Special Reports

Measuring Resilience in Support of Effective Investment in Climate Adaptation (2024)

The Washington state legislature requested that the Climate Impacts Group “examine existing best practices and new methods that could be used to measure and evaluate climate change resilience for the purpose of better understanding and tracking how investments made in climate change resilience translate into outcomes”. In response, this report describes “best practices” to measure climate resilience in support of effective adaptation. It was developed in collaboration with the Department of Ecology and the interagency team updating Washington’s climate resilience strategy.

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In the Hot Seat: Saving Lives from Extreme Heat in Washington State (2023)

This report describes the problem of extreme heat and outlines specific, actionable guidance for short-term emergency response and long-term risk reduction. The report highlights roles state and local governments, elected officials, community- and faith-based organizations and others can play in reducing the health impacts of heat exposure and saving lives from extreme heat. This report is also available in Spanish.

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Water Year Assessment 

The annual assessment of water year impacts on the Pacific Northwest is an ongoing project with the goal of better understanding the impacts of events and conditions of the previous water year on agricultural production, drinking water supply, hydropower, fisheries, recreation, forestry and other sectors dependent on natural resources.

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Shifting Snowlines and Shorelines (2020)

Climate change is altering the cryosphere (Earth’s frozen regions) and the ocean, which in turn affects our communities, economies and the environment. Drawing on recent data from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change as well as research from the Climate Impacts Group, this 10-page, public-facing brief overviews the importance of the ocean and Earth’s frozen regions, how they are being affected by human activity and what we stand to lose if we don’t act now. This report is also available in Spanish.

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The Washington Coastal Resilience Project (2020)

The overall aim of this three-year, collaborative project was to improve risk projections, provide better guidance for land use planners and strengthen capital investment programs for coastal restoration and infrastructure.

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No Time to Waste (2019)

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5°C describes the expected impacts of 1.5°C and 2°C of warming and outlines global greenhouse gas emission reduction pathways that could limit warming to those levels. This brief summarizes the Special Report (SR15) and related consequences for Washington state. This report is also available in Spanish.

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Managing Western Washington Wildfire Risk in a Changing Climate (2019) 

This report and webinar are designed to provide more information to decision makers regarding the context and risks of westside fires in a changing climate, and highlight key areas of research and collaboration that will be necessary to manage Western Washington wildfire risk in the future.

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An Unfair Share: Exploring the Disproportionate Risks from Climate Change Facing Washington State Communities (2018)

An Unfair Share outlines how communities in Washington may be exposed differently to climate-related hazards and how factors like race/ethnicity, wealth, income, level of education and health status affect the ability to cope with climate impacts.

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Projected Sea Level Rise for Washington State – A 2018 Assessment (2018)

Developed as part of the Washington Coastal Resilience Project, this report provides community-scale sea level rise projections out to the year 2150 for 171 different locations around coastal Washington. For each location, this report assesses the likelihood that sea level rise will reach or exceed a certain level relative to the present. This probabilistic approach is designed to support direct application in risk management and planning.

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State of Knowledge Report
State of Knowledge: Climate Change in Puget Sound (2015)

This report summarizes the current state of knowledge concerning observed and likely future climate trends and their effects on the lands, waters and people of the Puget Sound region.

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Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation in Washington State: Technical Summaries for Decision Makers (2013)

This report summarizes existing knowledge about the likely effects of climate change on Washington State and the Pacific Northwest.

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Climate Change in the Northwest

Northwest Climate Assessment Report (2013)

This report serves as an updated resource for scientists, stakeholders, decision makers, students, and community members interested in understanding and preparing for climate change impacts on Oregon, Washington, and Idaho. This report is intended to support the key findings presented in the Northwest chapter of the Third National Climate Assessment.


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Washington Climate Change Impacts Assessment (2009)

The Washington Climate Change Impacts Assessment is a comprehensive look at how climate change may affect key sectors of Washington’s natural and built environment, including agriculture, coasts, energy, forests, human health, salmon, urban stormwater infrastructure, and water supply. Funding for the study was provided by the Washington State Legislature.

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Preparing for Climate Change: A Guidebook for Local, Regional, and State Governments (2007)

This guidebook is designed to help local, regional, and state governments prepare for climate change by recommending a detailed, easy-to-understand process for climate change preparedness based on familiar resources and tools.

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