TensorFlow Hub
CircularNet: Reducing waste with Machine Learning
Google Article
TensorFlow Hub
CircularNet: Reducing waste with Machine Learning

Posted by Sujit Sanjeev, Product Manager, Robert Little, Sustainability Program Manager, Umair Sabir, Machine Learning Engineer

Optical character recognition with TensorFlow Lite: A new example app
Google Article
TensorFlow Hub · TensorFlow Lite
Optical character recognition with TensorFlow Lite: A new example app

Posted by Wei Wei, TensorFlow Developer Advocate

TensorFlow Hub’s Experience with Google Summer of Code 2021
Google Article
Community · TensorFlow Hub
TensorFlow Hub’s Experience with Google Summer of Code 2021

Posted by Sayak Paul (MLE at Carted, and GDE) and Morgan Roff (Google)

Easy Machine Learning for On-Device Audio
Google Article
TensorFlow Core · TensorFlow Hub
Easy Machine Learning for On-Device Audio

Posted by Luiz GUStavo Martins, Developer Advocate

Transfer Learning for Audio Data with YAMNet
Google Article
TensorFlow Core · TensorFlow Hub
Transfer Learning for Audio Data with YAMNet

Posted by Luiz GUStavo Martins, Developer Advocate

How to generate super resolution images using TensorFlow Lite on Android
Google Article
TensorFlow Hub · TensorFlow Lite
How to generate super resolution images using TensorFlow Lite on Android

Posted by Wei Wei, TensorFlow Developer Advocate

Making BERT Easier with Preprocessing Models From TensorFlow Hub
Google Article
BERT · TensorFlow Core
Making BERT Easier with Preprocessing Models From TensorFlow Hub

Posted by Arno Eigenwillig, Software Engineer and Luiz GUStavo Martins, Developer Advocate

From singing to musical scores: Estimating pitch with SPICE and Tensorflow Hub
Google Article
TensorFlow Core · TensorFlow Hub
From singing to musical scores: Estimating pitch with SPICE and Tensorflow Hub

Posted by Luiz Gustavo Martins, Beat Gfeller and Christian Frank

Pitch is an attribute of musical tones (along with duration, intensity and timbre) that allows you to describe a note as “high” or “low”. Pitch is quantified by frequency, measured in Hertz (Hz), where one Hz corresponds to one cycle per second. The higher the frequency, the higher the note.

BigTransfer (BiT): State-of-the-art transfer learning for computer vision
Google Article
TensorFlow Core · TensorFlow Hub
BigTransfer (BiT): State-of-the-art transfer learning for computer vision

Posted by Jessica Yung and Joan Puigcerver

In this article, we'll walk you through using BigTransfer (BiT), a set of pre-trained image models that can be transferred to obtain excellent performance on new datasets, even with only a few examples per class.

An Introduction to the New and Improved TensorFlow Hub
Google Article
TensorFlow Core · TensorFlow Hub
An Introduction to the New and Improved TensorFlow Hub

By Jordan Grimstad
It’s been a year and a half since we introduced TensorFlow Hub, an open-source repository of ready to use pre-trained models published by Google and DeepMind. Since then, we’ve published hundreds of models -- some that are general-purpose and fine-tunable to specific tasks, others which are more specialized -- to help you get faster, smarter ML applications even with little dat…

Combining multiple TensorFlow Hub modules into one ensemble network with AdaNet
Google Article
Keras · TensorFlow Hub
Combining multiple TensorFlow Hub modules into one ensemble network with AdaNet

Posted by Sara Robinson

Have you ever started building an ML model, only to realize you’re not sure which model architecture will yield the best results? Enter the TensorFlow-based AdaNet framework. With AdaNet, you can feed multiple models into AdaNet’s algorithm and it’ll find the optimal combination of all of them as part of the training process. I’ve been playing with it recently and have bee…

Building a text classification model with TensorFlow Hub and Estimators
Google Article
Community · TensorFlow Hub
Building a text classification model with TensorFlow Hub and Estimators

Posted by Sara Robinson, Developer Advocate

We often see transfer learning applied to computer vision models, but what about using it for text classification? Enter TensorFlow Hub, a library for enhancing your TF models with transfer learning. Transfer learning is the process of taking the weights and variables of a pre-existing model that has already been trained on lots of data and leveraging i…

Introducing TensorFlow Hub: A Library for Reusable Machine Learning Modules in TensorFlow
Google Article
TensorFlow Core · TensorFlow Hub
Introducing TensorFlow Hub: A Library for Reusable Machine Learning Modules in TensorFlow

Posted by Josh Gordon, Developer Advocate for TensorFlow

One of the things that’s so fundamental in software development that it’s easy to overlook is the idea of a repository of shared code. As programmers, libraries immediately make us more effective. In a sense, they change the problem solving process of programming. When using a library, we often think of programming in terms of building bloc…