Give to CLTC

Amplifying the upside of the digital revolution

There are many great ways to give to CLTC – we invite you to consider our most important priorities: 

  • The Fund for CLTC: Flexible funding to help our students and faculty advance groundbreaking research, train larger numbers of diverse foresight-trained security professionals, and expand our digital security curriculum and tools to help people and organizations at risk of cyberattacks.
  • The Cal Cybersecurity Research Fellows Fund: Gifts to this fund directly fuels UC Berkeley students, postdoctoral fellows, and/or faculty (individuals and/or teams) whose research at the intersection of humans and technology helps expand public understanding of cybersecurity broadly defined.
  • The Cyberdefense for Reproductive Rights Fund: This fund supports direct technical assistance and original research projects that protect safe and equitable access to reproductive rights, including the digital security of those working in or accessing related services.

UC Berkeley accepts gifts in many ways. Visit for more information on making:

  • Gifts online
  • Checks and cash
  • Wire transfer / ACH
  • Securities
  • Planned gifts
  • Foundation and Corporate Philanthropy
  • Donor Advised Funds 
  • Digital Currency (Cryptocurrency) 
  • Giving from Abroad 

We invite conversation around specific research initiatives, projects, and naming opportunities: Shanti Corrigan, Senior Director of Philanthropy, welcomes your outreach at [email protected].

Industry leaders are invited to consider partnering with CLTC on our trailblazing Cybersecurity Futures 2030 scenario work, conducted in collaboration with the World Economic Forum. Contact Shanti Corrigan at [email protected].

For more information about CLTC’s contributors, please view our funding policy.

For one-page summaries of CLTC’s flagship programs and ways your gifts make an impact, download PDFs below: