Dengue Academy

Dengue Academy


Glattpark, Zurich 3.766 Follower:innen

Knowledge is power - discover the power to #controldengue with Dengue Academy


A comprehensive website for healthcare professionals (HCPs), covering topics such as the epidemiology, diagnosis, burden, and control of dengue. HCPs will have access to online events, continuing medical education (CME), research summaries, and more. Read our community guidelines:

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Glattpark, Zurich


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    Profil von Melvin Sanicas, MD MSc MBA anzeigen, Grafik

    International Medical Director | Physician - Scientist | Science Communication | HBR Advisory Council Member | FRSPH FRSA CMgr FCMI

    Extreme heat and rain are formidable enough on their own, and it’s getting hotter and wetter with #climatechange. But combined, these conditions can bring on yet another foe: #mosquitoes. Mosquitoes flourish when there’s plenty of water around to lay eggs in, and warm temperatures help those offspring thrive. The insects themselves aren’t a problem — though their bites are annoyingly itchy. But the viruses, bacteria and parasites they carry are. Preventing infections from #mosquito-borne diseases like #dengue, #WestNileVirus, and #OropoucheFever, especially in the face of extreme heat and rain, requires a combination of personal protective measures and community-wide efforts. Here’s what you can do: 🔶 Personal Protective Measures 🔸 Use Insect Repellents: Apply EPA-approved insect repellents that contain DEET, picaridin, oil of lemon eucalyptus, or IR3535. Follow the instructions carefully, and reapply as needed, especially after sweating or getting wet. 🔸 Wear Protective Clothing: Wear long-sleeved shirts, long pants, and socks when outdoors, particularly during dawn and dusk when mosquitoes are most active. Consider treating your clothing with permethrin for added protection. 🔸 Use Bed Nets: If you live in or travel to an area with high mosquito activity, use bed nets, especially if sleeping outdoors or in rooms without air conditioning or window screens. 🔸 Stay Indoors During Peak Mosquito Activity: Limit outdoor activities during early morning and late evening when mosquitoes are most active. 🔶 Environmental and Community Measures 🔸 Eliminate Standing Water: Mosquitoes breed in standing water. Regularly empty and clean items that collect water, such as flower pots, buckets, bird baths, and gutters. 🔸 Maintain Your Environment: Keep your surroundings clean and free of debris where mosquitoes might breed. Ensure that window and door screens are intact and free of holes. 🔸 Support Community Efforts: Participate in or support community mosquito control programs, which may include spraying insecticides or releasing mosquito larvae-eating fish in standing water bodies. 🔸 Use Mosquito Traps: Consider using mosquito traps around your home to reduce the number of mosquitoes in your immediate vicinity. 🔶 Health Measures 🔸 Stay Informed: Keep up to date with local health advisories about mosquito-borne disease outbreaks and follow the recommendations from health officials. 🔸 Seek Early Treatment: If you experience symptoms like fever, headache, rash, or joint pain after a mosquito bite, seek medical attention promptly. Early diagnosis and treatment can prevent complications. 🔸 Vaccination (where available): In some regions, vaccines are available for specific mosquito-borne diseases, like the dengue vaccine. If you are in a high-risk area, consult your healthcare provider about vaccination options.

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  • Unternehmensseite von Dengue Academy anzeigen, Grafik

    3.766 Follower:innen

    In a recent publication, Poongavanan et al. (2024) investigated the risk of dengue introduction into Africa from countries of high incidence based on origin-destination air travel flows and epidemic activity at origin. They found out that countries in east Africa face higher risk of dengue importation from Asia, whereas for west African countries, larger risk of importation is estimated from South America. Some countries with high risk of importation experience low local transmission potential which likely hampers the chances that importations lead to local establishment and transmission. Visit and learn more about dengue (for an international audience of healthcare professionals outside of the US and UK) #dengue #denguefever #dengueacademy #dengueinafrica

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  • Unternehmensseite von Dengue Academy anzeigen, Grafik

    3.766 Follower:innen

    If you missed our Dengue Academy Masterclass session on Dengue Vaccines you can now watch the full video on the Dengue Academy website #dengueacademy #denguemasterclass #dengueprevention This non-promotional educational series was organized and funded by Takeda Pharmaceuticals International AG, including the payment of external speakers as consultants. Events were intended for a professional medical and scientific audience outside of the US and UK and not for members of the general public.

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  • Dengue Academy hat dies direkt geteilt

    Dengue season in Europe: with cases expected to rise and potential impacts from Paris 2024 Olympics LSHTM’s Rachel Lowe discusses how travellers can minimise their risk of infection. The ‘tiger mosquito’, Aedes albopictus, which carries a number of viruses that can infect humans including dengue, is spreading further north, east and west in Europe, according to the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC). A second mosquito species, Aedes aegypti, the main carrier of dengue in the Americas, has also become established in Cyprus. While most cases of dengue in Europe are 'imported’, brought in by travellers from dengue-affected regions, there has been a notable increase in locally-transmitted cases, which occur when mosquito colonies become established in European countries. There are also concerns that large scale events, such as the #Paris2024 #Olympics, may inadvertently lead to an increase in cases. Since 2010, when the first outbreak was reported in Croatia, 48 outbreaks have occurred in Europe. A peak in 2023 included eight outbreaks in France, four in Italy and two in Spain. Most people infected with the dengue virus will have no symptoms. Those that do will commonly experience high fever, severe headache, muscle and joint pain, and a rash, which typically subside in 1-2 weeks. There are currently no treatments for dengue infection. Explaining why cases may be increasing and how we can reduce our risk, Professor Rachel Lowe, said: "There has been a considerable increase in the spread of Aedes albopictus across the globe and into Europe since the late 1990s, mainly through international trade and transportation of goods. "Increased international travel between Europe and areas of the globe where these diseases are endemic may also be playing a role. Climate change is leading to warmer temperatures for longer periods of the year, creating more favourable conditions for the mosquito’s survival and reproduction. "To minimise their own risk of dengue infection, travellers should try to avoid mosquito bites by wearing long sleeves and trousers, using repellent and ensuring windows and doors have screens. It’s also important to check and eliminate standing water where mosquitoes can breed, such as in plant pots, buckets, and clogged gutters. "If travellers return from holiday with symptoms such as a fever, rash, join pain or red eyes after being bitten by a mosquito, they should seek medical attention promptly and inform their healthcare provider about their travel history." Read more 👉 #globalhealth #dengue #mosquitoes

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