Books by Miodrag Marković
Драган Војводић, Миодраг Марковић, Ђурђеви ступови у Расу, Платонеум, Нови Сад, 2023, 2023
Monograph on the Church of St. George In Ras, the foundation of Stefan Nemanja from 1170/1171, co... more Monograph on the Church of St. George In Ras, the foundation of Stefan Nemanja from 1170/1171, containing chapters on history, architecture and wall painting of the church (in Serbian)
Exhibition in the SASA Gallery of Visual Arts and Music
(13 December 2019 - 31 March 2020)
Papers by Miodrag Marković
ZRVI, 2023
Byzantium and the countries under its cultural influence, in the area of the so-called Byzantine ... more Byzantium and the countries under its cultural influence, in the area of the so-called Byzantine Commonwealth. It concludes that painters were treated like all other craftsmen in many aspects of social life from the time of the Book of Eparch (from the tenth century). Nevertheless, some artists were highly respected, and this prestige manifested itself in different ways: prominent painters were praised for their artistic skill or their wisdom and education, some were engaged as witnesses or guarantors in court cases due to their civic and personal credibility, some enjoyed a reputation that stemmed from their other profession – many of them were members of the clergy (priests, hieromonks, monks, hegoumenoi, chartophylaxes, metropolitans), some were elected state, city or military officials, and judges, and some were sent on diplomatic missions. Accordingly, many painters were addressed by the title kyr (Sir), which also testifies to their reputation and social status. Others, however, were forced to earn a living by trading, sometimes even by farming or herding. On the other hand, sources testify that occasionally figures of the highest social ranks (emperors, archbishops, metropolitans, nobles) also dabbled in painting, but they usually did so for fun, and are thus rightly seen in scholarship as amateur painters and cannot be used to illuminate the social status of painters. It seems, however, that the artist’s reputation, about which this paper provides original testimonies and a range of other indicators, generally did not bring a better or higher social status to the painters themselves, so until the end of the Middle Ages, much as in the tenth century, as evidenced by the Book of Eparch, they retained the status of artisans. To corroborate that claim, the paper brings original data on the social strata from which apprentices in painting workshops were recruited and the social circles from which came the spouses of painters or their family members.
Zograf, 2022
The text deals with two mutually close, late sources that have
not been used so far in considerin... more The text deals with two mutually close, late sources that have
not been used so far in considering the chronology of the construction
of the katholikon of the Studenica monastery: the inscriptions
on two copper engravings depicting the main church
of the “Great Lavra of St. Simeon” made in Moscow in 1758.
Those inscriptions state, among other things, that Stefan Nemanja
built the Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary
in 1194/1195.
Глас CDXXXIV Српске академије наука и уметности Одељење историјских наука, књ. 19 , 2023
Paul Petrovits (1818–1887), Serbian painter born in
Timisoara, lived between February 1851 and M... more Paul Petrovits (1818–1887), Serbian painter born in
Timisoara, lived between February 1851 and May 1885 at least
on five occasions in the USA (not counting stays in Hawaii, which are in
were an independent kingdom during Petrovits's lifetime). In this paper it is established that he first stayed in San Francisco (1851), the second time in
New York (1856/1857), the third time in New York (1867–1873), Denver (1873),
San Francisco (1873–1876, 1878), Los Angeles (1876/1877), Virginia
nia City (1877/1878) and Portland (1878), the fourth time in San Fran-
Cisco (1881), New York (1881/1882), Cincinnati (1882), Hot Springs
(1882/1883) and New Orleans (1883), and the fifth time in Los Angeles (1883/1884)
and San Francisco (1884/1885). It was also established that in the mentioned period he created more than sixty-five works, mostly portraits (six of them
they certainly still exist today). The aforementioned knowledge sheds a completely new light on the career that Paul Petrovits had in the USA.
Академске беседе = Academic speeches, Serbian academy of sciences and art, 2022
The latest research on the life and activities of Paul Petrovits, a Serbian painter of the 19th c... more The latest research on the life and activities of Paul Petrovits, a Serbian painter of the 19th century, a native of Timișoara, who spent most of his life in the USA, and ended up as the court painter of the Hawaiian king Kalakaua.
Život i stvaralaštvo žena članova Srpskog učenog društva, Srpske kraljevske akademije i Srpske akademije nauka i umetnosti, Tom II, ur. N. Milošević-Đorđević, Beograd 2022, 2022
Books by Miodrag Marković
Papers by Miodrag Marković
not been used so far in considering the chronology of the construction
of the katholikon of the Studenica monastery: the inscriptions
on two copper engravings depicting the main church
of the “Great Lavra of St. Simeon” made in Moscow in 1758.
Those inscriptions state, among other things, that Stefan Nemanja
built the Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary
in 1194/1195.
Timisoara, lived between February 1851 and May 1885 at least
on five occasions in the USA (not counting stays in Hawaii, which are in
were an independent kingdom during Petrovits's lifetime). In this paper it is established that he first stayed in San Francisco (1851), the second time in
New York (1856/1857), the third time in New York (1867–1873), Denver (1873),
San Francisco (1873–1876, 1878), Los Angeles (1876/1877), Virginia
nia City (1877/1878) and Portland (1878), the fourth time in San Fran-
Cisco (1881), New York (1881/1882), Cincinnati (1882), Hot Springs
(1882/1883) and New Orleans (1883), and the fifth time in Los Angeles (1883/1884)
and San Francisco (1884/1885). It was also established that in the mentioned period he created more than sixty-five works, mostly portraits (six of them
they certainly still exist today). The aforementioned knowledge sheds a completely new light on the career that Paul Petrovits had in the USA.
not been used so far in considering the chronology of the construction
of the katholikon of the Studenica monastery: the inscriptions
on two copper engravings depicting the main church
of the “Great Lavra of St. Simeon” made in Moscow in 1758.
Those inscriptions state, among other things, that Stefan Nemanja
built the Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary
in 1194/1195.
Timisoara, lived between February 1851 and May 1885 at least
on five occasions in the USA (not counting stays in Hawaii, which are in
were an independent kingdom during Petrovits's lifetime). In this paper it is established that he first stayed in San Francisco (1851), the second time in
New York (1856/1857), the third time in New York (1867–1873), Denver (1873),
San Francisco (1873–1876, 1878), Los Angeles (1876/1877), Virginia
nia City (1877/1878) and Portland (1878), the fourth time in San Fran-
Cisco (1881), New York (1881/1882), Cincinnati (1882), Hot Springs
(1882/1883) and New Orleans (1883), and the fifth time in Los Angeles (1883/1884)
and San Francisco (1884/1885). It was also established that in the mentioned period he created more than sixty-five works, mostly portraits (six of them
they certainly still exist today). The aforementioned knowledge sheds a completely new light on the career that Paul Petrovits had in the USA.
краља Стефана Првовенчаног и првог путовања Саве Немањића, првог српског архиепископа, у Свету земљу. У њему се износи претпоставка да је Првовенчани умро 1223, а да је Сава предузео поменуто ходочашће 1228. године.После детаљне анализе сматрамо и даље да је највероватнији датум смрти Стефана Првовенчаног 24. септембар 1227, а да је сасвим извесно да је архипеископ Сава Немањић кренуо на своје прво ходочашће у Свету земљу средином или почетком друге половине маја 1229. године