emerged as an effective tool to manage time, costs, and quality with an aim to maximize value. It has been shown to be a highly effective approach for evaluating current construction... more
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      Civil EngineeringValue EngineeringIntegrated Project Delivery
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      BiddingRegression Analysis
School buildings and facilities constitute essential educational infrastructure and have a formative impact on the safety, development, and socialization of students. However, many existing school buildings are increasingly aging and... more
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    • Buildings
This study investigated the effect of dust to the performance degradation of PV street lights deployed at several areas (coastal, urban, industry, and village) in Kupang city. Results showed that maximum power output (Pmax) of all modules... more
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      Environmental ScienceRenewable EnergyPhotovoltaic systemDerating
Transient heat transfer to carbon-film and Pt-foil heater/thermometer devices submerged in LH2 was investigated using a specially designed apparatus, and the conduction and onset of film boiling phases were identified. In the experiments,... more
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      Heat TransferThin FilmElectrical ResistanceHeat Flux
Transient heat transfer to liquid hydrogen was investigated. Then carbon films and Pt foils submerged in liquid hydrogen received stepped inputs of power ranging from 1 to 42 W/sq cm, and the onset of nucleate or film boiling was obtained... more
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      Heat TransferPower GenerationThin FilmComposite Material
This paper reviews the principles and techniques used in cryogenic refrigeration, with particular emphasis on small cryocoolers. Several thermodynamic cycles used in cryocoolers are discussed, as are the design requirements, applications,... more
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The paper describes the construction and mounting of a small silicon-on-sapphire (SOS) thermometer, a highly sensitive intrinsically fast temperature sensor for measuring transient temperatures in an oscillating cryogenic fluid flow. The... more
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    • Cryogenic Engineering
The three types of pulse tube refrigerator, namely the resonant, basic, and orifice designs, are compared with each other and with such common refrigerators as the Joule-Thomson and Stirling types, using an apparatus able to measure their... more
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    • Cryogenic Engineering
Fe1'(TIM)(C6H5CN)?++ CO 5 Fe11 (TIM)(C6H5CN)(CO) 2++ C6H5CN have been measured in benzonitrile. At 25 OC, Kq= K/[C6H5CN]= kl'/k-,= 420 MI,... more
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      Chemical EngineeringThermodynamicsInorganic ChemistryKinetics