CAHSI-Google Institutional Research Program

2024 – 2025 Call for Abstracts 


The Computing Alliance of Hispanic-Serving Institutions (CAHSI) is partnering with Google on the CAHSI-Google Institutional Research Program (IRP) to fund computing research projects in the areas of Artificial Intelligence, Responsible Artificial Intelligence, and Cybersecurity and Privacy.

Involving people with different perspectives, experiences, and disciplinary knowledge in solving problems is a key factor in our nation’s ability to innovate and compete in a global economy. CAHSI plays a pivotal role in addressing the underrepresentation of Hispanics in computing and developing future Hispanic leaders in computing with advanced degrees. The goal of the CAHSI-Google IRP program is to build competitive research capacity of faculty and Hispanic students at CAHSI institutions, aligned with Google’s research interests. In addition to potential collaboration with Google researchers and building on Google research interests, the purpose of this funding program is to initiate collaborative research partnerships across CAHSI.

The CAHSI-Google IRP awards up to 10 computing research projects across the CAHSI Alliance with deserving projects funded at up to $80,000 with the additional opportunity for $20,000 Google Cloud Platform credits.

Each year of the program, faculty members submit research abstracts, and these abstracts are used to identify promising projects of interest to Google and amongst CAHSI researchers. An ideation process is used to provide feedback from experts in their field and Google researchers and an opportunity to meet potential collaborators. Promising projects are invited to submit full proposals and undergo a National Science Foundation-style review process. Awardees are notified in the summer with funded projects beginning in the fall.

Each project partners a CAHSI doctoral-granting computing program and a CAHSI non-doctoral granting computing program, each involving one faculty member and at least one student. The aim is that CAHSI-Google IRP projects will build the research capacity of faculty and Hispanic students at both institutions with the hope of bridging students into CAHSI computing doctoral programs.

Research Areas

Research projects are intended to support cutting edge fundamental and applied research in at least one of the following areas of research:

  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Responsible Artificial Intelligence
  • Cybersecurity and Privacy

Read more about the 2024 CAHSI-Google Institutional Research Program Research Areas.

Award Information

Each awarded project will be provided a budget of up to $80,000 in direct costs, with up to $20,000 in supplemental Google Cloud Platform (GCP) credits. Projects funded in the upcoming 2024-2025 cycle will also have the option to be renewed for an additional year. There will be a separate call issued in mid-spring for currently funded investigators. 

The project length is 12 months and projects should be scoped accordingly. Funded projects are expected to begin in Fall 2024.

Eligibility Criteria

Project Requirements: Funded projects ultimately must involve one researcher from a doctoral-granting CAHSI department and one researcher from a non-doctoral granting CAHSI department, and they must be conducting technical computing research in one of the aforementioned research areas. Only one faculty member from each institution will be funded per project; multiple faculty members from the same institution will not be funded within one project. In addition, the grant must fund at least one student (undergraduate or graduate) from each institution. At the time of the abstract submission, it is not necessary to have identified a collaborator nor a student.

Who May Submit Abstracts: Abstracts must be submitted by a tenured or tenure-track faculty member from either a two- or four-year CAHSI institution. All involved researchers must be appointed in an active CAHSI computing department as verified by CAHSI regional leadership by September 2024.

If the PI is from a doctoral-granting CAHSI department, then the Co-PI must be from a non-doctoral-granting CAHSI department. If the PI is from a non-doctoral granting CAHSI department, then the Co-PI must be from a doctoral-granting CAHSI department. At the time of abstract submission, it is not necessary to have identified a collaborator. There will be sufficient time and many opportunities to identify a potential collaborator.

Investigators currently funded under the 2023-2024 CAHSI-Google IRP are ineligible to serve as a collaborator on a 2024-2025 abstract.

Limit on Number of Abstracts per Investigator: An individual researcher may be included as a PI or Co-PI in only one abstract for the January 8th, 2024 deadline. Later in the ideation and research refinement process investigators will have the option to withdraw an abstract in order to participate in another project.

Abstract Requirements

Abstract Deadline: January 8, 2024

Expertise Connector Profile: Applicants must have a complete profile on the CAHSI Expertise Connector system or have submitted a request for one by the abstract deadline of January 8, 2024.

Non-Disclosure Agreement: As part of the ideation and research refinement process, all submitted project abstracts will be viewable by other participants. Because this is your and your peers’ research and we want to protect it. Therefore, all participants and reviewers will be required to sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA). All applicants (to include collaborators) must have submitted their NDA by the abstract deadline of January 8, 2024 in order to proceed in the process.

Research Abstract: There are 3 narrative components required for the abstract submission:

  1. Research Problem: What is the problem or need? (500 characters with spaces maximum).
  2. Justification: Why should people care? (500 characters with spaces maximum).
  3. Goals/Approach: (2000 characters with spaces maximum).

These narrative components will be submitted through a Google form. Formatting (bold, underlined, and italics) will not carry into the text boxes. Images are not allowed.


It is expected that faculty will actively participate in the ideation and research refinement sessions as CAHSI is working toward an engaged and collaborative Faculty Researcher Network.

Faculty ultimately funded through the CAHSI-Google IRP will be expected to serve as a research mentor to at least one student from their institution and to collaborate with a peer researcher at another CAHSI institution. 

CAHSI’s goal is to increase the representation of Hispanics in computing. Key to these efforts is the recruitment of Hispanic students into intensive research opportunities and the engaged and positive mentorship of these students. Participating faculty are expected to support these aims.


Are indirect costs/overhead/F&A allowed?
No. Indirect costs/overhead/F&A are not allowed. 

Are computer science education or social science projects allowed?
No. While education and social science research is very much needed and appreciated, this call is intended to fund technical computing research. At the crux of every project, there should be a technical computing research question(s) and/or measurable objectives that when answered or achieved will help advance the science of computing.

Can a collaborator from outside a computing program be funded on this project?
No. Though CAHSI very much values interdisciplinary research, for the purposes of this funding mechanism, faculty mentors funded through the project must be conducting technical computing research and housed in a program providing computing education.

I am a junior investigator. Should I bring in a more experienced or senior faculty member to my project so that I have a better chance of being funded?
This funding opportunity is intended to build the research capacity of the faculty and students at our HSIs; for this reason, junior investigators are especially encouraged to apply as lead on their own projects! Furthermore, the funding mechanism only allows for one faculty member per institution per project to be funded as the intention is to build one-to-one faculty researcher connections across our CAHSI institutions.

I didn’t submit an abstract. Can I still be involved in the ideation process or be a potential collaborator on a research project?
Yes! Those tenured and tenure-track faculty members in active CAHSI computing departments without an abstract are still encouraged to attend the information sessions to learn more about the overall process and the research projects that are seeking collaborators. An additional way to make yourself known to investigators seeking collaborators is to create a CAHSI Expertise Connector profile

What are the reporting requirements if my project is funded?
A mid-term report and a final report are required, however, the reporting load is intended to be less burdensome than that of an NSF award. Funded researchers are expected to report on accomplishments, participants, obstacles, research findings and completed activities, and broader impacts. Awardees will be provided reporting templates at the time of award notification.

Submit an Abstract

The call for abstracts is currently closed. Please check back in November 2024 for a new call for abstracts.

CAHSI-Google IRP Awardees 

2023 – 2024

Artificial Intelligence
Building Robust Large Language Models through Bootstrapping: Using Large Language Models to Improve Their Own Robustness

Shiyu Chang (PI), University of California, Santa Barbara
Thanos Panagopoulos (co-PI), California State University, Fresno

Optimizing Distributed Training for Large and Noisy Data
Balajee Vamanan (PI), University of Illinois, Chicago
Yulia Kumar (co-PI), Kean University

Towards Robot Understanding: Embodying Causal Graphical Models into Robotics
William Beksi (PI), The University of Texas at Arlington
Dongchul Kim (co-PI), The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley

Weakly Supervised Image Segmentation Based on Image-level Labels
Kuan Huang (PI), Kean University
Cihang Xie (co-PI), University of California, Santa Cruz

Circles of Trust: A Voice-Based Authorization Scheme for Securing IoT Smart Homes

Carlos Rubio-Medrano (PI), Texas A&M University, Corpus Christi
Dvijesh Shastri (co-PI), University of Houston, Downtown

Establishing Trust and Resiliency in Industrial Cyber Physical Systems
Deepak Tosh (PI), The University of Texas at El Paso
Christian Servin (co-PI), El Paso Community College

Fuzzing the Physical World to Identify Environmental Threats to AI-Based Autonomous Systems
Alvaro Cardenas (PI), University of California, Santa Cruz
Younghee Park (co-PI), San Jose State University

Data Science
Efficient Algorithms for Representative Query Results

Stavros Sintos (PI), University of Illinois, Chicago
Matin Pirouz (co-PI), California State University, Fresno

SUDeC: A Scalable Framework for User-defined Spatial Clustering Queries on S2 Spherical Coordinate System
Amr Magdy (PI), University of California, Riverside
Hajar Homayouni (co-PI), San Diego State University

Responsible Artificial Intelligence
A Unified Framework of Fairness-aware Optimization through Randomization

Jing Yuan (PI), The University of North Texas
Jiayin Wang (co-PI), Montclair State University
