20 currencies against which sterling has gained most since the start of lockdown

Currency March 2020 January 2022 % gain
Turkish lira 6.9462 15.6735 125.6%
Jamaican dollar 144.6400 193.6087 33.9%
Mauritius rupee 41.9436 54.5916 30.2%
Kenyan shilling 111.5823 140.4136 25.8%
Japanese yen 119.5596 145.8495 22.0%
Thai baht 35.2988 41.6944 18.1%
Barbados dollar 2.1344 2.5080 17.5%
East Caribbean dollar 2.8949 3.3891 17.1%
UAE dirham 4.0491 4.7269 16.7%
US dollar 1.1307 1.3133 16.1%
Hungarian forint 348.1215 397.6736 14.2%
Polish zloty 4.5323 5.1607 13.9%
Bulgarian lev 1.9472 2.1954 12.7%
Danish kroner 7.5057 8.4278 12.3%
Euro 1.0357 1.1627 12.3%
Icelandic krona 144.8807 161.8858 11.7%
Croatian kuna 7.5584 8.4432 11.7%
Swiss franc 1.0797 1.1942 10.6%
Egyptian pound 16.4446 18.1772 10.5%
Singapore dollar 1.5806 1.7124 8.3%

Comparison of exchange rate on January 26 vs the start of lockdown in 2020. Courtesy of the Post Office.

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