Question on what referrals are called?


Is there any difference between an 'Urgent Suspected Cancer Referral' and an 'Urgent Referal' or are they just the same thing?

I notice that old CRUK documentation states 'Urgent Referal'  and the same documentation is now titled 'Urgent Suspected Cancer Referal'

I ask because I have lost all confidence in my GPS and after months of pain and problems have finally been given an Urgent Referal for an endoscope of my Pancreas.

I am waiting on the Referral letter itself.

Thanks in advance 

  • Hello and thank you for contacting us.

    I am sorry that you are worried about pancreatic cancer.

    The urgent request for an endoscopy by your GP will be the investigation pathway that they feel is appropriate in your situation.

    As far as we are aware there is only one urgent referral, but the team at the hospital will triage the referral and decide if it qualifies for an urgent procedure.

    If you are concerned do talk to your GP or the endoscopy suite.

    Take care 


  • Thank you Sarah, that makes a lot more sense. 

    Tbh communication with the GP has not the best and after I left I kicked myself for not asking the obvious. I received a note on the NHS app this morning saying the GI Endoscopy team have received a referal and it is under review.