Books by Josep Mª Castellá Andreu
Las sociedades occidentales cada vez perciben la diversidad o el pluralismo como rasgo caracterís... more Las sociedades occidentales cada vez perciben la diversidad o el pluralismo como rasgo característico de su identidad. De ahí que resulte oportuno comparar las respuestas que dan los ordenamientos jurídicos de Canadá y España a las demandas procedentes de la diversidad territorial a través del federalismo o el Estado autonómico, y a los desafíos que se plantean desde el pluralismo social, con particular atención a las minorías religiosas y grupos homosexuales. Muchas veces, las demandas sociales y territoriales inciden en el ejercicio de derechos fundamentales. Este libro se centra sobre todo en la interrelación entre organización territorial del poder y derechos (derechos estatutarios, derechos lingüísticos), en las diversas formas de proteger la libertad religiosa y en las transformaciones del derecho privado, particularmente del derecho de familia. La obra colectiva es fruto de la colaboración entre profesores de Derecho constitucional, Derecho civil y Derecho internacional público, especialmente de la Universidad de Ottawa y de la Universidad de Barcelona.
Papers by Josep Mª Castellá Andreu
This article addresses the British EU membership or exit referendum of 23 June 2016 from a consti... more This article addresses the British EU membership or exit referendum of 23 June 2016 from a constitutional point of view. It reviews the antecedents and proposals of referendum related with EU issues, the process since the 2013 January announcement by Prime Minister Cameron until the referendum date and its legal regime established in the EU Referendum Act passed in December 2015 and the Political Parties, Elections and Referendum Act 2000. Moreover, the article deals with the effects of the result on the British political system and parties, the British representative democracy and the roll of the referendum in it, the UK unity, particularly the possibility of a second referendum on the independence in Scotland, and finally the future of the EU integration project itself and the effect over other EU member States, as well. This referendum deals with a relevant constitutional topic according with the report of the House of Lords on referendum in UK of 2010 but was convened by the Prime Minister Cameron to pass the resolution of the internal divisions of the Conservative party to the electorate after the overall majority of the Conservatives at the 2015 elections to the House of Commons.
The essay deals with the five rulings dictated by the Constitutional Court in 2014-15 in relation... more The essay deals with the five rulings dictated by the Constitutional Court in 2014-15 in relation with the secessionist process started in Catalonia in 2012. Most of the cases follow the procedure of section 161.2 Spanish Constitution and Title V of the Organic Law of the Constitutional Court. They are focused on i) the constitutionality of two resolutions passed by the Catalan Parliament on the right to decide, the sovereignty of Catalan people and the beginning of the political and constituent processes and ii) the regulation and exercise of the instruments to reach the secessionist process followed until now: a so-called popular
consultation without referendum and a participatory process. The rulings take into account the contradiction of the norms and acts contested with the Constitution, in both substantive and allocation of powers perspectives.
For the Court the constitutional amendment is ineluctable to confront the secessionist process. We conclude that the Constitutional Court assumes in the different rulings differently the obligations of a pluralist and of a constitutional democracy.
J.L. Cascajo y A. Martín de la Vega (coords.): Participación, representación y democracia. XII Congreso ACE., 2016
Juan J. Solozábal (ed), La reforma federal. España y sus siete espejos, Mar 2014
El Futuro Territorial Del Estado Espanol Centralizacion Autonomia Federalismo O Secesion 2014 Isbn 978 84 9053 896 8 Pags 451 490, 2014
Documentacion Administrativa Nueva Epoca, Jun 10, 2014
Rassegna parlamentare, vol. 56, num. 1, Mar 1, 2014
This article deals with the main characteristics of the Spanish parliamentary system – which unde... more This article deals with the main characteristics of the Spanish parliamentary system – which underlines presidential supremacy – and its relationship with the electoral system – proportional with majoritarian results. Both elements have remained unchangeable since the Transition to the democracy and during more than thirty years of constitutional regime. The effects produced are the monopoly of the political parties in the public life and a great political stability, but at the same time a progressive distance between citizens and representative institutions. The same features extend similarly to the government and electoral system of the autonomous communities. However Statutes’ amendments of the last decade have introduced timidly some new rules. If developed and implemented these Statutes may be used: i) to allow a deeper relationship between institutions and citizens (institutes of direct and participatory democracy), and ii) to remove the Cabinet’s leadership (President’s limitation of mandates). The amendments, however, have not foreseen a greater parliamentary accountability of the Cabinet.
Books by Josep Mª Castellá Andreu
Papers by Josep Mª Castellá Andreu
consultation without referendum and a participatory process. The rulings take into account the contradiction of the norms and acts contested with the Constitution, in both substantive and allocation of powers perspectives.
For the Court the constitutional amendment is ineluctable to confront the secessionist process. We conclude that the Constitutional Court assumes in the different rulings differently the obligations of a pluralist and of a constitutional democracy.
consultation without referendum and a participatory process. The rulings take into account the contradiction of the norms and acts contested with the Constitution, in both substantive and allocation of powers perspectives.
For the Court the constitutional amendment is ineluctable to confront the secessionist process. We conclude that the Constitutional Court assumes in the different rulings differently the obligations of a pluralist and of a constitutional democracy.
The assay studies the constitutional possibility of the popular consultation without referendum proposed by the Catalan Government in 2011. It analyzes the legal elements of the referendum, and, by contrast, of the other popular consultations, and the division of powers and legal framework for their regulation. The assay focuses next on the legal regime of the so called consultations without referendum but with a popular vote, created by the Catalan Government. It concludes that such a figure is a tertium genus among referendum and the participatory instruments and is not in accordance with the Constitution; besides, should it be legally accepted, it will not be appropriate for a consultation on self-determination.
participatory democracy.