The Developer’s Edition of HTML makes a comeback
Back in 2011, Ben Schwarz took on the ambitious project of curating an edition of the HTML Standard specifically for web developers. It omitted details aimed specifically at browser vendors, and had several additional features to make the experience more pleasant to read.
Ben did an amazing job maintaining this for many years, but some time ago it fell behind the changes to the HTML Standard. Since the move to make HTML more community-driven, we've been hoping to find a way to synchronize the developer's edition with the mainstream specification. That day has finally arrived!
We've deployed an initial version of the new developer's edition at a new URL, It's rough around the edges, missing several of the features of the old version. And it needs some curation to omit implementer-specific sections; many have crept in during the downtime. We're tracking these and other issues in the issue tracker. But now, the developer's edition is integrated into our build process and editing workflow, and will forever remain synchronized with the HTML Standard itself.
Hereby we issue a call to the community to help us with the revitalized developer's edition. Two of the biggest areas of potential improvement are helping us properly mark up the source according to the guidelines for what goes in the developer's edition, and contributing to the design of the developer's edition in order to make it more beautiful and usable.
Finally, I want to thank Michael™ Smith for getting this process started, via a series of pull requests to our build tools which did most of the foundational work. And of course Ben Schwarz, without whom none of this would have happened in the first place.