Thursday, March 10, 2022


For starters, I have had computer and internet troubles, so it just wasn't worth trying to get on.

Good things are happening though.....just take a look!!

We went to our son's house and he gave me his discarded computer, he gets a new one every two years.
That solved my computer problem and thus enabled me to get on the internet easier.

Then my son and his family moved out and that solved the internet problem....too many fish in the pond.

After they moved out the very next day I moved into my old sewing room, decided that having more plugs would be beneficial.

Took me two days to move in and I still have a few things to put up and move around but for the most part I am in....whohooooooo  

Let's take a look (my disclaimer) I have a bunch of hodge podge stuff but for me it works in a wonderful way.  Maybe I will eventually repaint a few things.  The old desk was in this house when we moved in but great for my computer.

Here goes....

We have a storage room where that door is.  The desk and computer are on the other side of the door.

I decided to put a long table in to hold my projects that need binding.  As you can see, I am already making a mess of the room....haha....doesn't take long.  

My Jazz is on this table.  I really need some closets to hide most of my stuff but hey, I am grateful for what I have.

Embroidery Machine, I know you are all going duhhhhhh

I don't like my back to the door that people use to come into the house.  Having my machine set up this way I can see outside, see the TV, and see who comes in the door.

I didn't take a picture along the wall because I have a ton of stuff I am giving to a friend for her garage sale.

The most amazing thing is this next picture.

Yesterday I am in my sewing room with my back to the door..... I just don't like not seeing when someone is coming in.  I hear my husband come in and say, "You deserve it".......I thought what???

I turned around, looked and by my leg (note:  I did not notice this when I came in the room nor when I was standing there by the table), by my leg was two big boxes....I asked, what is this.  I was in total shock when I saw the Janome on the side of the box.  My husband said he had done his research and thought this would be a wonderful machine for me.  Oh boy is it ever.....  I sewed all last night.  Is he a keeper or what?????

Soooooooo I AM BACK!!!!

On a side note, my sister Jeanette, at Inchworm Fabrics is having a giveaway this month.  I have not gone by to check it out but I will.


Carol- Beads and Birds said...

Well don't you just love it when the Universe puts all the pieces together positively!! Your husband is a great guy but how in the world did you miss seeing new boxes in your space?
xx, Carol

Annie said...

Congrats on the new Janome machine! And congrats on getting back into a dedicated sewing room. How nice!!! Loved the tour.

Gene Black said...

Very nice! You have a great room for sewing. And that new Janome looks amazing. I like having the window in front of the sewing machine too.

Jackie's Stitches said...

Your room is beautiful!

Your husband is so sweet! My husband has done that before too. He listens well so he knew what I'd like or what I was thinking about. I have known people whose spouse does not support their interests and that is so sad to me.

Darlene S said...

Oh my, all so wonderful I'm smiling big time. And how wonderful your DH is. What a special surprise. You do deserve it. Welcome back to your awesome sewing room. Sew, sew, sew and enjoy!

Needled Mom said...

So good to see you back. I’m glad you have gotten things resettled there as far as your sewing setup goes. Great new gift too! Yes, YOU deserve it!

BillieBee (billiemick) said...

Glad things are improving for sewing and playing on the computer. Congrats on the new machine! Wow!!

[email protected] said...

I had to switch rooms too. The master bedroom that Jeff had set up for my sewing room to where I am sleeping now. Took me 2 days to just move all the stuff. Last task disassemble the quilter that Jeff made me and move it out of the room, then I can move my bedroom, then start the unpacking of the sewing stuff. Glad things are going better, and what a sweet man! I have been looking at the Janome sewing machines after lots of research.

Snoodles said...

Yes, he’s a keeper!! Lol love your creative space!

Vicki in MN said...

How wonderful you are getting your room back and now you will be so productive we won't be able to keep up with you;)

Kathleen said...

WOW! A room and a new sewing machine....definitely a keeper. Good luck settling into your room....

Barbara said...

Hi Barb,thanks for your visit! Your new room looks like it’s going to work. I’m sure you will make that happen! Did you move???

QuiltGranma said...

I am sew very happy for you! This is exciting, and also I LOVE the green painted furniture.

beaquilter said...

I have a janome too, now sew on a straight stitch juki. Congratulations on yours!