Other Datasets

MAGICC: Global Greenhouse Gas and Climate Scenarios

This database, produced collaboratively by researchers from NCAR, Potsdam, CRU, University of Melbourne and Manchester Metropolitan University, includes information on global greenhouse gas scenarios and includes estimates of climate projections for global models used in the 2007 and 2013 IPCC assessments. Results can be browsed via interactive plots and are also available for download.

Read more about MAGICC

White House Data Tool for Climate Change

The White House is partnering with Google, Microsoft, and Intel others to develop a clearinghouse for climate data and tools to support communities’ adaptation to climate change. The federal site hosts data related to climate change that can help inform America’s communities, businesses and citizens in their efforts to prepare for, and adapt to, the impacts of climate change. Still in its pilot phase, the site focuses on coastal vulnerbilities, but will soon offer data and tools for other climate-related impacts, including human health, food supply and energy infrastructure.

Read more about the White House Tool

Downscaled CMIP3 and CMIP5 Hydrology Projections

A collaboration among the US Bureau of Reclamation, the National Center for Atmospheric Research, the Army Corps of Engineers and other agencies resulted in fine spatial projections of climate and hydrology for the contiguous US. These projections are based on both the CMIP3 and CMIP5 phases of multi-model datasets archived by the World Climate Research Program. The datasets include statistically downscaled projections for climate (contiguous US) and hydrology (Western US) associated with CMIP3; and for climate and hydrology (contiguous US) using the CMIP5 dataset.

Read more about Downscaled CMIP3 and CMIP5 Projections

Climate Western North America: Climate WNA

ClimateWNA (Climate Western North America) is a tool developed by researchers from the University of British Columbia that can be used to obtain seasonal and annual climate metrics for any location in western North America. The dataset is based on an interpolation of PRISM (Parameter-elevation Regressions on Independent Slopes Model) monthly data, and includes projected change in climate from the CMIP3 multi-model archive.

Read more about Climate WNA

CMIP3 and CMIP5 (Coupled Model Intercomparison Project, phases 3 and 5)

The CMIP3 and CMIP5 archives consist of coordinated sets of climate model experiments from numerous modeling groups worldwide. These experiments include the often-cited climate projections based on greenhouse gas scenarios such as B1 and A1B from CMIP3, and RCP4.5 and RCP8.5 from CMIP5. These simulations form the basis for the 2007 and 2013 IPCC reports, respectively. Although data are publicly available, some require technical expertise to obtain and analyze due to their large size.

Read more about CMIP5

Read more about CMIP3

Coterminous Climate and Hydrology Projections

A database of statistically downscaled climate projections for the Western US, implemented at a daily temporal resolution and a spatial resolution of 2.5 arc-minutes (4 sq. km). Climate projections stem from the CMIP5 global model archive, and are produced using two statistical downscaling approaches (monthly BCSD and daily BCCA). These projections were developed by the Bureau of Reclamation, Climate Analytics Group, Climate Central, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Santa Clara University, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, US Army Corps of Engineers, and US Geological Survey.

Read more about the Hydroclimate Projections

NARCCAP: Regional Climate Projections

The North American Regional Climate Change Assessment Program, or NARCCAP, is an international effort to provide a large ensemble of high resolution dynamically downscaled climate projections for regional-scale impacts studies. All NARCCAP simulations cover the conterminous US and most of Canada at a temporal resolution of 3 hours and a spatial resolution of 50 km. Results are publicly available, but require some technical expertise to obtain and analyze.

Read more about NARCCAP

NASA Earth Exchange Fine Scale Climate Projections

This dataset, developed by NASA, provides high resolution, bias-corrected climate projections for finer-scale impacts assessments. It includes a comprehensive set of downscaled climate projections for the coterminous US, implemented at a monthly temporal resolution and a spatial resolution of 30 arc-seconds (~800 m2). Projections are derived from the CMIP5 global model archive, and were produced for 33 global models and all four RCP greenhouse gas scenarios.

Read more about the NASA Projections

PCIC Plan2Adapt Tool

PCIC’s (Pacific Climate Impacts Consortium) Plan2Adapt Tool generates maps, plots and data for projected climate conditions in regions throughout British Columbia. The tool is similar to the PCIC Regional Analysis Tool, but uses a simpler interface designed to serve the needs of local and community planners.

Read more about PCIC’s Plan2Adapt

PCIC Regional Analysis Tool

PCIC’s (Pacific Climate Impacts Consortium) Regional Analysis Tool generates maps, plots and data for projected climate conditions in the Pacific and Yukon regions. The tool applies 15 global climate models from the IPCC (2007) archives to generate output based on the user’s choice of location and future time period.

Read more about PCIC’s Regional Analysis Tool

USGS RegClim: Regional Model Projections

A database of dynamically downscaled climate projections for both Western North America (WNA) and Eastern North America (ENA), implemented at a temporal resolution of daily, monthly and decadal timeframes and a spatial resolution of 50 and 15 km. Climate projections stem from the CMIP3 global model archive, using four global model projections and the A2 greenhouse gas scenario. This dataset was developed by the US Geological Survey.

Read more about USGS RegClim

Western US Climate Projections

This dataset uses the Multivariate Adaptive Constructed Analogs (MACA) statistical downscaling method to generate regional climate projections from 14 global models of the CMIP5. The data cover the Western US at daily and monthly time steps and at a resolution of 4 sq km. Developed by researchers at the University of Idaho.

Read more about MACA

NorWeST Stream Temperature Database

A database of observed and modeled stream temperature data for the Western US. The observed data are applied to a spatial statistical stream network model to develop consistent temperature estimates for each 1-km stream segments in the database. Stream temperature data are primarily available for summer, when observations are more common. This database was developed by the US Forest Service Rocky Mountain Research Station.

Read more about NorWest

Riverscape Analysis Project

The Riverscape Analysis Project (RAP) is a web-based mapping program designed to support salmon conservation decisions for the North Pacific Rim Rivers (including Japan, Alaska, British Columbia and the US West Coast). Using a physically-based stream temperature model, the RAP provides historical and future streamflows and stream temperatures under conditions projected by downscaled global climate models archived in the IPCC (2007). This mapping tool was developed by the University of Montana.

Read more about Riverscape

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