Monday, March 25, 2019

Mecha Monday : Gepard Dropship

The Gepard is aalternative to the durable and deadly Leopard-class aerodyne dropship. Here reproduced in 1/285 (mech) scale and compatible with Battletech or any other 6mm science fiction wargame, this dropship requires minimal assembly and features an FDM printed body and separate turret printed in resin. This is version 2, which has been scaled up overall from 8.6″ first version, features taller doors (1.8″ tall, as opposed to the previous version’s 1.45″ doors), includes removable (magnetic) landing gear and separated wingtips and thrusters for better printing. An Atlas woould still bump it’s head on the way out the doors, but this is a scrappy merc’s dropship, not some luxurious Fortress!

Gepard Dropship

Thursday, March 21, 2019

Sunday, March 17, 2019

Mecha Monday: Love,Death&Robots

Hi All, there is a new series on Netflix called "Love,Death&Robots"
episode: Lucky 13 You gonna love it. Rest of the episoodes are great too.

Monday, March 11, 2019

Mecha Monday : URSA-Mech Fire Team

The URSA-Mech Fire Team is a team designed off the original Russ-Fed advanced combat system. These are multi-piece models. Each model is about 45mm Tall. The URSA-Mech Assault Team was designed by Micropanzer! 

URSA-Mech Fire Team

Thursday, March 7, 2019

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Organization of the WWII U.S. Army Infantry Rifle Squad

This video breaks down the infantry's "smallest tactical unit," introducing its basic composition and weapons, plus an examination of squad teams and the Buddy System. It all starts here.

Many of the quotations used in this video were originally compiled during the pursuit of private study and well before I had ever entertained the thought of starting a YouTube channel.  As such, I was lax with the citations; they are not up to the standard of my subsequent videos.  The final quote in this video was only vaguely credited in my notes to the "Infantry Journal, 1947."  Recently, while researching another topic, a fortuitous page-turn led me to the original quote.  The updated citation follows.

Edwin R. Shackleton, Jr. (A/71).  "Rifle Squad," The Infantry Journal, Vol. 60, No. 4, April 1947, p. 76.

Tactics of the WWII U.S. Army Infantry Rifle Squad – Attack

This video covers some of the fundamental tactics, techniques, and procedures of the rifle squad in offensive combat.  It presents the conduct of a squad attack, including the approach march, fire fight, fire and movement, assault, consolidation and reorganization.

Monday, March 4, 2019