课程: 商务英语系列:会议常用语法和词汇


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- [Narrator] This time, you're going to hear a short part of the conversation again. Listen carefully because I want to find out if you've really understood everything. Shh, let's listen. - [Mark] Yes, we need to do something about this before August's AGM. We should set up an additional meeting ASAP. - [Narrator] Mark said we should set up an additional meeting ASAP. To set up, what does that mean exactly? Is he talking about the chairs and tables in the conference room or is it a more general term? Does it mean to organize or to arrange a meeting? To set up an additional meeting means to arrange an additional meeting. And what about ASAP, what does that mean? ASAP stands for as soon as possible. As soon as possible, in the business world, you'll hear that a lot. Believe me.
