Don't fight tomorrow's

outbreaks with

yesterday's tools

Infectious disease intelligence revolutionized with AI revolutionized with AI

Identify. Anticipate. Respond.

Outbreaks move fast. Harness the combined power of human and artificial intelligence to move faster.




Health security is national security. With BlueDot, strengthen your ability to rapidly detect emerging infectious disease threats anywhere in the world, understand their risks to your population, and confidently implement timely actions that prevent health, economic, and social disruption. Learn more…

Vaccines, therapeutics, diagnostics, and other medical countermeasures are essential in the fight against outbreaks. Anticipate where your countermeasures will be needed most in the weeks, months, and even years ahead. Learn more…

Outbreaks can disrupt your global business. Build readiness and resilience with BlueDot’s always-on global disease surveillance and intelligence system to protect your people, operations, supply chains, and reputation. Learn more…

Trusted by governments and global enterprises around the world

We continuously track and assess infectious disease threats

BlueDot’s surveillance and intelligence solutions empower governments and an international ecosystem of manufacturers, distributors, and end users of medical countermeasures. Our suite of outbreak alerts, structured data assets, forecasting models, and expert-written risk assessments provide clients with the tools they need to manage a growing number of infectious disease threats.

Combining the power of artificial intelligence with a team of world-leading infectious disease and public health experts, BlueDot helps you:

Identify critical signals

Our always-on global surveillance system monitors over 120 different infectious diseases and syndromes so you are always the first to know about high-consequence threats.

Anticipate what’s coming

Our risk assessments and forecasts provide foresight into the local to global trajectory of outbreaks and the corresponding demand for essential medical countermeasures.

Respond with confidence

Our suite of intelligence solutions helps you make time-sensitive, high-consequence decisions with clarity and confidence.

Proven history



Accurately predicted the global spread of Ebola virus disease during the largest outbreak in history.



Accurately predicted a local outbreak of Zika virus in Florida six months before it occurred.



Alerted clients of the COVID-19 threat five days ahead of the World Health Organization.



Published the world’s first peer-reviewed study on COVID-19, accurately predicting its early international spread.



Inferred the true burden of mpox disease in West Africa during this global health emergency.

Together let’s create a healthier, safer, and more resilient world

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consultation today.

Book a free consultation today.