Do Not Be Foolish

Sep 26, 2024

Those who do not believe in God and believe only in themselves are lost in a world that God gave to you and me, a world of caring, sharing, and loving each other! We should pray to God that “He” will not abandon us and keep on “Loving” us, after all our transgressions against each other and against God himself! All the hurtful things that we do to each other, breaking God’s “Commandments”, that teach us how we should live in this world with one another. Those that are lost, living in their own “Reality World”, always trying to bring others down, because they look, act, or think differently; please let us be for this world doesn’t belong to just you, alone! God created us so that we are all intertwined with each other, be it near or far away, giving us that one incredible gift “Never Ending Love”! That gift is why Jesus Christ died on the cross at Calvary, so that our sins could be forgiven, so that we could be reborn again in Christ, a new beginning, “Our Sins Washed Away”, living and following his teachings of “Love”, not “Hate”, asking for the forgiveness of our “Sins”, that would grant us peace within ourselves and “Eternal Life”. Yes “He” loves all of us, and love is such a beautiful thing. It is woven within our DNA”, because “Love” is the only gift that comforts, that brings families, loved ones, strangers and even enemies together! Love is the only “Human Power” that can conquer hatred! Visit: The Power of Prayer Mission of Our Lord Jesus Christ at:
