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Get Involved Online

10 easy ways to support Julian Assange and Wikileaks without leaving your home.

See ☞ Get Involved Offline for complementary, on-the-ground (post-lockdown!) support strategies.

Knowledge is Power! Follow independent media, watch films, read books…stay curious!

Past events
Visit this page for an archive of online and public discussion events organised in support of Julian and Wikileaks. Links to replays included.

Unity4J vigil archive
Mar 28, 2018 - In response to Julian's internet access and visitation rights at the embassy being abruptly revoked by the Ecuadorian government, supporters swiftly organized #ReconnectJulian, a 10-hour-long online vigil event. Friends and supporters of Julian came together to speak for the voiceless. This collaboration birthed #Unity4J.
Nov 4, 2018 - After widespread media reporting that Assange was to be imminently evicted, #Unity4J held their first 'emergency meeting' and launched a new organising platform for supporting Julian, hosting monthly vigils on their Youtube platform.
June 14, 2019 - after 15 months, Unity4J held their last vigil before passing on the torch to other support groups who were inspired by their initiative.
View the full archive here.

Action4Assange vigils
Carrying on the tradition of Unity4J, Action4Assange hold live vigils on their Youtube channel. Now streaming twice a week: Tuesday 9pm EST/1am GMT and Saturday 1pm EST/5pm GMT. Watch here

Tune in to Radio Free Assange stay informed and take action! listen & download campaign jingles,exerts and propaganda here :

Radio Free Assange is a 24/7 radio program dedicated to ending the political persecution of Julian Assange.
An algorithmically curated collage of sound bits found online: songs and remixes, podcasts, documentaries, speeches, protests, interviews…It bursts with surprising soundscapes, spanning from joy to anger, in defense of uncompromising journalistic activities worldwide.
Radio Free Assange invites all people, musicians, artists, to give a voice, a song or some noise, shedding light on Assange's situation, and contribute to ongoing efforts aiming towards his liberation.

Send suggestions (including links) to this email radiofreeassange[@]

Share this list of FREE online streaming movies and our own selection with your friends and family.

Share these free epub and pdf ebooks with your friends and family.

Locate and join a support group near you, or start your own with the help manual.

Some great ideas found at:

Instead of boiling in our own juices with rage for the cancellation of our ground solidarity due to the corona virus epidemic, let’s think outside the box and turn our actions online. What can one do?

  • Petitions, letter writing, twitter/facebook storms
  • Turn the on the ground actions into online vigils in the wonderful tradition of unity4j they used and livestreamed on youtube. SKILL UP organisers, skill up and go viral online.
  • Organise your own online group based on the group you’ve got on the ground and find your own format of demo/protest/vigil, keep the flame alive during lockdown.
  • Stream a chosen interview JA gave and stage an online discussion via or any other video conferencing app you can get hold off. Do a live podcast. It does not have to be perfect!!!!! Try and learn from trying.
  • Organise/mobilise cross country based on timezones so it is easy to congregate. Reach out to people across borders, get to know who is who, organise common online actions. We already do so on Signal and Whatsapp chats, Twitter and Facebook pages.
  • Let’s take it further and have online conferences of solidarity activists.

Don’t wait for an invitation ladies and gents - make it happen! Don’t do 1, do a 100 as and when you can link up, 1st by country then across borders. Corona Virus cannot stop our virtual travels!

The yellow ribbon is an international symbol of support for those who are missing or held hostage. Read an article explaining its origins here.

Join the global campaign #YellowRibbons4Assange to highlight the arbitrary detention of Julian Assange in Belmarsh high security prison. Write messages, hashtags etc. on your yellow ribbons and tie around trees, poles, everywhere!

Post your pictures on this twitter page and across other social media platforms with the hashtags #YellowRibbons4Assange and #Ribbons4Assange.

The campaign was started by supporter TrumanHuman2020 in May 2020 and will go on until the day Assange is free.

Given the current impossibility of demonstrating for the release of Julian Assange, here are 2 solo vigil actions proposed by #Candles4Assange that respects the rules of lockdown and social distancing.

Solo vigil #1 : home


Solo vigil #2 : Behind bars

Watch our showreel. Take a picture behind a barrier (or something to that effect!) with a sign supporting #JulianAssange and send it to [email protected] - remember to state your name and city!

Send emails, letters, postcards, pigeons, or pick up the phone!

Includes automated tools to send emails in just a few clicks!

♦ Your MP

Automated emailing tool: Official DEA Campaign - Find and contact your MP in 2 clicks, using your postcode and this (editable) email template

Twitter: List of all UK parliamentarians' twitter accounts

♦ All MPs

Reach out to all Members of Parliament to let them know of your discontent. Julian’s case is a matter of national importance that warrants contacting both your MP and MPs for other areas of which you are not a constituent. Be sure to tell them it is a matter of national importance!

Use this handy spreadsheet to contact MPs by telephone, mail or on social media (twitter). Aim to contact a set number each day (e.g. 5). Tips on how to do this efficiently can be found: here

♦ The Ministry of Justice (MoJ)

With the help of this step-by-step guide, contact the Minister of Justice using the online government contact form

Here is a list of the people you could write to:

♦ The Home Secretary

Send Priti postcards…Perfect time to paper the Home Secretary office again with a 'Mass Postcarding'!

Priti Patel
Home Office
2 Marsham Street
London, SW1P 4DF

Automated emailing tool:
Note: You may need to sign the first email letter in order to access the others!

  • Bring Julian Assange Home to Australia, addressed to Senator Marise Payne (Australian Minister for Foreign Affairs)
  • Julian Assange: No Australian will have to go through this alone, addressed to George Brandis QC (Australian High Commissioner to the UK)
  • COVID-19 Fears for Julian Assange, addressed to Priti Patel MP (UK Home Secretary)
  • COVID-19 Fears for Julian Assange, addressed to Lord David Prior (Chair NHS England and NHS Improvement)
  • Regarding The Unfair Treatment of Julian Assange, addressed to Rob Davis OBE (Governor Belmarsh Prison)
  • Torture, Crimes against humanity, Julian Assange, addressed to Lord Robert Buckland (UK Secretary of State for Justice) and Suella Braverman (UK Attorney General)

Automated emailing tools:

There are 3 options for US citizens to contact their parliamentarians.

Automated emailing tool: - OPEN TO EVERYONE !
Note: You may need to sign the first email letter in order to access the others!

  • Bring Julian Assange Home to Australia, addressed to Senator Marise Payne (Australian Minister for Foreign Affairs)
  • Julian Assange: No Australian will have to go through this alone, addressed to George Brandis QC (Australian High Commissioner to the UK)
  • COVID-19 Fears for Julian Assange, addressed to Priti Patel MP (UK Home Secretary)
  • Covid-19 Fears for Julian Assange, addressed to Lord David Prior (Chair NHS England and NHS Improvement)
  • Regarding The Unfair Treatment of Julian Assange, addressed to Rob Davis OBE (Governor Belmarsh Prison)
  • Torture, Crimes against humanity, Julian Assange, addressed to Lord Robert Buckland (UK Secretary of State for Justice) and Suella Braverman (UK Attorney General)




Not sure what to write? Here is some inspiration.

1. General letter - to UK MPs
2. Bail and immediate release for Mr Julian Assange - to Chief Magistrate Emma Arbuthnot and Judge Vanessa Baraitser
3. International Jurists’ Letter in Defence of Julian Assange - to UK PM Boris Johnson
4. Torture, Crimes against humanity, Julian Assange - to Lord Buckland (UK Secretary of State for Justice) and Suella Braveman (UK Attorney General)
5. The illegal detention of Mr Julian Assange - to the International Criminal Court — the office of the Prosecutor
6. Julian Assange: No Australian will have to go through this alone - to Australian High Commissioner to the UK, George Brandis QC
7. The Life of Julian Assange is at Risk - Commitment necessary - to Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison
8. COVID-19 Fears for Julian Assange - to Lord David Prior (Chair NHS England and NHS Improvement)


Human Rights



Please share these links with all your friends and relatives.


  • Set Julian Free! - For an inquiry into Swedish legal treatment, and asylum for Julian Assange.


Other active petitions/open letters


Use the trending hashtags to reach more people with your message!
Use popular hashtags for campaigning to #FreeAssange during #CoronaCrisisUk such as #SaturdayMotivation while you #StayHomeSaveLives. #DontExtraditeAssange campaign continues during #COVID-19 #lockdown while we #StayHome and practice #SocialDistancing to #FlattenTheCurve! #ElephantInTheRoom #ShutDownTheShowtrial

#FreeAssange #DontExtraditeAssange #SaveJulian #ThePeopleSpeak #SaveAssangeCovid19
#JulianAssange #Assange #FreeAssange #FreeJulian #FreeJulianAssange #FreeAssangeNOW #FreeJulianAssangeNOW #ReleaseAssange #BailAssangeUK #NoUSExtradition #NoExtradition #NoExtraditionUSA #NoExtradition4Assange #ShutDownTheShowtrial #StopTheShowTrial #BringJulianHome #AmplifyAssange #ProtectJulian #ProtectAssange #WikiLeaks #WLArtForce #Justice4Assange #Unity4J #Candles4Assange #CloversForAssange #YellowRibbons4Assange #Ribbons4Assange #Journalists4Assange #Lawyers4Assange #Doctors4Assange #Mothers4Assange #Artists4Assange #Musicians4Assange #Violinists4Assange #Ratbags4Assange #People4Assange #Citizens4Assange #GlobalCitizens4Assange #Travellers4Assange #AussieTourists4Assange #Hikers4Assange #IAmJulianAssange #IStandWithAssange #HandsOffAssange #LettersToJulian #WriteJulian #AssangeCase #AssangeHearing #AssangeTrial #UCGlobal #VanessaBaraitser

To widen the reach, consider including:
#FreedomNow #SetHimFree #Resist #ElephantInTheRoom #FairTrial #HumanRights #JournalismIsNotACrime #PressFreedom #FreePress #ProtectPressFreedom #ProtectFreeSpeech #FreeInternet #SaveTheInternet


Contact parliamentaries, human rights organizations etc. on Twitter! Here's a list of all UK parliamentaries Twitter accounts:


Join the #AssangeChallenge!! Share petitions or movie list on your social media accounts and tag 3 people to challenge them to further share it to raise awareness about Julian’s continued torture! Let’s flood the internet!


Organise a coordinated, targeted spike in activity surrounding relevant topics, during a given time period, on multiple social media platforms.

Campaigning material and graphics

Go to Campaigning Material for a treasure trove of copyright-free material to print out, or use and share on your social media platforms.


Julian Assange and WikiLeaks are the subject of regular false claims and smears in the media – a consequence of challenging the powerful. Media outlets which should support truth-tellers often choose to side with powerful interests seeking to undermine WikiLeaks and the public’s right to know. A common smear has become to falsely link Julian Assange and WikiLeaks to Russia, when no links exist. You can write to media outlets and individual journalists who report false news, pointing out the truth. You can use individual newspapers’ complaint mechanisms to challenge editors and press them to issue apologies and retractions. You can use your online, social media presence to inform others about false media reporting. Some resources.

Arm yourself with paper, scissors and glue and let your creative juices flow!

What will you make today…a cardboard Whistle-head?, a Freedom Torch?

Head on over to Campaigning Material: DIY projects for hands-on craft ideas and virtual projects (memes, gifs, graphics etc.)

Donating your time to support this cause is very powerful.

Please consider also making a financial contribution to help cover the cost of running organisations and campaigns.
Did you know that Julian's lawyers are working pro bono, or that WikiLeaks is entirely funded by its readers and is being challenged by multi-million dollar corporations?

We rely on supporters like you to help.

You can find more information about these organisations here

Help grassroots support groups to organise events and rallies, and cover printing costs for flyers, banners etc.

  • Assange Campaign Australia donate
  • Australians For Assange donate

write_to_julian_truman.jpeg Before writing to Julian, please write at least one letter to a politician or leader and take another action to defend Julian.

Join the mass letter writing campaign, as initiated by

Please write short personal notes and let Julian know of the actions you've taken to help defend him.
Please do not include sensitive information in your letter.

To ensure your letter reaches Julian, follow the campaign guidelines.

Read some of Julian's replies.

You could leave a comment if you were logged in.
  • get_involved_online.txt
  • Last modified: 2020/09/01 06:59
  • by iris