How to contact us

Find someone at CERN

CERN Community Support Centre (operated by Service Desk)

  • For registration service, access cards, professional visitors cards, visitors' cards with a guarantor, dosimetry distribution and biometry enrolment, please contact: 
    CERN Community Support Centre, Building 33. Open 7.00am - 6.30pm on work days, Geneva time.
  • Raise a ticket through the Service Portal, send an email to [email protected], call them on +41 (0) 22 76 77777 or visit them or their website.

Service Desk

  • For questions or technical problems about services related to CERN such as your CERN account, or internal administrative issues, please contact:
    CERN Service Desk, Building 33. Open 7.00am - 6.30pm on work days, Geneva time.
  • Raise a ticket through the Service Portal, send an email to [email protected], call them on +41 (0) 22 76 77777 or visit them.

Visitor reception (Science Gateway)

  • For general enquiries speak to reception on +41 (0) 22 76 784 84 or +41 (0) 22 76 776  76 or send them an email: [email protected].
  • Opening hours: Monday - Friday from 8am to 5.45pm, Saturday 8.30am to 5.15pm.
  • Reception is closed on CERN holidays, which include Easter and Christmas. If you want to visit during official French and Swiss holidays, it's better to phone beforehand to check if CERN is open.

Visits service

Press office

Postal addresses

As CERN is on the border between France and Switzerland it has two official postal addresses:

For Switzerland For France

1211 Geneva 23

Organisation Européenne pour la Recherche Nucléaire


  • Want to apply to a job at CERN? See the CERN jobs website for all information about CERN careers and the application process.


  • Queries or issues with the CERN website? Contact the web team through the Service Portal.