Showing posts with label Recommended!. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Recommended!. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Söhne von Odin: Willkommen Brüder

Söhne von Odin: Willkommen Brüder: Welcome to my Weird World War II blog, "Söhne von Odin" (Sons of Odin), which is also the title of a fictional WWII German Spe...

Monday, February 1, 2016

German Colonial Uniforms

This website is intended to give an insight into the uniforms of the Imperial German Colonial and Overseas Forces from 1884-1918 for the English speaking wargamer, modeller or military historian. Until recently there has been very little available in the English language on the uniforms worn by German forces in these obscure but fascinating side shows of the Great War and Colonial Era


Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Eureka Miniatures: Highly Recommended!

I ordered the following items from Nic at Eureka Miniatures on the 30th of May they  were done and shipped on 6 June and arrived here today 11June, not bad at all!

2 x Bersaglieri on tricycle with transport body
2 x Bersaglieri on tricycle with LMG
2 x Italian tricycle with transport body – no rider
2 x Italian tricycle with LMG – no rider
2 x Bersaglieri on motorcycle with LMG
4 x Bersaglieri on motorcycle with pillion passenger
2 x Bersaglieri on motorcycle
2 x Bersaglieri heavy mortar and three crew
4 x Bersaglieri with SMG
2 x Bersaglieri officer
8 x Bersaglieri gun crew
4 x Bersaglieri with LMG and No2
4 x Bersaglieri light mortar and two crew
3 x Bersaglieri MMG and two crew
1 x Italian Alpini HMG and crew
1 x Italian Alpini officer
6 x Italian Alpini infantry
The craftsmanship on  their 15mm lines is some of the best I've seen, their machine gun and mortar stands are minor works of art! The service is outstanding and Nic is an absolute pleasure to work with. I can't recommend this company highly enough, check them out
if you haven't already.