Noah Holdings

Noah Holdings


Shanghai,China 8,628 位关注者


We are a leading HNW wealth management service provider in China with global asset management capacities. We were the eighth largest wealth management service provider and the largest independent wealth management service provider in China, both in terms of total revenues in 2021, focused on serving HNW and ultra HNW investors, according to Frost & Sullivan. We work with worldwide top-tier general partners and fund managers, whom we define as our ecosystem partners, to provide investment products and professional services to our clients through two synergetic business segments, namely wealth management business and asset management business.

1,001-5,000 人


  • 主要

    Noah Wealth Center, No.1226 Shenbin South Road

    Minhang District



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    香港投资推广署(Invest HK )肯定诺亚在香港的力量,ARK Private Wealth 启航香江! 上周,诺亚控股在香港办公室盛大举办了ARK Private Wealth品牌的全球启航庆典及新办公室揭幕仪式,标志着公司国际品牌体系的全面升级,是我们在全球扩展方面迈出的重要一步。 香港,作为连接中国内地与国际市场的关键枢纽,一直是诺亚布局的重要一环。自2012年在香港设立办事处以来,我们一直致力于为全球华语高净值投资者提供一站式的全球投资和资产配置咨询服务。如今,为积极响应客户日益增长的对国际市场资产配置的需求,我们正加速壮大香港团队的力量。 我们深感荣幸地获得了投资推广署助理署长吴国才先生的认可与支持。吴先生表示:“香港长期以来一直是连接内地和国际市场的关键平台。诺亚控股选择扩大香港办公室团队,充分证明了其对香港作为国际金融中心地位的坚定信心。我们祝愿诺亚的业务蓬勃发展,蒸蒸日上。” 这份肯定无疑为我们在这片充满活力与机遇的土地上深耕细作注入了更强大的动力与信心。我们将不负众望,持续为全球的华语投资者创造更多价值。 Last week, Noah celebrated the global debut of ARK Private Wealth with an office opening in Hong Kong, marking a pivotal upgrade to its international branding and a crucial step in global expansion. Our progress has been affirmed by InvestHK. Hong Kong, a strategic bridge between mainland China and the world, plays a vital role in our strategy. Since 2012, we've provided comprehensive global investment solutions to Mandarin-speaking high-net-worth individuals (HNWIs) worldwide. Now, we're strengthening our Hong Kong team to meet the increasing demand for international asset allocation. We're grateful for the endorsement from Mr. Charles Ng, InvestHK's Associate Director-General of Investment Promotion 2, who emphasized Hong Kong's central position and Noah's faith in the city as a financial hub. "We wish Noah continued success and prosperity," he stated. This endorsement energizes our commitment and confidence in Hong Kong's dynamic market. We remain dedicated to creating value for Mandarin-speaking investors globally. #Noah #NoahHoldingd #InvestHK #ARK

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    开启新篇章:ARK CLASS 培育全球领袖 在这个日新月异的全球化时代,诺亚深知人才是推动企业持续发展的核心动力。为了进一步加速国际校招生的成长与融入,我们特别成立了海外方舟营。这一创新平台旨在为他们提供更加精准、高效的选育用留及调配发展方案,畅通他们的职业发展路径。 在今年三月,ARK CLASS OF 24——我们精心打造的首个海外年轻人才梯队,正式启航!这不仅是对未来的投资,更是对每一位潜力无限的青年的承诺与期许。 在ARK CLASS,我们坚信“寓教于乐”的力量。通过“牌艺巅峰赛”的智慧碰撞、“桌游大比拼”的策略较量,以及“诺林”匹克的团队精神展现,我们为年轻人才搭建了一个既充满挑战又乐趣横生的成长舞台。在这里,每一次互动都是学习的机会,每一次竞争都促进着自我超越。 新鲜血液的注入,是诺亚持续进步的不竭动力。我们热切期盼更多怀揣梦想、勇于探索的年轻才俊加入我们这个大家庭,与来自全球各地的精英们并肩作战。在这里,你将获得全面而深入的培养与支持,共同塑造一个更加多元化、全球化、专业化且积极向上的国际文化氛围,携手推动诺亚在全球化征途中稳健前行。 Opening a New Chapter: ARK CLASS Nurtures Global Leaders In the fast-paced era of globalization, Noah recognizes talent as the cornerstone of sustainable corporate growth. To expedite the development and integration of international recruits, we've introduced the Overseas Ark Camp. This groundbreaking platform offers tailored, efficient solutions for selection, training, retention, and career progression. ARK CLASS OF 24—our inaugural cohort of overseas talents—embarked in March, marking an investment in tomorrow's leaders and a pledge to untapped potential. At ARK CLASS, we harness the magic of 'learning through play.' Fresh perspectives fuel Noah's relentless progress. We invite ambitious, dream-driven talents to join our global network, collaborating with elite minds to foster a vibrant, inclusive international culture that propels Noah's globalization journey. Here, you'll receive comprehensive training and support, shaping a more diverse, professional, and forward-thinking future together. #Noah #NoahHoldings

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    我們很高興與大家分享這一激動人心的時刻。9月12日,我們在香港辦公室隆重舉辦了ARK Private Wealth品牌的全球啟航盛典及辦公室揭幕儀式,正式宣佈國際品牌體系升級,標誌著公司在全球擴展方面邁出了重要的一步。啟航儀式於上午9點12分在全新升級的銅鑼灣時代廣場辦公室舉行,眾多貴賓、客戶、公司管理層及合作夥伴共同見證了這一歷史性時刻。 We are excited to share this momentous occasion with everyone. On September 12, we held the global launch of the ARK Private Wealth brand and the grand opening of our Hong Kong office, officially announcing the upgrade of our international brand system. This marks a significant step in the company's global expansion. The launch ceremony took place at 9:12 AM in our newly upgraded office at Times Square, Causeway Bay, where distinguished guests, clients, company executives, and partners gathered to witness this historic moment. #Noah #NoahHoldings

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    在9月12日,Noah Holdings首席財務官兼Noah HK首席執行官Grant Pan受邀出席摩根大通舉辦的第十屆2024亞太區首席財務官及財務主管論壇。作為“增長走廊——為跨地區機遇提供動力”專題討論的一部分,Grant Pan與聯想集團副首席財務官Winston Cheng、連連東南亞首席執行官Richard Zhang、以及主持人——摩根大通全球企業銀行全球子公司銀行業務主管Chul Han就影響本地區各行業CFO及財務主管的核心議題展開交流。 在專題討論中,Grant在論壇上介紹了Noah在中東市場的觀察,揭示了Noah如何憑借其獨特的競爭優勢,助力中國企業家出海,並分享了在這一過程中積累的寶貴洞察。他強調,中國企業家的全球化徵程遠非單純的商業決策,而是個性化的體驗。Noah始終秉持全方位合作的理念,不僅解決商業難題,更關注他們的個人與家庭需求。 Grant分享,自2012年扎根香港以來,Noah不斷拓展國際版圖,2017年進軍美國,2019年則在新加坡設立辦公室,形成了覆蓋全球的服務網絡。Noah與眾多客戶共享著相似的成長軌跡,作為開放與經濟增長的受益者,我們樂於在這個過程中與他們同甘共苦,深入理解他們的每一個需求。這一過程中,Noah也積累了豐富的國際經驗,能夠為全球客戶提供定制化的策略建議與洞見。 此外,Grant還敏銳地指出了中國企業家在全球化進程中融入當地環境時所面臨的諸多挑戰,包括社交、營商及人才環境等方面的差異。他倡導企業應具備多元化思維,積極融入當地文化,構建本土化的運營模式,以更好地適應並引領國際市場的變革。 論壇尾聲,Grant還隆重介紹了Noah國際品牌的全新升級,ARK Private Wealth品牌今日啓航,這一舉措不僅標誌著公司在業務拓展上的又一里程碑,也預示著Noah將繼續以創新為驅動,引領華語投資者在全球化浪潮中乘風破浪。 On September 12, Grant Pan, CFO of Noah Holdings and CEO of Noah HK, attended the 10th J.P. Morgan 2024 APAC CFO and Treasurers Forum. Participating in a panel discussion on "Growth Corridors," he joined Lenovo's Winston Cheng, Lianlian SEA's Richard Zhang, and moderator Chul Han from J.P. Morgan to explore challenges confronting CFOs in the region. Grant emphasized Noah's unique perspectives on the Middle East, demonstrating how the company supports Chinese entrepreneurs venturing overseas with distinct advantages. He underscored that globalization is a deeply personal journey, with Noah addressing both professional and personal needs. Since establishing a presence in Hong Kong in 2012, Noah has pursued global expansion, entering the United States in 2017 and Singapore in 2019, mirroring the growth trajectories of its clients. As a partner in fostering openness and growth, Noah shares experiences, intimately understands clients' requirements, and provides customized strategic advice. Grant further acknowledged the hurdles that Chinese entrepreneurs encounter during globalization, emphasizing the importance of diverse thinking, cultural assimilation, and localized operational frameworks. He concluded the forum by announcing the upgrade of Noah's international brand, ARK Private Wealth, marking a significant milestone in the company's expansion and innovation journey, and guiding Mandarin-speaking investors in navigating the tides of globalization. #Noah #NoahHoldinhgs #JPMorgan

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    9月12日,諾亞控股在香港辦公室隆重舉辦了ARK Private Wealth品牌的全球啟航盛典及辦公室揭幕儀式,正式宣佈其國際品牌體系升級,標誌著公司在全球擴展方面邁出了重要的一步。ARK Private Wealth旨在以全球視野引領財富管理,成為華語投資者信賴的海外首選品牌。 ARK啟航儀式於9點12分在全新升級的銅鑼灣時代廣場職場隆重舉行,香港各界貴賓、尊貴客戶、公司管理層、合作夥伴及全體員工歡聚一堂,共同見證了這一歷史性的輝煌時刻。 在慶典的焦點環節,諾亞控股CFO、HK OFFICE CEO潘青先生發表演講回顧了諾亞香港12年的輝煌歷程,展望了ARK Private Wealth品牌在全球市場上的宏偉藍圖,同時表達了對華語投資者持續提供優質服務的堅定承諾。 自成立以來,諾亞香港已穩健發展十二載,作為服務高淨值華人的頂尖獨立財富管理機構,不僅在香港成功上市,更榮獲了證監會、保監會的權威認證,成為PWMA香港私人財富管理協會的尊貴會員,且是唯一一家非銀行機構會員。這些殊榮,是對諾亞香港專業實力與服務品質的最佳詮釋。而今,ARK Hong Kong作為諾亞海外戰略的核心陣地,正引領著我們向更加廣闊的國際市場進軍。 我們的目標,是跨越國界,連接全球,為華語投資者提供更加國際化、專業化的財富管理解決方案。 此次國際品牌升級,是公司戰略佈局邁向新高度的重要一步。今日的啟航儀式,亦是我們對服務華語投資者的長期承諾。隨著職場煥新與品牌升級的落地,ARK將如“Different World, Same Us”這句slogan所釋義的核心理念一般,無論世界如何變化,始終陪伴客戶共同邁向未來。 On September 12th, Noah Holdings successfully held the global launch ceremony and office unveiling for the ARK Private Wealth brand at its Hong Kong office, officially announcing the upgrade of its international brand system, marking a significant step in the company's global expansion. ARK Private Wealth aims to lead wealth management with a global perspective, striving to become the preferred overseas brand trusted by Mandarin-speaking investors. The ceremony commenced at 9:12 AM in the newly renovated Causeway Bay Times Square office, gathering dignitaries, clients, management, partners, and staff. CFO Pan Qing spoke about Noah Hong Kong's 12-year journey of success, outlining ARK's ambitious global plans and commitment to Mandarin-speaking investors. As a leading wealth manager for high-net-worth individuals, Noah Hong Kong boasts certifications from the Securities and Futures Commission and Insurance Authority, membership in the Private Wealth Management Association Hong Kong, and a unique non-banking status. ARK Hong Kong, as the cornerstone of Noah's overseas strategy, aims to expand globally, offering internationalized wealth management solutions. This brand upgrade represents a crucial step in advancing Noah's strategic layout and reinforces its dedication to serving Mandarin-speaking investors. With a revitalized workspace and brand identity, ARK embodies the slogan "Different World, Same Us," guiding clients through changing times.

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    9月10日下午,我們舉辦了“逃不開的巨變時代”爲主題的以諾書房讀書會。我們很榮幸邀請到全美期貨協會(芝加哥)注册金融衍生品交易師、企業家兼投資人拉斯·特維德帶來了他的著作《逃不開的經濟周期》、《金融心理學》、《投資最聰明的事》和《逃不開的大勢》。 On the afternoon of September 10, we held a book club event at Enoch Bookstore with the theme "The Great Changes of the Times". We were honored to invite Lars Tvede, a registered financial derivatives trader with the National Futures Association (Chicago), entrepreneur, and investor, who presented his works "Business Cycles", "The Psychology of Finance", "Bubbles, Bears and Bullshit" and "Supertrends". Lars Tvede #Noah #Noahholdings #Finance

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    9月10日下午,我們舉辦了“逃不開的巨變時代”爲主題的以諾書房讀書會。我們很榮幸邀請到全美期貨協會(芝加哥)注册金融衍生品交易師、企業家兼投資人拉斯·特維德帶來了他的著作《逃不開的經濟周期》、《金融心理學》、《投資最聰明的事》和《逃不開的大勢》。嘉賓拉斯·特維德通過前沿的視野和國際化的前瞻視角,分享了人工智能在科技創新中的應用。關于AI行業是否存在估值的泡沫?他認爲,當前的估值水平幷不算高。美國公司普遍擁有25-30倍的PE,中國公司更低。尤其在中國市場,目前依然處于相對便宜的階段。同時,他類比了互聯網和光纖産業早期的發展,指出,雖然初期投資回報不明顯,但會有延遲的收入産生。 談及美國宏觀經濟狀况,他認爲目前儘管有20%的可能性會出現負增長。但由于通貨膨脹正在消退,美聯儲可能會快速降息,避免經濟衰退。美國消費者仍然比較强勁,因此不會陷入嚴重的經濟危機。 談及AI與量子計算結合,他相信,自動化科學家與工程師,改變世界的運作方式,推動社會和經濟的深刻變革。健康和抗衰老技術相關方面,相關技術的應用可能使人類壽命大幅延長幷改善健康管理。AI的普及會帶來更高的生産率和更快的經濟增長。關注技術投資的長期價值和全球經濟周期的變化十分必要。 On the afternoon of September 10, we held a book club event at Enoch Bookstore with the theme "The Great Changes of the Times". We were honored to invite Lars Tvede, a registered financial derivatives trader with the National Futures Association (Chicago), entrepreneur, and investor, who presented his works "Inescapable Business Cycles", "The Psychology of Finance", "Bubbles, Bears and Bullshit" and "Supertrends". With cutting-edge insights and an international forward-looking perspective, our guest, Lars Tvede, shared his thoughts on the application of artificial intelligence in technological innovation. When asked whether there is a valuation bubble in the AI industry, he stated that current valuation levels are not high. U.S. companies generally have a PE ratio of 25-30x, while Chinese companies are even lower. Especially in the Chinese market, it is still relatively affordable. He also compared the early development of the internet and fiber optics industries, noting that while initial investment returns may not be significant, delayed revenue generation can occur. Regarding the U.S. macroeconomic situation, he believes there is a 20% chance of negative growth. However, as inflation is fading, the Federal Reserve may cut interest rates quickly to avoid a recession. U.S. consumers remain relatively strong, so a severe economic crisis is unlikely. On the topic of AI and quantum computing, he is convinced that automated scientists and engineers will transform how the world operates, driving profound societal and economic change. Lars Tvede #Noah #Noahholdings #AI #Economy #quantum

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    Different World,Same us. 諾亞控股即將正式踏上探索日本市場的全新旅程,我們將於日本開設アーク株式會社(Ark Japan)。無論您在哪裡,我們都在您的身邊!為了更深刻地理解並滿足您對日本市場的獨特需求與偏好,我們特此發起「日本市場需求深入研究」。 您的每一個回饋,都是我們優化產品與服務的基石。 完成問卷即可參與抽獎,為您精心準備了日本特色禮物:任天堂Switch遊戲機、富士拍立得相機、虎牌保溫杯若干。 誠摯邀請您填寫問卷,也歡迎轉發親友一同參與,期待未來在Ark Japan的相遇! #Noah #Noahholdings #ArkJapan

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    CNBC近期的報導稱,中國富裕人群正在積極尋找海外投資機會,並且這個趨勢正在加速。諾亞控股CFO,諾亞香港CEO潘青先生也在採訪中表示:“我們的大多數客戶都是紮根於中國的企業家,他們希望進一步全球化,密切關注世界各地的業務機會。 隨著他們探索新市場,對資產全球配置也有了更好的認識。” 據公司半年報資料顯示,截至 6 月底, 諾亞控股海外註冊客戶數量同比增長 23%,活躍海外客戶同比增長近 63%。海外管理的資產同比增長近15%至54億美元。(原文鏈結: Recent news from CNBC stated that wealthy individuals in China are actively seeking overseas investment opportunities, and this trend is accelerating. Mr. Qing Pan, CFO of Noah Holdings and CEO of Noah Hong Kong, stated: "The majority of our clients are entrepreneurs rooted in China, and they are looking to further globalize, paying close attention to business opportunities worldwide. As they explore new markets, they have also gained a better understanding of global asset allocation." According to the company’s interim report, as of the end of June, the number of its registered overseas clients of Noah Holdings increased by 23% year-on-year, while the number of active overseas clients grew by nearly 63% year-on-year. Overseas assets under management increased by nearly 15% to $5.4 billion. (Link: #Noah #NoahHoldings #CNBC

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    8月28日,「股神」巴菲特的伯克希爾哈撒韋成為美國科技行業以外首家市值突破1萬億美元的上市公司,並進入了由蘋果和微軟等公司主導的俱樂部。伯克希爾今年的市值上漲了2000多億美元,並在週三成為美國科技行業以外首家市值突破1萬億美元的上市公司。在過去的六十年裏,巴菲特將這家龐大的企業集團打造成了一支觸及美國經濟幾乎所有角落的力量。它的鐵路車輛穿梭在橫跨美國全國的32000多英裏的軌道上,它擁有波音公司的關鍵零部件製造商,並經營著美國最大的汽車保險公司之一。今年巴菲特一直在拋售股票,包括伯克希爾持有的一半蘋果股份,且從中獲得了巨額交易利潤,並將收益投入現金和短期美債。對於美股「第八巨頭」誕生,伯克希爾加入萬億美元俱樂部你有什麽看法?歡迎評論留言。 On August 28, Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway became the first publicly traded company outside the U.S. technology sector to surpass a market capitalisation of $1 trillion, and entered a club dominated by companies such as Apple and Microsoft. Berkshire's market capitalisation has risen by more than $200bn this year and on Wednesday became the first listed company outside the US technology sector to top $1 trillion in market capitalisation. Over the past six decades, Buffett has built the sprawling conglomerate into a force that touches nearly every corner of the U.S. economy. Its rail cars travel on more than 32,000 miles of track across the country, it owns the maker of key Boeing Co. components and runs one of the largest U.S. auto insurers. Buffett has been selling stocks this year, including half of Berkshire's Apple stake, and has made huge trading profits from the sale, putting the proceeds into cash and short-term US debt. What do you think about the birth of the ‘eighth giant’ of U.S. stocks, Berkshire joined the trillion-dollar club? Feel free to leave a comment. #Noah #NoahHoldings #Buffett

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