Fantastic to see QuantumNRG leading the way in advising businesses and households on reducing power costs. Their expertise in energy management is making a real impact, helping people save money while contributing to a more sustainable future. Great work, Quantum NRG!
We invite you to join the conversation on how we can make the most of our renewable energy. In our previous QuantumNRG post, we shared the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) announcement about record levels of renewable energy generation. In response to the question, “Why is this such a big deal?”, we'd like to provide a deeper explanation. Recent developments highlight that AEMO has issued a "minimum system load notice," signalling a need for emergency measures to maintain grid stability. These measures could include curtailing rooftop solar systems or artificially increasing demand to absorb excess solar generation. However, this issue also presents an opportunity. In collaboration with community group WinZero, QuantumNRG is empowering consumers to trade their solar surplus with other identified demands. This can all be achieved through Enosi/ReThink Sustainability’s innovative Virtual Energy Network (VEN) platform. The intelligent tracking and tracing platform allows households, businesses and communities with no or not enough solar to utilise other's excess to power things like electric vehicles recharging or hot water heating and better still this can be achieved at incentivised energy rates. In six months, a cafe in Southern Highlands, NSW located in a rented building and no solar consumed approx 10MWh of excess from the community and saved nearly $2k in the process. The key takeaway is that while new records for rooftop solar generation are commendable, coordinated demand management ensures that this renewable energy is effectively used. If we equip consumers and communities with the right tools they can review demand, harness surplus green power, reduce wastage, and further stabilise the grid. Want to learn more Join us in this thought-provoking and unique position. 👉 Tell us your thoughts. --------------------------------- We are QuantumNRG - The renewable energy problem solvers. Contact QuantumNRG at: [email protected] #RenewableEnergy #SolarEnergy #SolarPowerTrends #SolarPowerProjectManagement