课程: 商务英语系列:会议常用语法和词汇


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- [Instructor] Okay, now you can relax. I hardly know where to start this time. We covered so much. We began with some of the expressions you'll need when it comes to voting at a meeting. Like, now that we've come to an agreement or now that we've reached a consensus, let's see a show of hands. Another alternative was, who's in support of or those of you in favor of please raise your hands. And when you've counted all the hands, you're able to state the result. It's eight to six in favor of DJ Cool, for example. Now, as if that wasn't enough, we then moved on to new ways of giving opinions. We covered the expressions, I think we should consider and I'm quite open to all those mentioned. To ask for opinions, you learned two very simple and effective questions. What's your opinion, or what do you think? And for a recommendation, who would you recommend? Well, you know what I'd recommend now, a rest. Me? (laughs) I'm um, I'm just going to, I'm just going to go work on my new song a bit.
