Super stoked at being a finalist. The Redacted team will be represented at the awards dinner, and #cyberconmelbourne2024.
Cyber security human doing, IRAP assessor, blue team leader, trainer, public speaker, and all round enthusiastic about cyber
🏆 We've been shortlisted as a finalist for the 2024 AISA Cyber Security Awards! The nomination is for our community program providing free cyber security and scam safety seminars to senior community members and vulnerable people through local libraries (you can scroll back through my feed and find our posts about it if you like). It's nice to be a finalist, but honestly nothing beats transforming groups of 90+ year old ladies into password manager evangelists, or taking a hall full of confused older people who can barely read a domain name, and after 70 minutes have them able to achieve 100% identification of 25 scam and phishing communications. I recently had a brief chat with the National Cyber Security Coordinator about our community education program and how we could expand and scale it to a National program. Though I'm not going to give anything away right now, I'll have an announcement coming very soon. Thank you so much Australian Information Security Association (AISA) for the recognition. We're happy with just being a finalist. It's a strong shortlist, full of people who just want to do a bit to help the community be safe in cyberspace. If you're an AISA member then vote in the awards! (I'm not gonna say vote for us, you should read all the nominations and decide for yourself). #cybersecurity #cyber #aisa #cybersecurityawarenessmonth