Sierra Entertainment
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Sierra Entertainment je proizvođač računarskih-videoigara i izdavač video igara aktivan od 1980. Ime preživljava kao brand Vivendi Universala.
[uredi | uredi izvor]On-Line Systems, kako se Sierra Entertainment izvorno zvao, su osnovali 1979 Ken i Roberta Williams u njihovom domu u predgrađu Los Angelesa, Kalifornija. Nadahnuti tekstulno baziranom igrom MIT-a Adventure, tim muža i žene počeo je izmišljati nove načine da odskoče od osnovne ideje.
Koristeći posuđen TRS-80 računar, Williamsi su počeli gledati kroz većinu igara tog vremena. Mnoge su bile dobre, ali niti jedna od njih nije bila u mogućnosti da ponude više od tekstualnog opisa koji se događao unutar same igre. Roberta je počela raditi na ideji o igri koja bi udružila tekst i slike i to prvi puta. Kenu je trebalo preko mjesec dana da prevede Robertin rukom pisan koncept igre u prvu grafičko/tekstualnu avanturu, The Wizard and the Princess dostupna za Apple II, uzeli su se potpune blagodati uređajevih hi-res mogućnosti.
King's Quest: The First 3-D Animated Adventure
[uredi | uredi izvor]1983, IBM pristupio je Sierri da razvije igru koja bi iskazala novi IBM računar. Ovo "top secret" partnerstvo produciralo je legendarni Kings Quest. Po prvi put su igrači kontrolirali lika na ekranu koji je interaktivao sa bojom, trodimenzionalnim okruženjem.
[uredi | uredi izvor]1994, Sierra je premjestila svoje sjedište u Bellevue, Washington za privlačenje više talenata.
[uredi | uredi izvor]Kompanija je preimenovana u Sierra Entertainment 2002.
U Lipnju 2004, Vivendi reorganizirao je Vivendi Universal igrače grupe, distribuirajući Sierra-ina djela ostalim jedinicama i naposljetku zatvorena je Sierra-ina Bellevue lokaciju u oktobru. Brand Sierre sada živi samo u imenu.
Sierrine igre
[uredi | uredi izvor]Avanturističke igre
[uredi | uredi izvor]- Mystery House (1980, proizvedena 1979, ponovno izašla zahvaljući SierraVenture 1982)
- Mission Asteroid (1980, ponovno izašla zahvaljući SierraVenture, 1982)
- The Wizard and the Princess / Adventure in Serenia (1980, ponovno izašla zahvaljući SierraVenture 1982)
- Cranston Manor (1981)
- Ulysses and the Golden Fleece (1981, ponovno izašla zahvaljući SierraVenture 1982)
- Time Zone (1982, proizvedena 1981, ponovno izašla zahvaljući SierraVenture 1982)
- The Dark Crystal (1982)
- Gelfling Adventure (1984)
- Mickey's Space Adventure (1984)
- The Black Cauldron (1984, ponovno izašla 1986)
- Winnie the Pooh in the Hundred Acre Wood (1984)
- Dragon's Keep (1983)
- Troll's Tale (1983)
- Gold Rush! (1988)
- Codename: Iceman (1989)
- The Adventures of Willy Beamish (1991)
- Heart of China (1991)
- Freddy Pharkas: Frontier Pharmacist (1993)
- Betrayal at Krondor (1993)
- Slater & Charlie Go Camping (1993)
- Urban Runner (1995)
- Torin's Passage (1995)
- Stay Tooned! (1996)
- RAMA (1996)
- Lighthouse: The Dark Being (1996)
- Betrayal in Antara (1997)
- King's Quest serijal
- King's Quest I: Quest for the Crown (1984, proizvedena 1983, ponovno izašla 1987, poboljšana verzija 1989)
- King's Quest II: Romancing the Throne (1985)
- King's Quest III: To Heir Is Human (1986)
- King's Quest IV: The Perils of Rosella (1988)
- King's Quest V: Absence Makes the Heart Go Yonder! (1990, CD-ROM verzija 1991)
- King's Quest VI: Heir Today, Gone Tomorrow (1992, CD-ROM verzija 1993)
- King's Quest VII: The Princeless Bride (1994)
- King's Quest VIII: The Mask of Eternity (1998)
- Space Quest serijal
- Space Quest I: The Sarien Encounter (1986, poboljšana verzija 1990)
- Space Quest II: Vohaul's Revenge (1987)
- Space Quest III: The Pirates of Pestulon (1989)
- Space Quest IV: Roger Wilco and the Time Rippers (1991)
- Space Quest V: Roger Wilco in the Next Mutation (1993)
- Space Quest 6: The Spinal Frontier (1995)
- Leisure Suit Larry serijal
- Softporn Adventure (1981, precursor to Leisure Suit Larry)
- Leisure Suit Larry In the Land of the Lounge Lizards / Leisure Suit Larry 1 (1987, poboljšana verzija 1991)
- Leisure Suit Larry Goes Looking for Love (In Several Wrong Places) / Leisure Suit Larry 2 (1988)
- Leisure Suit Larry 3: Passionate Patti in Pursuit of the Pulsating Pectorals (1989)
- Leisure Suit Larry 4 (unwritten, unreleased - number skipped as a gag)
- Leisure Suit Larry 5: Passionate Patti Does a Little Undercover Work (1991)
- Laffer Utilities (1992)
- Leisure Suit Larry 6: Shape Up or Slip Out! (1993)
- Leisure Suit Larry 7: Love for Sail (1995)
- Leisure Suit Larry's Casino (1998) (a non-adventure Vegas-style spinoff game)
- Leisure Suit Larry 8: Lust in Space (unreleased)
- Leisure Suit Larry: Magna Cum Laude (2004), not by Al Lowe
- Lords of Magic (1998)
- Police Quest serijal
- Police Quest: In Pursuit of the Death Angel (1987, poboljšana verzija 1991)
- Police Quest II: The Vengeance (1988)
- Police Quest III: The Kindred (1990)
- Police Quest IV: Open Season (1993)
- Manhunter serijal
- Manhunter: New York (1988)
- Manhunter 2: San Francisco (1989)
- Laura Bow serijal
- The Colonel's Bequest (1989)
- Laura Bow II: The Dagger of Amon Ra (1991)
- Conquests serijal
- Conquests of Camelot: King Arthur, The Search for the Grail (1989)
- Conquests of the Longbow: The Adventures of Robin Hood (1992)
- Quest for Glory serijal (prvobitni Hero's Quest)
- Quest for Glory I (a.k.a. Hero's Quest I): So You Want to be a Hero (1989, poboljšana verzija 1991)
- Quest for Glory II (a.k.a. Hero's Quest II): Trial by Fire (1990)
- Quest for Glory III: Wages of War (1992)
- Quest for Glory IV: Shadows of Darkness (1994)
- Quest for Glory V: Dragon Fire (1998)
- EcoQuest serijal
- Gabriel Knight serijal
- Phantasmagoria serijal
- Phantasmagoria (1995)
- Phantasmagoria II: A Puzzle of Flesh (1996)
- Shivers serijal
Ostale značajne igre
[uredi | uredi izvor]- Sammy Lightfoot (1983)
- Donald Duck's Playground (1984)
- Mixed-Up Mother Goose (1987)
- Jones in the Fast Lane (1991)
- Quarky & Quaysoo's Turbo Science (1992)
- Pepper's Adventures in Time (1993)
- Grand Prix Legends' (1998)'
- The Realm Online
- Sierra Championship Boxing
- Ultima II: Revenge of the Enchantress
- No One Lives Forever (serijal)
- Red Baron (proizveo Dynamix)
- Aces of the Pacific
- SWAT (serijal)
- NASCAR Racing
- Tribes: Aerial Assault
- Metal Arms: Glitch in the System
- Homeworld i Homeworld 2
- Half-Life i Half-Life 2
- 3-D Ultra Pinball serijal
- 3-D Ultra Pinball (1996)
- 3-D Ultra Pinball: Creep Night (1996)
- 3-D Ultra Pinball: The Lost Continent (1998)
- 3-D Ultra Pinball: Thrill Ride (2000)
- Dr. Brain serijal
- Castle of Dr. Brain (1991)
- Island of Dr. Brain (1992)
- The Lost Mind of Dr. Brain (1995)
- The Time Warp of Dr. Brain (1996)
- Dr. Brain Thinking Games: Puzzle Madness (1998)
- The Incredible Machine serijal (proizveo Dynamix)
- The Incredible Machine (1992)
- The Even More Incredible Machine (1993)
- Sid & Al's Incredible Toons (1993)
- The Incredible Machine 2 (1994)
- The Incredible Toon Machine (1994)
- The Incredible Machine 3.0 (1995)
- Return of the Incredible Machine: Contraptions (2000)
- The Incredible Machine: Even More Contraptions (2001)
- City Building serijal
- Caesar (1993)
- Caesar II (1995)
- Caesar III (1998)
- Pharaoh (1999) i Cleopatra: Queen Of The Nile (2000)
- Zeus: Master of Olympus (2001) i Poseidon: Master of Atlantis (2002)
- Emperor: Rise of the Middle Kingdom (2003)
- Football Pro serijal
- Baseball Pro serijal
- Outpost serijal
- Outpost (1994)
- Outpost 2: Divided Destiny (1997)
- Hoyle's serijal
- Hoyle's Official Book of Games: Volume 1 (1989)
- Hoyle's Official Book of Games: Volume 2 (1990)
- Hoyle's Official Book of Games: Volume 3 (1991)
- Hoyle Casino
- Hoyle Board Games
- Hoyle Card Games
- Hoyle Kids Games
- Hoyle Puzzle Games
- Hoyle Table Games
- Hoyle Solitaire (1996)
- Hoyle Majestic Chess (2003)
- Hoyle Backgammon and Cribbage (1999)
- Hoyle Casino Empire (2002)
- Evil Genius (2004)
- Field & Stream serijal
- Field & Stream: Trophy Bass 3D
- Field & Stream: Trophy Bass 4
- Field & Stream: Trophy Buck 'n Bass 2
- Field & Stream: Trophy Hunting 4
- Field & Stream: Trophy Hunting 5
[uredi | uredi izvor]- Intervju s Kenom Williamsom, Gamasutra, oktobar 2005
Dodatni linkovi
[uredi | uredi izvor]- Sierrina službena web stranica
- Vivendi Universal Games - službena stranica trenutnih vlasnika Sierre
- Al Lowe's Humor Site - službena web stranica Ala Lowea, kreator Leisure Suit Larrya
- Evryware - službena stranica Evrywarea, dizajnerski tim koji je stvorio Manhunter serijal i Sierra Championship Boxing
- AGD Interactive - grupa posvečena u izradi remakea i updatingu Sierrih klasičnih avantura iz osamdesetih i devedesetih
- Sierra Gamers - fan stranica izdržavana od strane Kena Williamsa, osnivač Sierre
- Vintage Sierra Arhivirano 13. 7. 2006. na Wayback Machine - fan stranica
- Sierra Planet - fan stranica, sadrži arhive raznih web stranica koji imaju veze sa Sierra
- Online Sierra - fan stranica
- Quest Studios - fan stranica, uglavno sadrži MIDI zvukove (također i neki MP3/OGG soundtrackovi) snimljeni iz Sierrinih igra, kao i ostali materijal koji ima veze sa Sierrom
- Sierra Music Central Arhivirano 27. 2. 2021. na Wayback Machine - fan stranica, sadrži MP3/OGG soundtrackove snimljene iz Sierrinih igra
- Sierra Entertainment - analiza i kritika
- Sierra Game Patches - zakrpe za klasične igre kako bi radile sa modernim operativnim sistemima. Koristite DOSBox za najbolji rezultat.
- Entry at The Dot Eaters - zapis o ranoj historiji Sierre i profil njenih glavnih ranih igara
- fan stranica