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Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro 21.282 seguidores

We restore native forests in the Amazon and the Atlantic Florest

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We are restoring one million hectares in the Amazon and Atlantic forests, fostering biodiversity conservation and capturing 15 million tons of carbon per year. We sustainably manage forest products and support the development of local communities.

Serviços ambientais
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11-50 funcionários
Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro
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Mercado de Carbono, Crédito de Carbono, Restauração Florestal, Florestas Tropicais, Nature Based Solutions, Soluções Baseadas na Natureza e Ciência


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    Praça Santos Dumont, 70

    Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, BR

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    We’re doing more: we’ve signed a new agreement with Microsoft. This second deal enhances our commitment to restoring over 33,000 hectares in the Atlantic Forest and the Amazon, including 17,000 hectares in this new phase. Thiago Picolo, CEO of, highlights: “Signing this second offtake agreement with Microsoft reflects our shared commitment to high-integrity nature-based solutions, with tangible results to date. Restoring these biomes, home to the planet’s richest biodiversity, represents one of the greatest opportunities for large-scale decarbonization. We are thrilled to conclude another agreement with Microsoft, enhancing our impact and reaching new areas.” Since the first agreement, we’ve planted over 4.4 million native seedlings across 11,000 hectares in these biomes. Through this expanded collaboration, reinforcing the quality and integrity of our work, we are increasing our efforts in regions of high biodiversity importance. Check the project data in the infographic. For more details about the new phase of the agreement, refer to the exclusive Financial Times report: We are doing it. #EcologicalRestoration #regreen #DeliveringNetZero #NatureBasedSolutions #Biodiversity #Sustainability #ScienceBasedSolutions #SustainableBusiness ___ [PT] Estamos fazendo mais: assinamos um novo acordo com a Microsoft. Com este segundo contrato, ampliamos nosso compromisso e vamos restaurar, ao todo, mais de 33 mil hectares de florestas na Mata Atlântica e na Amazônia, incluindo 17 mil hectares nesta nova fase. Thiago Picolo, CEO da, destaca: "Assinar este segundo acordo com a Microsoft reflete nosso compromisso compartilhado com soluções baseadas na natureza de alta integridade, com resultados concretos. Restaurar esses biomas, que abrigam a maior biodiversidade do planeta, representa a maior oportunidade para a descarbonização em larga escala. Estamos entusiasmados por concluirmos mais um acordo com a Microsoft, ampliando nosso impacto e alcançando novas áreas." Desde o primeiro acordo, já foram plantadas mais de 4,4 milhões de mudas de espécies nativas em 11 mil hectares nos biomas. Com a ampliação da colaboração, que reforça a qualidade e a integridade do nosso trabalho, expandimos a atuação em regiões de alta importância para a biodiversidade. Veja os dados do projeto no infográfico. Confira também mais detalhes da nova fase do acordo na reportagem exclusiva do Financial Times: Estamos fazendo. #RestauraçãoEcológica #regreen #DeliveringNetZero #NatureBasedSolutions #Biodiversidade #Sustentabilidade #ScienceBasedSolutions #SustainableBusiness

  • “It’s much more important to have a tree standing than one felled on the ground.” (Dona Maria, Leader of The Seeds Collectors Association in Maracaçumé, MA, Brazil) Our web series, Forests at Scale - The Natural Way Of Doing Business, concludes on an inspiring note with its third and final episode: “re.greening”. In this episode, we journey deep into the Amazon to explore our Entre Rios Project. Supported by the dedication and the integration of the traditional knowledge of local communities, we are transforming degraded pastures into biodiverse native forests. These forests do more than capture high-quality carbon - they provide sustainable livelihoods for residents. It’s a true “win-win”, as Dona Maria says. Through powerful testimonies from açaí growers, beekeepers, and seed collectors, this episode highlights how restoration meets collaboration. By working hand in hand, we’re proving that forest restoration and community prosperity go together. Streaming now. Don’t miss it: #EcologicalRestoration #regreen #DeliveringNetZero #NatureBasedSolutions #Biodiversity #Sustainability #ScienceBasedSolutions #SustainableBusiness

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  • Heading to Davos 2025? Let’s connect! Our CEO, Thiago Picolo, will join Carlos A. Nobre (Amazon SPA), Naomi Morenzoni (Salesforce), Stephen Gill (Terra Natural Capital), and Renata Piazzon (Instituto Arapyaú) on the panel “Tropical forest restoration as a critical lever to a net-zero economy: The Case of Brazil”, next Wednesday, January 22. We’re proud to co-host the session with the Brazil Climate Institute (BCI), Capital for Climate, Columbia Global Centers | Rio de Janeiro, Instituto Arapyaú, and Instituto Clima e Sociedade (iCS). If you’re attending the event, don’t miss this opportunity to explore new avenues for collaboration. Confirm your participation by filling out the registration form below. Register here: #EcologicalRestoration #regreen #DeliveringNetZero #NatureBasedSolutions #Biodiversity #Sustainability #ScienceBasedSolutions #SustainableBusiness #Davos

    Ver perfil de Thiago Picolo, gráfico

    CEO @ | Ecological Restoration, Business Strategy

    Next week I will be participating in a panel at Davos entitled “Tropical forest restoration as a critical lever to a net-zero economy: The Case of Brazil” together with Carlos A. Nobre, Naomi Morenzoni, Stephen Gill and Renata Piazzon. This panel aims to position Nature-Based Solutions (NbS), particularly tropical forest restoration, as essential in helping the world transition to a net-zero economy. By bringing together leaders from academia, the private sector (suppliers and off-takers), and civil society, the session will explore the evidence supporting restoration as a key lever for a global net-zero economy, Brazil’s role in this sector, and the immediate challenges and opportunities to unlock its full potential. 📅Date and time: Wednesday, January 22, 2025, 12:00 PM–1:00 PM. 📍Venue: Brazil House - Promenade 61, Davos Platz 7270. 👥Audience: Up to 40 high-level stakeholders. 🌐Language: Session will be held in English. Obs: badges are not required at the Brazil House. Confirm your participation by January 17, 2025, completing the registration link in the comments to confirm your attendance at the session Instituto Arapyaú Brazil Climate Institute (BCI) Capital for Climate  Climate Hub, part of Columbia Global Center Rio  Institute for Climate and Society

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  • Firmamos um acordo histórico com a Agro Penido: nossa primeira parceria rural para restaurar 600 hectares na Amazônia. O projeto começa em 2025 nas Fazendas Pioneira e Darro, em Querência (MT), próximas ao Parque Xingu, um território vital para a conservação da biodiversidade e de culturas indígenas. Essa iniciativa representa um precedente importante de adequação ambiental e diversificação, em uma região com passivos ambientais e ocorrência de desmatamento ilegal. A Agro Penido é referência regional e nacional em modelo agroambiental, com iniciativas pioneiras como o Projeto Carbono Araguaia e a Liga do Araguaia, que promovem práticas agropecuárias sustentáveis de baixo carbono. A já tem cerca de 12.000 hectares em processo de restauração na Amazônia e na Mata Atlântica com projetos científicos que recriam florestas biodiversas e geram benefícios duradouros para a natureza e as pessoas. Toda nossa expertise será aplicada neste novo projeto, criando valor compartilhado, pois, além de restaurar a biodiversidade em escala, o modelo de parceria rural diversifica a rentabilidade da propriedade com a remuneração do proprietário por meio de créditos de carbono de alta qualidade — gerados a partir da floresta plantada, monitorada e mantida pela É um orgulho abrir mais uma nova forma de atuação do nosso propósito junto à Agro Penido. Saiba mais sobre essa parceria nos comentários. — We are thrilled to announce a landmark deal! Our first rural partnership with Agro Penido will restore 600 hectares in the Amazon. Kicking off in 2025, the project will take place at Fazendas Pioneira and Darro in Querência, Mato Grosso. Located near Xingu Park - a vital area for preserving Brazil’s rich biodiversity and supporting indigenous cultures, our initiative sets an important precedent for environmental compliance and diversification in a region facing environmental liabilities, including illegal deforestation. Agro Penido is widely recognized for its innovative agro-environmental model. Their pioneering projects, such as the Araguaia Carbon Project and the Araguaia League, promote sustainable, low-carbon practices. To date, has around 12,000 hectares undergoing restoration in the Amazon and the Atlantic Forests. Our science-driven approach focuses on restoring biodiverse forests that support long-term benefits for both nature and people. In this new partnership, we will leverage our experience to create shared value. Beyond restoring biodiversity at scale, our rural partnership model diversifies property income by compensating landowners through high-quality carbon credits generated from forests planted, monitored, and maintained by This collaboration marks another milestone in our journey: we firmly believe in the transformative power of rural partnerships to scale up restoration. We are excited to explore new avenues for our shared purpose alongside Agro Penido. Discover more about our partnership in the comments.

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  • As mentioned in The Economist’s podcast The Intelligence, one of the key challenges in forest restoration is the lack of sufficient bees for pollination – as they enable native species to thrive at scale. In collaboration with Bee2Be, we’re addressing this challenge by fostering bee population growth and supporting the socioeconomic development of local communities. Recently, we conducted new meliponiculture (the breeding of stingless bees) training sessions in three communities near our projects in Bahia: • Nancy settlement in Mascote • Paulo Kageyama settlement in Eunápolis • Mulheres da Pontinha in Prado At the Nancy and Paulo Kageyama settlements, participants were introduced to foundational beekeeping techniques. Meanwhile, the Mulheres da Pontinha community advanced to the second module of training, which focused on swarm multiplication methods and a soap-making workshop using bee products and native seeds. In total, 43 community members participated in these sessions, receiving management kits and hive boxes – everything necessary to start production. Meliponiculture is a bioeconomy activity that generates lasting benefits for both forests and people. ___ [PT] Como citado no podcast The Intelligence, do The Economist, um dos desafios da restauração de florestas é a falta de abelhas suficientes para a polinização, já que elas permitem que as espécies nativas cresçam novamente em escala. No incentivo ao aumento da população de abelhas e ao desenvolvimento socioeconômico das comunidades locais, com a Bee2Be, realizamos novas capacitações em meliponicultura, a criação de abelhas sem ferrão, em três comunidades vizinhas a projetos nossos: • Assentamento Nancy, em Mascote/BA • Assentamento Paulo Kageyama, em Eunápolis/BA • Mulheres da Pontinha, em Prado/BA Nos assentamentos Nancy e Paulo Kageyama, os participantes receberam os primeiros passos para a atividade. Já na comunidade Mulheres da Pontinha, o grupo partiu para o segundo módulo da formação, que abrangeu métodos de multiplicação dos enxames e workshop de saboaria com uso de produtos das abelhas e sementes nativas. Ao todo participaram da formação 43 pessoas, equipadas com kits para manejo e caixas de abelhas, tudo que é necessário para iniciar a produção. A meliponicultura é uma atividade da bioeconomia que gera benefícios duráveis para as florestas e para as pessoas. #EcologicalRestoration #regreen #DeliveringNetZero #NatureBasedSolutions #Biodiversity #Sustainability #ScienceBasedSolutions #SustainableBusiness

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  • We’re starting the year with fantastic news! has been selected as one of the strategic partners for the Climate Scale-Up at the Davos Retreat 2025. Recognised as the leading global forum for discussions on socio-economic issues, Davos, hosted by the World Economic Forum (WEF), offers a unique opportunity to reaffirm our commitment to transforming large-scale restoration into a profitable and sustainable activity. We remain committed to creating a positive impact for the planet and society. #EcologicalRestoration #regreen #DeliveringNetZero #NatureBasedSolutions #Biodiversity #Sustainability #ScienceBasedSolutions #SustainableBusiness #ClimateScaleUp #Davos20

    Ver perfil de Seema Gupta, gráfico

    Climate Scale-Up | MIT Sloan Fellow 2023

    Dear 2025 Cohort, As we welcome this new chapter, Climate Scale-Up looks forward to celebrating your journey in #Davos during #WEF and scaling the incredible potential of impact you will have in the year ahead. May 2025 bring fresh opportunities, bold collaborations, and transformative progress in creating a sustainable future. EarthGrid PBC, Founder Troy Helming, Partner Thiago Picolo Upwell Materials, Co-Founders Daniella Zakon and Alexandra Dowling Lari ArtifexAI, Founder Russ W. NatureX RMS, Co-Founder Raviv Turner S3 Markets, Co-Founder Saman Baghestani TURN2X, Founder Philip Kessler Seafields Solutions Limited, Founder John Wedge Auckland WeForest, Co-Founder Marie-Noëlle Keijzer Warmest wishes, The Climate Scale-Up Team Seema Gupta Tod Hynes Evgeny Bunin Advisors Jason Jay

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  • We now achieve in seconds what once took 40 days. In collaboration with EloGroup, we developed an advanced geospatial technology to enhance our restoration efforts. Powered by Amazon Web Services (AWS), this innovation has reduced the time needed for land assessment from 40 days to 50 seconds. The analysis is crucial for identifying priority degraded areas and evaluating their restoration potential. By applying data-driven insights and multiple criteria, we can prioritize the areas best suited for ecological restoration. Accelerating this step with precision and efficiency helps us achieve one of our core objectives: scaling up restoration initiatives. The degradation of native forests is a massive challenge that calls for equally ambitious solutions. Generating meaningful outcomes requires approaches that match its scale and complexity. This solution significantly improves the efficiency and accuracy of land assessment, aligning with our mission to restore native forests at scale. Our technological capabilities - including remote monitoring, drone-based seed dispersal, and area mapping - have been further strengthened by this innovation. Embracing leading-edge technology is key to achieving restoration at scale. #EcologicalRestoration #regreen #DeliveringNetZero #NatureBasedSolutions #Biodiversity #Sustainability #ScienceBasedSolutions #SustainableBusiness

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  • At, we’ve been deeply engaged in conversations about biodiversity and restoration throughout 2024, from local initiatives to global discussions at events like COP16 Colombia. Drawing from these experiences, our Director of Projects, Miguel A. Moraes, has identified key lessons that are critical for shaping the future of restoration and biodiversity. Here are five insights from 2024 on biodiversity, climate, and restoration: (1) Prioritizing Nature Is The Way Towards A Solution Nature-based and ecosystem-based solutions are pivotal for tackling the planetary crisis. These approaches enhance ecosystem resilience, support human livelihoods, mitigate the impacts of climate change, and provide economic, social, and environmental co-benefits. (2) Strive for Nature-Positive Economies “No-net-loss” is not enough. To halt degradation and rebuild natural systems, we must scale up nature-positive and net-gain strategies. Businesses play a crucial role in this shift, transforming supply chains and fostering economies that benefit nature. (3) Integrating Conservation and Restoration Conservation and restoration are two sides of the same coin and must work together at the landscape level. Restoration creates habitats, connects forest patches, and establishes buffer zones, while conservation protects genetic material, animal populations, and ecosystem services essential for restoration. We need integrated approaches to stop deforestation and build a new bioeconomy based on forest goods and services. (4) Biodiversity Credits Are Not The Future: They’re The Present The biodiversity credit market is here now. While still in its early stages, with varied standards and frameworks emerging, high-integrity markets are taking shape. Organizations like the International Advisory Panel on Biodiversity Credits (IAPB), Terrasos, and Botanic Gardens Conservation International are leading the way with groundbreaking standards and pilot projects. (5) Companies’ Role as a Benchmark Many stakeholders in biodiversity view us as a benchmark for high-integrity restoration projects, with companies reaching out, eager to learn from our model. We proudly embrace this role, committed to extensive collaboration and knowledge exchange to make a meaningful impact on people and the planet. As we move forward, these lessons remind us of the immense responsibility and opportunity we have to restore ecosystems, combat the planetary crisis, and build a reality where nature and people thrive by acting now. We’re doing it. And we’ll keep on doing it. #EcologicalRestoration #regreen #DeliveringNetZero #NatureBasedSolutions #Biodiversity #Sustainability #ScienceBasedSolutions #SustainableBusiness

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  • We couldn’t be happier with this end-of-year news: BeZero Carbon has awarded’s restoration project in the Atlantic Forest an AAe rating. The “AA” rating represents a very high probability that the credit will achieve the removal of one ton of CO2 equivalent. The “e” denotes an ex-ante analysis, conducted prior to the issuance of a verified carbon unit (VCU). BeZero Carbon is a reference agency in the carbon classification segment, known for its fully independent evaluation and certification of carbon projects. Its work assesses the likelihood that a project delivers on its climate claims. Through rigorous technical and scientific analysis, BeZero assigns a grade or rating based on the project’s expected environmental impact. This process helps clients better understand carbon projects and make informed climate decisions, fostering greater accountability and impact. Among BeZero’s available ratings for ex-ante credits, which include over 150 nature-based projects, less than 4% globally have achieved an AA rating—the highest issued so far for ARR projects (Afforestation, Reforestation, and Restoration) in the Americas. The AA rating also reflects the reliability of the data provided and the ability of carbon capture actions to endure over time. This recognition underscores that our projects are not only highly efficient in carbon sequestration but also durable, thanks to our scientific and operational expertise in large-scale forest restoration. In the Atlantic Forest, our efforts have already created over 120 jobs and provided training to more than 220 people through over 15 workshops on topics such as seed collection and meliponiculture (native bee farming). The projects evaluated by BeZero for this rating—Ouro Verde and Belo Horizonte—were our first initiatives, spanning 3,000 hectares and involving the planting of over 1.5 million seedlings from more than 140 native species of the Atlantic Forest. We are immensely proud to end the year on a high note with this recognition of our intensive work in recreating over 11,000 hectares of native forests across the Atlantic Forest and the Amazon. We remain committed to science-based and biodiversity-driven actions, ensuring the integrity of our initiatives and the permanence of the benefits for nature and people alike. Check out the full story on Quantum: #EcologicalRestoration #regreen #DeliveringNetZero #NatureBasedSolutions #Biodiversity #Sustainability #SustainableBusiness

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  • Bernardo Strassburg, our founder and chief scientist, and Pedro Brancalion, our project coordinator, have been featured in the 2024 edition of Clarivate Analytics’ “Highly Cited Researchers” list. Among the 6,636 scientists worldwide recognized, 16 are from Brazil. The company celebrates researchers who have demonstrated significant and broad influence in their fields. This is the second time our colleagues have been included in this ranking – an acknowledgment underlining the top-tier research and community-wide contributions of’s scientific team. Congratulations, once more, to Bernardo and Pedro on this recognition! #EcologicalRestoration #regreen #NatureBasedSolutions #Biodiversity #Sustainability #ScienceBasedSolutions #SustainableBusiness

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