Papers by Esra Kaçmaz Levent
Batman Üniversitesi Yaşam Bilimleri Dergisi, 2012
DergiPark (Istanbul University), Jul 20, 2016
Batman Üniversitesi Yaşam Bilimleri Dergisi, Jul 1, 2016
Muhurler, ortaya ciktiklari Neolitik Donem’den itibaren guc, aitlik ve statunun bir simgesi olara... more Muhurler, ortaya ciktiklari Neolitik Donem’den itibaren guc, aitlik ve statunun bir simgesi olarak uzun yillar farkli cografyalarda farkli toplumlar tarafindan kullanilmislardir. Muhurler uzerine kazinmis tasvirler ve metinler, ait olduklari toplumlarin yasam bicimleri, inanc sistemleri ve sanat anlayislari gibi pek cok konuda bizlere onemli bilgiler sunmaktadir. Yakindogu’da yapilan son calismalar, ilk muhur orneklerinin ortaya cikisinin M.O. 8. bin yilin sonlarinda basladigini ortaya koymaktadir. Muhurler; gercekligi, aitligi, sosyal statuyu belirttigi gibi ayni zamanda hirsizlik gibi olagan disi bir duruma karsi da alinan bir tedbirdir. Muhurler, M.O. 900-600 yillari arasinda yasamis olan Urartular ’da da yaygin olarak kullanilmistir. Anadolu muhur gelisimi icerisinde onemli bir yere sahip olan Urartu muhurleri, form, uzerlerinde islenen betimlemeler ve teknik acidan onemli bir yere sahiptir. Diyarbakir Muzesi’ne satin alma yoluyla gelmis olan 13/ 63/ 77 Envanter numarali yari kure formlu damga muhurde “Kutsal Agac ve Keci” betimlenmistir. Urartu sanatinda sikca kullanilan betim, muhurculuk sanatinda da onemli ve dikkat cekicidir. Muhur, 1.7 cm yuksekliginde, 1.5 cm genisligindedir. Bir tarafinda biri buyuk digeri kucuk olmak iki delige sahiptir. Bu delikler diger tarafta yer alan delikle paralel birlesmektedir. Buyuk delik capi 0.4 cm kucuk delik capi ise 0, 3.5 cm’dir. Damga yuzunde; kutsal agaca dogru yonelen stilize edilmis dag kecisi yer almaktadir. Boynuz uzun ve asagi dogrudur. Govde ve bacaklar ince uzundur, kuyruk kisa yukari dogrudur. Urartu sanatinda sevilerek islenen kutsal agac ve keci betimlemeleri Assur – Urartu kultur etkilesiminin bir sonucu olarak karsimiza cikmaktadir. Urartu sanatinda degisik bicimlerde tasvir edilen kutsal agac betimleri, koruyucu amacinin yani sira dinsel anlamlar da tasimaktadir. Inceledigimiz muhur uzerinde yer alan dag kecisi ve kutsal agac betimi yasamin dongusel devinimini simgeleyen anlatimlardir.
DergiPark (Istanbul University), Oct 30, 2022
DergiPark (Istanbul University), Jul 22, 2022
Anadolu Araştırmaları / Anatolian Research
Turkish Studies-Social Sciences
Templum in Antis type of temples, which started to be seen in the III. millennium BC settlements ... more Templum in Antis type of temples, which started to be seen in the III. millennium BC settlements in Northern Syria have a unique architectural plan with their generally rectangular cella and entrances with porch/portico- like doorways in the front. According to the available data, this temple type that first appeared in Northern Syria, also expanded to the entire Levant region. At the beginning Templum in Antis type of temples had a simple architectural design as a cella hall and doorway part, but turned into a more complex structures with different annexes or planning over time. In this study, Templum in Antis type temples unearthed in some centers excavated in Northern Syria are discussed. For this purpose, each center is evaluated under its own sub-title and the development of "Templum in Antis" type temples, which have turned into a standard architectural model, is shown. In this development, the common or different aspects of the temples with each other and their relations with the surrounding cultural regions were tried to be clarified. The temple plans with doorways in these settlement centers, which were examined according to the Bronze Age chronology, provide us with important information about the evolution of the temple type in question. Templum in Antis were designed to be compatible with the architectural complex they are belong to. However, these structures were separated from the other structures by a boundary wall. As in the nearby cultural regions, the temples of the Syrian region were alsobuilt for the gods. As a matter of fact, it is understood from the available data that it was built for God Baal and God Daga.
Bu makalede Yeni Assur Krallığı'nda bağcılık ve şarap kültürü değerlendirilmiştir. Yeni Assur... more Bu makalede Yeni Assur Krallığı'nda bağcılık ve şarap kültürü değerlendirilmiştir. Yeni Assur Dönemi çivi yazılı metinlerinde bahçeler ile ilgili bilgiler bulunmak ile birlikte doğrudan bağcılığa dair veriler yer almaz. Ancak II. Aşurnasirpal ve Sennaherib dönemlerine ait yazılı metinlerde bahçeler içerisinde çeşitli ağaçlarla birlikte asmalara da yer verildiğine dair bilgiler yer alır. Yine Yeni Assur krallarından Sennaherib ve Aşurbanipal dönemlerine ait birkaç kabartmada da asma ve meyvesi betimlenmiştir. Yeni Assur metinlerinde şarap ile ilgili mesleklerde geçmektedir. rab karāni/rab kūtāti "şarapçı başı" terimi bunun güzel örneklerindendir. Yeni Assur'da üretilen şaraplar daha sonraki zamanlarda kullanılmak üzere depolanmıştır. Yeni Assur merkezlerinde yapılan kazı çalışmalarında şarap mahzenleri olarak tanımlanan mekânlar ortaya çıkarılmıştır. Yeni Assur Krallığı'nda şarap dini yaşamda libasyon ritüellerinde, mimari yapıların inşası ya da onarımı sırasınd...
Arkeoloji dergisi, Nov 7, 2021
DergiPark (Istanbul University), Dec 25, 2021
Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı Kültür Varlıkları ve Müzeler Genel Müdürlüğü, 2018
the Journal of Academic Social Sciences, 2015
An Assessment On "Becauses" As An Elemenr Of Violence Policy In The New-Assur Kıngdom , 2022
.Assyrians, who turned fear based policy and fear that continued for centuries in Mesopotamia int... more .Assyrians, who turned fear based policy and fear that continued for centuries in Mesopotamia into government policy (1000-612 B.C), with its’ powerful army and by taking the advantage of reliefs including violence, became an imperial force. Beheadings, tortures, and the use of violence that we encountered as a propaganda especially as from Neo-Asyyrian period (1000-612 B.C) intensified during the reign of king Assur-nasir-apli II (883-859 B.C). Cruelty and the use of violence, that performed by many of the successors, were handled praisingly in written and visual records.
Assyrians, by means of recording the military successes both to prove their strength to cities and the kingdoms of the region and in order to bring under control the external raids and internal conspiracies against Assyrian reign, wanted to represent high quality of their military force on reliefs. Thus in politically they substantiated their sovereignty over their enemies.
Killing way that we encountered frequently in inscriptions was beheading. Beheading was not only implemented for empowering the fear of death but also was very important for the inscriptions that praising the kings and commanders -as the commanders in chief of the army- to let them gain endless fame as the fearless warrior of the army. In this study, beheading, which is an element of violence in Assyria, will be examined in the light of depicted documents and written sources.
Historical and Archeametric Evaluation of a Group of Copper Coins Belong to Artuqids Period Available in the Batman Museum, 2022
Analysis of a group of coins belonging to the Artuqid period, which came to the Batman Museum by ... more Analysis of a group of coins belonging to the Artuqid period, which came to the Batman Museum by purchasing, was analyzed with the Energy-Dispersive Portable X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometer (P-EDXRF). With on-site analysis and P-EDXRF technique, which has a non-destructive method characteristic, the element percentages in the composition of the coins were identified. According to the results of the P-EDXRF analysis, it was identified that it contains avarage %97.24 copper as a main element, trace amount of lead % 0.926, % 0.462 iron, %0.347 siliciumn and %0.210 phosphorus. According to the P-EDXRF analysis results, it was confirmed that the coins were not imitations. Because of their location Artuqids influenced by many cultures, and this condition also influenced their economic life. It has been observed that this interaction is also reflected in the coins.
Papers by Esra Kaçmaz Levent
Assyrians, by means of recording the military successes both to prove their strength to cities and the kingdoms of the region and in order to bring under control the external raids and internal conspiracies against Assyrian reign, wanted to represent high quality of their military force on reliefs. Thus in politically they substantiated their sovereignty over their enemies.
Killing way that we encountered frequently in inscriptions was beheading. Beheading was not only implemented for empowering the fear of death but also was very important for the inscriptions that praising the kings and commanders -as the commanders in chief of the army- to let them gain endless fame as the fearless warrior of the army. In this study, beheading, which is an element of violence in Assyria, will be examined in the light of depicted documents and written sources.
Assyrians, by means of recording the military successes both to prove their strength to cities and the kingdoms of the region and in order to bring under control the external raids and internal conspiracies against Assyrian reign, wanted to represent high quality of their military force on reliefs. Thus in politically they substantiated their sovereignty over their enemies.
Killing way that we encountered frequently in inscriptions was beheading. Beheading was not only implemented for empowering the fear of death but also was very important for the inscriptions that praising the kings and commanders -as the commanders in chief of the army- to let them gain endless fame as the fearless warrior of the army. In this study, beheading, which is an element of violence in Assyria, will be examined in the light of depicted documents and written sources.