Traffic filtering service

We protect your website from bots, moderators, spy services, comptetitors and any other unwanted traffic
Got questions?
Text your manager, they will help you with all your quesitons!

The way it works

Everything is clear and simple

No programming skills required.

You can set everything up in 2 minutes. This is a cloud service, which means you don't need to your own server and install our software there.

Machine Learning

Professional solution for traffic filtering and content protection based on Machine Learning.

Traffic sources

Works perfectly with any traffic source: Facebook, Yandex, MT, TikTok and any other advertising platforms.

Traffic filtering

Flexible filtering available by the following parameters: countries, devices, OS, browsers, VPN/Proxy, IPv6, ISP, Referrer. Plus, you create your own Black List.

PHP integration

You can work with your own websites or site builders. Even with a complete lack of technical knowledge. You will be able to install and configure the script yourself.


Detailed statistics by date, countries, cities, flows, devices, OS, browsers, and alos for each click.

Promocodes and bonuses

Starting from $30/month billing monthly.
Starting from $20/month billing anually.

Sign up in the system

After registration, you will automatically receive trial access for 7 days, without any restrictions.

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