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Bernie Sanders talks free public college, 'political revolution' at Boston rally

J.D. Capelouto
Boston University

It seems like Boston-area college students are “feeling the Bern.”

At a packed Boston rally on Saturday, Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders spoke boldly about issues including wealth and income inequality, and free tuition at public colleges to an enthusiastic, overflowing crowd filled with college students and Millennials.

“I do not represent the agenda of the billionaire class or corporate America and I don’t want their vote,” Sanders said to the more than 20,000 attendees. “We are running a people’s campaign. And while the millionaires and billionaires have more money than we do we have something that they don’t have – look around this room!”

Luis Castro, a sophomore at Boston University, said this was his first political rally, and he liked everything Sanders had to say.

"Bernie spoke about everything I believe in,” he said. “Campaign finance reform, criminal justice reform, education. He knows who his constituency is and that's why I support him."

The young crowd at the Boston Convention & Exhibition Center energetically cheered on the Vermont senator, chanting “Feel the Bern!” and “Bernie, Bernie!” throughout the evening.

The Boston Globe called the rally the third-largest Sanders has held this year, and "the largest rally for a presidential primary candidate in recent Massachusetts history, topping 10,000 people drawn to Boston Common eight years ago by Barack Obama."

Speaking in his signature bold and gravelly tone, Sanders said, “This is a rigged economy. Heads they win, tails you lose. We are living in a country that has more income and wealth inequality than any other major country on Earth and it is worse today than any time since 1928.”

As for jobs, Sanders said, “We have turned our back on an entire generation of young people. They want to begin their lives as adults, that’s what they want, and we have said to them, ‘Sorry, there are no jobs for you.’”

He also spoke about his plan to make every U.S. public college and university tuition-free.

“We will end the absurdity of million of Americans, young and not so young, who are shouldering outrageously high levels of student debt."

“He’s inspirational, he’s the most honest politician we’ve had in years. And no, not everything he said can be enacted … but he’s the only one saying these things,” said Maddie Baco, a sophomore at Northeastern University. “For too long, young people haven’t been involved in politics; this is the first politician who really wants us here and really speaks to us.”

Nicole Mulready, a junior at Northeastern, said Sander’s focus on social issues is why he attracts a younger crowd.

“People want to see how other people are going to be treated, and they want it to be fair overall.”

Kathleen Mellen, 62, a newspaper editor in Northampton, Mass., who came to the rally with her 24-year-old daughter, described Sanders’ speech as “inspiring.”

“He touched on all the points that we expected him to. One of the things I like best about him is that he doesn’t pull any punches, he doesn’t mince any words, he says exactly what he means; you cannot misunderstand what this man stands for."

Sanders is closing the fundraising gap with Democratic presidential frontrunner and former secretary of State Hillary Clinton, reports USA TODAY: Sanders raised $26 million from far smaller donations than those contributed to the Clinton campaign during the July-to-September fundraising quarter; Clinton raised $28 million.

J.D. Capelouto is a student at Boston University and a fall 2015 Collegiate Correspondent.

This story originally appeared on the USA TODAY College blog, a news source produced for college students by student journalists. The blog closed in September of 2017.

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