
Date format:

2020-01-01 January 1, 2020 Jan 1, 2020 1 January 2020 1 Jan 2020

Pipe spacing:

{{cite book | last=Smith | first=Bob}} {{cite book |last=Smith |first=Bob}} {{cite book|last=Smith|first=Bob}}

Shortened footnote and citation:

* {{cite book | last=Wellman | first=Douglas | last2=Musick | first2=Mark | title=Boxes: The Secret Life of Howard Hughes | publisher=BQB Publishing | date=2016-03-22 | isbn=978-1-60808-140-0}}

Named reference:
<ref name="g643">{{cite book | last=Wellman | first=Douglas | last2=Musick | first2=Mark | title=Boxes: The Secret Life of Howard Hughes | publisher=BQB Publishing | date=2016-03-22 | isbn=978-1-60808-140-0 | page=}}</ref>