Services on CoinTR.PRO were terminated as of August 30.



Volume data is untracked

Proyek ini ditampilkan sebagai 'Daftar Tidak Dilacak'

For more details on the listing tiers, please refer to Listings Review Criteria Section B - (3)

Aset total

Rp 67,353,780,369.96

Tentang CoinTR

CoinTR, founded in 2022, is a fully regulated local cryptocurrency exchange headquartered in Istanbul, Türkiye, dedicated to providing users in Türkiye with secure and compliant trading services. The exchange boasts a team of experts with a wealth of knowledge from a variety of top crypto exchanges and is committed to fostering the growth of local crypto-oriented and Web3 industries. CoinTR also actively collaborates with several industry partners to continuously create new opportunities for regional economic growth. Ali Eselioglu, former Deputy Executive Director of the Central Bank of the Republic of Türkiye, is currently serving as the CEO of CoinTR. Şakir Ercan GÜL, the former Deputy Minister of Finance, as well as the former Chairman of the Savings Deposit Insurance Fund, is currently serving as the Chairman of the Board at CoinTR. Ergun AKINCI, currently Chief Adviser to the Central Bank of Türkiye, and Mehmet Emin KARAAGAC, former Deputy Governor of Vakifbank, serves as CoinTR Board Members. Yakup DEMİR, BDDK Senior Banking Former Chief Expert, Manager, Deputy Head of Department, serves as CoinTR's Compliance Officer.

CoinTR designed and developed the 3rd generation trading system, focusing on providing users the most secure and stable trading experience. In addition to providing diverse tools including Spot Trading, Launchpad, Launchpool and fiat on-ramp; CoinTR offers over 150+ cryptocurrencies for users to buy, sell, and trade. CoinTR lists 10 new tokens with both USDT and TRY (if available) trading pairs weekly on average to keep users up-to-date with the global market trends.

Baca Selengkapnya
Cadangan keuangan
Diperbarui pada 12:22:04 AM
Total: Rp 67,353,780,369.96
Dilaporkan langsung oleh bursa ini
4,313,385.94Rp 15,610.33Rp 67,333,377,310.35

Hanya dompet dengan saldo >500.000 USD yang ditampilkan
* Saldo dari dompet ini mungkin tertunda

Alokasi Token

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+2% Depth

-2% Depth


Volume %


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