Northwest Climate Adaptation Science Center

Delivering science to help fish, wildlife, water, land and people adapt to a changing climate.

The University of Washington is the currently the host of the Department of the Interior’s Northwest Climate Adaptation Science Center (NW CASC).  The University of Washington, Boise State University, University of Montana, Oregon State University, Washington State University and Western Washington University make up the NW CASC university consortium. The University Director of the NW CASC is Meade Krosby and the University Deputy Director is Scott Kalafatis, both of the Climate Impacts Group. The NW CASC is also a member organization of the College of the Environment EarthLab. The leadership team works closely with the US Geological Survey Director, Nicole DeCrappeo.

This Federal-University partnership works closely with federal, state, and tribal entities – including those responsible for managing and protecting the land, water, and natural resources of the Northwest – to develop actionable climate science and decision support tools.

Visit the Northwest Climate Adaptation Science Center website to learn more.

Current NW CASC Leadership:

Dr. Nicole DeCrappeo – Federal Director, United States Geological Survey

Dr. Meade Krosby – University Director, University of Washington Climate Impacts Group

Dr. Scott Kalafatis – Deputy University Director, University of Washington Climate Impacts Group

Dr. Solomon Dobrowski – University Lead, University of Montana

Dr. Selina Heppell – University Lead, Oregon State University

Dr. Alejandro Flores – University Co-Lead, Boise State University

Dr. Kendra Kaiser – University Co-Lead, Boise State University

Dr. Jan Boll – University Co-Lead, Washington State University

Dr. Julie Padowski – University Co-Lead, Washington State University

Dr. John Rybczyk– University Lead, Western Washington University



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