
Data Privacy Framework Services

Formerly BBB EU Privacy Shield

The Data Privacy Framework (DPF) Program is an approved mechanism to legally transfer (or access) personal data from the EU, the U.K., and Switzerland to the U.S. A key requirement to participate in the DPF Program is the designation of an independent dispute resolution provider, and as the longest-running IRM in the U.S., BBB National Programs is here to help.



DPF Program Compliance Made Simple

For 20 years, our non-profit organization has delivered cross-border privacy compliance services to U.S. businesses of all sizes. No matter the stage of your privacy compliance journey, our high-touch support team is here to help.    



Certification Support

Our team provides DPF Program hands-on assistance to help businesses of all sizes navigate the certification and annual recertification processes seamlessly.


Save time and resources with our year-round monitoring and support services delivering the DPF Program updates, cross-border privacy notices, and timely reminders your team will rely on.

Dispute Resolution

Our unique conciliation-first model delivers speedy and seamless dispute resolution services, following transparent procedures trusted by consumers and businesses alike.

As your Independent Recourse Mechanism (IRM), BBB National Programs provides you with the one-on-one support you need to have full confidence in your approach to cross-border consumer data privacy.

Get Started

Work with BBB National Programs to prepare for DPF Program self-certification in three easy steps. 


STEP 1: Complete the BBB National Programs IRM application to get the process started.  


STEP 2: We will help you prepare all of the elements you will need for DPF Program certification.  


STEP 3: Use the materials we helped you prepare to complete your DPF Program self-certification on the Department of Commerce DPF Program site.  



Are you a current DPF Program participant in need of recertification assistance? Reach out to euprivacy[@]BBBNP[.]org





Frequently Asked Questions


Read more FAQs 





Principles & Procedures

When a U.S. business joins the Data Privacy Framework Program, it makes a public commitment that its processing of EU, U.K., and Swiss personal data will meet data protection standards. 


A business that chooses BBB National Programs as its Independent Resource Mechanism (IRM) agrees to follow our Procedure Rules when responding to privacy complaints, and to keep the same promise to the individuals who make use of our dispute resolution service.  



News & Blog

Press Release

BBB National Programs’ Statement on Adoption of Adequacy for the EU-U.S. Data Privacy Framework

McLean, VA – July 11, 2023 – Dona Fraser, BBB National Programs’ Senior Vice President, Privacy Initiatives, issued a statement on behalf of BBB National Programs today on the European Commission’s official adoption of its adequacy decision for the EU-U.S. Data Privacy Framework (EU-US DPF).

Read the Press Release

Robust Dispute Resolution: A Quiet Enforcer for Privacy Compliance

ICYMI, a procedural rule change to update the GDPR has been agreed upon by the European Parliament to provide EU citizens with greater legal certainty regarding enforcement of GDPR, improve the dispute resolution process, and streamline the handling of cross-border cases.
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Renewal Season: 5 Tips to Ensure a Smooth Data Privacy Framework Process

U.S. companies in the Data Privacy Framework Program (DPF) program recertify each year with the Department of Commerce to assess and account for how they handle and process personal data that originates in the EU, U.K., and/or Switzerland. Here are 5 tips for making it a smooth process.
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American Privacy Rights Act: A Primer for Business

Was it the recent series of natural phenomena that prompted Congress to move on a bipartisan, bicameral federal privacy bill? We can’t say with certainty, but we can outline for you what we believe to be, at first glance, the most compelling elements of the American Privacy Rights Act of 2024 (APRA).
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