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Process Discovery

Adversaries may attempt to get information about running processes on a system. Information obtained could be used to gain an understanding of common software/applications running on systems within the network. Adversaries may use the information from Process Discovery during automated discovery to shape follow-on behaviors, including whether or not the adversary fully infects the target and/or attempts specific actions.

In Windows environments, adversaries could obtain details on running processes using the Tasklist utility via cmd or Get-Process via PowerShell. Information about processes can also be extracted from the output of Native API calls such as CreateToolhelp32Snapshot. In Mac and Linux, this is accomplished with the ps command. Adversaries may also opt to enumerate processes via /proc.

On network devices, Network Device CLI commands such as show processes can be used to display current running processes.[1][2]

ID: T1057
Sub-techniques:  No sub-techniques
Tactic: Discovery
Platforms: Linux, Network, Windows, macOS
System Requirements: Administrator, SYSTEM may provide better process ownership details
Contributors: Austin Clark, @c2defense
Version: 1.4
Created: 31 May 2017
Last Modified: 11 August 2023

Procedure Examples

ID Name Description
S0065 4H RAT

4H RAT has the capability to obtain a listing of running processes (including loaded modules).[3]


ADVSTORESHELL can list running processes.[4]

S0331 Agent Tesla

Agent Tesla can list the current running processes on the system.[5]

G0138 Andariel

Andariel has used tasklist to enumerate processes and find a specific string.[6]

S0622 AppleSeed

AppleSeed can enumerate the current process on a compromised host.[7]

G0006 APT1

APT1 gathered a list of running processes on the system using tasklist /v.[8]

G0007 APT28

An APT28 loader Trojan will enumerate the victim's processes searching for explorer.exe if its current process does not have necessary permissions.[9]

G0022 APT3

APT3 has a tool that can list out currently running processes.[10][11]

G0067 APT37

APT37's Freenki malware lists running processes using the Microsoft Windows API.[12]

G0082 APT38

APT38 leveraged Sysmon to understand the processes, services in the organization.[13]

S0456 Aria-body

Aria-body has the ability to enumerate loaded modules for a process.[14].

S0373 Astaroth

Astaroth searches for different processes on the system.[15]

S1087 AsyncRAT

AsyncRAT can examine running processes to determine if a debugger is present.[16]

S0640 Avaddon

Avaddon has collected information about running processes.[17]

S0473 Avenger

Avenger has the ability to use Tasklist to identify running processes.[18]

S1053 AvosLocker

AvosLocker has discovered system processes by calling RmGetList.[19]

S0344 Azorult

Azorult can collect a list of running processes by calling CreateToolhelp32Snapshot.[20][21]

S0638 Babuk

Babuk has the ability to check running processes on a targeted system.[22][23][24]

S0414 BabyShark

BabyShark has executed the tasklist command.[25]

S0093 Backdoor.Oldrea

Backdoor.Oldrea collects information about running processes.[26]


BACKSPACE may collect information about running processes.[27]

S0606 Bad Rabbit

Bad Rabbit can enumerate all running processes to compare hashes.[28]


BADHATCH can retrieve a list of running processes from a compromised machine.[29]

S0239 Bankshot

Bankshot identifies processes and collects the process ids.[30]

S0534 Bazar

Bazar can identity the current process on a compromised host.[31]


BBSRAT can list running processes.[32]


BISCUIT has a command to enumerate running processes and identify their owners.[33]

S0268 Bisonal

Bisonal can obtain a list of running processes on the victim’s machine.[34][35][36]


BLACKCOFFEE has the capability to discover processes.[37]

S0089 BlackEnergy

BlackEnergy has gathered a process list by using Tasklist.exe.[38][39][40]


BLUELIGHT can collect process filenames and SID authority level.[41]

S0486 Bonadan

Bonadan can use the ps command to discover other cryptocurrency miners active on the system.[42]

S0252 Brave Prince

Brave Prince lists the running processes.[43]

S1063 Brute Ratel C4

Brute Ratel C4 can enumerate all processes and locate specific process IDs (PIDs).[44]

S1039 Bumblebee

Bumblebee can identify processes associated with analytical tools.[45][46][47]

S0482 Bundlore

Bundlore has used the ps command to list processes.[48]

C0015 C0015

During C0015, the threat actors used the tasklist /s command as well as taskmanager to obtain a list of running processes.[49]

S0693 CaddyWiper

CaddyWiper can obtain a list of current processes.[50]

S0351 Cannon

Cannon can obtain a list of processes running on the system.[51][52]

S0030 Carbanak

Carbanak lists running processes.[53]

S0484 Carberp

Carberp has collected a list of running processes.[54]

S0335 Carbon

Carbon can list the processes on the victim’s machine.[55]

S0348 Cardinal RAT

Cardinal RAT contains watchdog functionality that ensures its process is always running, else spawns a new instance.[56]

S0572 Caterpillar WebShell

Caterpillar WebShell can gather a list of processes running on the machine.[57]

S0674 CharmPower

CharmPower has the ability to list running processes through the use of tasklist.[58]

S0144 ChChes

ChChes collects its process identifier (PID) on the victim.[59]

G0114 Chimera

Chimera has used tasklist to enumerate processes.[60]

S0660 Clambling

Clambling can enumerate processes on a targeted system.[61]

S0611 Clop

Clop can enumerate all processes on the victim's machine.[62]

S0154 Cobalt Strike

Cobalt Strike's Beacon payload can collect information on process details.[63][64][65]

S0244 Comnie

Comnie uses the tasklist to view running processes on the victim’s machine.[66]

S0575 Conti

Conti can enumerate through all open processes to search for any that have the string "sql" in their process name.[67]

S0115 Crimson

Crimson contains a command to list processes.[68][69][70]

S0625 Cuba

Cuba can enumerate processes running on a victim's machine.[71]

S0687 Cyclops Blink

Cyclops Blink can enumerate the process it is currently running under.[72]

S0497 Dacls

Dacls can collect data on running and parent processes.[73]

S0334 DarkComet

DarkComet can list active processes running on the victim’s machine.[74]

G0012 Darkhotel

Darkhotel malware can collect a list of running processes on a system.[75]

S1066 DarkTortilla

DarkTortilla can enumerate a list of running processes on a compromised system.[76]

G0009 Deep Panda

Deep Panda uses the Microsoft Tasklist utility to list processes running on systems.[77]

S0021 Derusbi

Derusbi collects current and parent process IDs.[78][79]

S0659 Diavol

Diavol has used CreateToolhelp32Snapshot, Process32First, and Process32Next API calls to enumerate the running processes in the system.[80]

S0600 Doki

Doki has searched for the current process’s PID.[81]

S0695 Donut

Donut includes subprojects that enumerate and identify information about Process Injection candidates.[82]

S0472 down_new

down_new has the ability to list running processes on a compromised host.[18]

S0694 DRATzarus

DRATzarus can enumerate and examine running processes to determine if a debugger is present.[83]

S0567 Dtrack

Dtrack’s dropper can list all running processes.[84][85]

S0038 Duqu

The discovery modules used with Duqu can collect information on process details.[86]

S0062 DustySky

DustySky collects information about running processes from victims.[87][88]

G1006 Earth Lusca

Earth Lusca has used Tasklist to obtain information from a compromised host.[89]


EKANS looks for processes from a hard-coded list.[90][91][92]

S0081 Elise

Elise enumerates processes via the tasklist command.[93]


ELMER is capable of performing process listings.[94]

S0367 Emotet

Emotet has been observed enumerating local processes.[95]

S0363 Empire

Empire can find information about processes running on local and remote systems.[96][97]

S0091 Epic

Epic uses the tasklist /v command to obtain a list of processes.[98][99]

S0396 EvilBunny

EvilBunny has used EnumProcesses() to identify how many process are running in the environment.[100]

S0512 FatDuke

FatDuke can list running processes on the localhost.[101]


FELIXROOT collects a list of running processes.[102]

S0355 Final1stspy

Final1stspy obtains a list of running processes.[103]

S0182 FinFisher

FinFisher checks its parent process for indications that it is running in a sandbox setup.[104][105]

S0696 Flagpro

Flagpro has been used to run the tasklist command on a compromised system.[106]

S0661 FoggyWeb

FoggyWeb's loader can enumerate all Common Language Runtimes (CLRs) and running Application Domains in the compromised AD FS server's Microsoft.IdentityServer.ServiceHost.exe process.[107]

S0503 FrameworkPOS

FrameworkPOS can enumerate and exclude selected processes on a compromised host to speed execution of memory scraping.[108]

C0001 Frankenstein

During Frankenstein, the threat actors used Empire to obtain a list of all running processes.[97]

S0277 FruitFly

FruitFly has the ability to list processes on the system.[109]

S1044 FunnyDream

FunnyDream has the ability to discover processes, including Bka.exe and BkavUtil.exe.[110]

C0007 FunnyDream

During FunnyDream, the threat actors used Tasklist on targeted systems.[110]

S0410 Fysbis

Fysbis can collect information about running processes.[111]

G0047 Gamaredon Group

Gamaredon Group has used tools to enumerate processes on target hosts including Process Explorer.[112][113]

S0666 Gelsemium

Gelsemium can enumerate running processes.[114]

S0049 GeminiDuke

GeminiDuke collects information on running processes and environment variables from the victim.[115]

S0460 Get2

Get2 has the ability to identify running processes on an infected host.[116]

S0032 gh0st RAT

gh0st RAT has the capability to list processes.[117]

S0249 Gold Dragon

Gold Dragon checks the running processes on the victim’s machine.[43]

S0477 Goopy

Goopy has checked for the Google Updater process to ensure Goopy was loaded properly.[118]

S0531 Grandoreiro

Grandoreiro can identify installed security tools based on process names.[119]

S0237 GravityRAT

GravityRAT lists the running processes on the system.[120]


HAFNIUM has used tasklist to enumerate processes.[121]


HALFBAKED can obtain information about running processes on the victim.[122]


HELLOKITTY can search for specific processes to terminate.[123]

S0170 Helminth

Helminth has used Tasklist to get information on processes.[9]


HEXANE has enumerated processes on targeted systems.[124]

S1027 Heyoka Backdoor

Heyoka Backdoor can gather process information.[125]

G0126 Higaisa

Higaisa’s shellcode attempted to find the process ID of the current process.[126]

S0431 HotCroissant

HotCroissant has the ability to list running processes on the infected host.[127]

S0203 Hydraq

Hydraq creates a backdoor through which remote attackers can monitor processes.[128][129]

S0278 iKitten

iKitten lists the current processes running.[109]

S0434 Imminent Monitor

Imminent Monitor has a "Process Watcher" feature to monitor processes in case the client ever crashes or gets closed.[130]

G0100 Inception

Inception has used a reconnaissance module to identify active processes and other associated loaded modules.[131]

S1072 Industroyer2

Industroyer2 has the ability to cyclically enumerate running processes such as PServiceControl.exe, PService_PDD.exe, and other targets supplied through a hardcoded configuration.[132]

S0260 InvisiMole

InvisiMole can obtain a list of running processes.[133][134]

S0581 IronNetInjector

IronNetInjector can identify processes via C# methods such as GetProcessesByName and running Tasklist with the Python os.popen function.[135]

S0015 Ixeshe

Ixeshe can list running processes.[136]

S0528 Javali

Javali can monitor processes for open browsers and custom banking applications.[137]


JHUHUGIT obtains a list of running processes on the victim.[138][139]

S0201 JPIN

JPIN can list running processes.[140]

S0283 jRAT

jRAT can query and kill system processes.[141]

S0088 Kasidet

Kasidet has the ability to search for a given process name in processes currently running in the system.[142]

S0265 Kazuar

Kazuar obtains a list of running processes through WMI querying and the ps command.[143]

G0004 Ke3chang

Ke3chang performs process discovery using tasklist commands.[144][145]


KEYMARBLE can obtain a list of running processes on the system.[146]

S0607 KillDisk

KillDisk has called GetCurrentProcess.[147]

G0094 Kimsuky

Kimsuky can gather a list of all processes running on a victim's machine.[148]

S0599 Kinsing

Kinsing has used ps to list processes.[149]

S0162 Komplex

The OsInfo function in Komplex collects a running process list.[150]


KONNI has used the command cmd /c tasklist to get a snapshot of the current processes on the target machine.[151][152]


KOPILUWAK can enumerate current running processes on the targeted machine.[153]

S0236 Kwampirs

Kwampirs collects a list of running services with the command tasklist /v.[154]

G0032 Lazarus Group

Several Lazarus Group malware families gather a list of running processes on a victim system and send it to their C2 server. A Destover-like variant used by Lazarus Group also gathers process times.[155][156][157][158][73][159]

S0211 Linfo

Linfo creates a backdoor through which remote attackers can retrieve a list of running processes.[160]

S0681 Lizar

Lizar has a plugin designed to obtain a list of processes.[161][162]

S0582 LookBack

LookBack can list running processes.[163]

S0451 LoudMiner

LoudMiner used the ps command to monitor the running processes on the system.[164]

S0532 Lucifer

Lucifer can identify the process that owns remote connections.[165]

S0409 Machete

Machete has a component to check for running processes to look for web browsers.[166]

S1016 MacMa

MacMa can enumerate running processes.[167]

S1048 macOS.OSAMiner

macOS.OSAMiner has used ps ax | grep <name> | grep -v grep | ... and ps ax | grep -E... to conduct process discovery.[168]

S1060 Mafalda

Mafalda can enumerate running processes on a machine.[169]

G0059 Magic Hound

Magic Hound malware can list running processes.[170]

S0652 MarkiRAT

MarkiRAT can search for different processes on a system.[171]

S0449 Maze

Maze has gathered all of the running system processes.[172]

S1059 metaMain

metaMain can enumerate the processes that run on the platform.[169][173]

S0455 Metamorfo

Metamorfo has performed process name checks and has monitored applications.[174]

S0688 Meteor

Meteor can check if a specific process is running, such as Kaspersky's avp.exe.[175]

S0079 MobileOrder

MobileOrder has a command to upload information about all running processes to its C2 server.[176]

G0021 Molerats

Molerats actors obtained a list of active processes on the victim and sent them to C2 servers.[87]

S0149 MoonWind

MoonWind has a command to return a list of running processes.[177]

S0256 Mosquito

Mosquito runs tasklist to obtain running processes.[178]

G0069 MuddyWater

MuddyWater has used malware to obtain a list of running processes on the system.[179][180]

G0129 Mustang Panda

Mustang Panda has used tasklist /v to determine active process information.[181]

S0247 NavRAT

NavRAT uses tasklist /v to check running processes.[182]

S0630 Nebulae

Nebulae can enumerate processes on a target system.[183]


NETEAGLE can send process listings over the C2 channel.[27]


NETWIRE can discover processes on compromised hosts.[184]

S1090 NightClub

NightClub has the ability to use GetWindowThreadProcessId to identify the process behind a specified window.[185]

S0385 njRAT

njRAT can search a list of running processes for Tr.exe.[186]

S0644 ObliqueRAT

ObliqueRAT can check for blocklisted process names on a compromised host.[187]

S0346 OceanSalt

OceanSalt can collect the name and ID for every process running on the system.[188]

G0049 OilRig

OilRig has run tasklist on a victim's machine.[189]

C0012 Operation CuckooBees

During Operation CuckooBees, the threat actors used the tasklist command as part of their advanced reconnaissance.[190]

C0006 Operation Honeybee

During Operation Honeybee, the threat actors obtained a list of running processes on a victim machine using cmd /c tasklist > %temp%\temp.ini.[191]

C0014 Operation Wocao

During Operation Wocao, the threat actors used tasklist to collect a list of running processes on an infected system.[192]

S0229 Orz

Orz can gather a process list from the victim.[193]

S1017 OutSteel

OutSteel can identify running processes on a compromised host.[194]

S0626 P8RAT

P8RAT can check for specific processes associated with virtual environments.[195]

S0664 Pandora

Pandora can monitor processes on a compromised host.[196]

S0208 Pasam

Pasam creates a backdoor through which remote attackers can retrieve lists of running processes.[197]

S1050 PcShare

PcShare can obtain a list of running processes on a compromised host.[110]

S0517 Pillowmint

Pillowmint can iterate through running processes every six seconds collecting a list of processes to capture from later.[198]

S0501 PipeMon

PipeMon can iterate over the running processes to find a suitable injection target.[199]


PLAINTEE performs the tasklist command to list running processes.[200]


PLEAD has the ability to list processes on the compromised host.[201]

S0013 PlugX

PlugX has a module to list the processes running on a machine.[202]

S0428 PoetRAT

PoetRAT has the ability to list all running processes.[203]


POORAIM can enumerate processes.[204]

G0033 Poseidon Group

After compromising a victim, Poseidon Group lists all running processes.[205]

S0139 PowerDuke

PowerDuke has a command to list the victim's processes.[206]

S0441 PowerShower

PowerShower has the ability to deploy a reconnaissance module to retrieve a list of the active processes.[207]

S0194 PowerSploit

PowerSploit's Get-ProcessTokenPrivilege Privesc-PowerUp module can enumerate privileges for a given process.[208][209]

S0393 PowerStallion

PowerStallion has been used to monitor process lists.[210]


POWERSTATS has used get_tasklist to discover processes on the compromised host.[211]


POWRUNER may collect process information by running tasklist on a victim.[212]

S0238 Proxysvc

Proxysvc lists processes running on the system.[158]

S0192 Pupy

Pupy can list the running processes and get the process ID and parent process’s ID.[213]

S0650 QakBot

QakBot has the ability to check running processes.[214]

S0629 RainyDay

RainyDay can enumerate processes on a target system.[183]

S0458 Ramsay

Ramsay can gather a list of running processes by using Tasklist.[215]


RATANKBA lists the system’s processes.[216][217]

S0662 RCSession

RCSession can identify processes based on PID.[218]

S0125 Remsec

Remsec can obtain a process list from the victim.[219]

S0448 Rising Sun

Rising Sun can enumerate all running processes and process information on an infected machine.[220]

G0106 Rocke

Rocke can detect a running process's PID on the infected machine.[221]

S0270 RogueRobin

RogueRobin checks the running processes for evidence it may be running in a sandbox environment. It specifically enumerates processes for Wireshark and Sysinternals.[222]


ROKRAT can list the current running processes on the system.[223][224]

S1078 RotaJakiro

RotaJakiro can monitor the /proc/[PID] directory of known RotaJakiro processes as a part of its persistence when executing with non-root permissions. If the process is found dead, it resurrects the process. RotaJakiro processes can be matched to an associated Advisory Lock, in the /proc/locks folder, to ensure it doesn't spawn more than one process.[225]

S1073 Royal

Royal can use GetCurrentProcess to enumerate processes.[226]

S0148 RTM

RTM can obtain information about process integrity levels.[227]

S0446 Ryuk

Ryuk has called CreateToolhelp32Snapshot to enumerate all running processes.[228]

S1018 Saint Bot

Saint Bot has enumerated running processes on a compromised host to determine if it is running under the process name dfrgui.exe.[194]

S1085 Sardonic

Sardonic has the ability to execute the tasklist command.[229]

S0461 SDBbot

SDBbot can enumerate a list of running processes on a compromised machine.[230]

S0345 Seasalt

Seasalt has a command to perform a process listing.[33]

S0596 ShadowPad

ShadowPad has collected the PID of a malicious process.[231]

S0445 ShimRatReporter

ShimRatReporter listed all running processes on the machine.[232]


SHOTPUT has a command to obtain a process listing.[233]

G0121 Sidewinder

Sidewinder has used tools to identify running processes on the victim's machine.[234]


SILENTTRINITY can enumerate processes, including properties to determine if they have the Common Language Runtime (CLR) loaded.[235]

S0468 Skidmap

Skidmap has monitored critical processes to ensure resiliency.[236]


SLOTHFULMEDIA has enumerated processes by ID, name, or privileges.[237]

S0273 Socksbot

Socksbot can list all running processes.[238]

S0627 SodaMaster

SodaMaster can search a list of running processes.[195]

C0024 SolarWinds Compromise

During the SolarWinds Compromise, APT29 used multiple command-line utilities to enumerate running processes.[239][240][241]

S0615 SombRAT

SombRAT can use the getprocesslist command to enumerate processes on a compromised host.[242][123][243]

S0516 SoreFang

SoreFang can enumerate processes on a victim machine through use of Tasklist.[244]

G0038 Stealth Falcon

Stealth Falcon malware gathers a list of running processes.[245]

S0142 StreamEx

StreamEx has the ability to enumerate processes.[246]

S0491 StrongPity

StrongPity can determine if a user is logged in by checking to see if explorer.exe is running.[247]


SUNBURST collected a list of process names that were hashed using a FNV-1a + XOR algorithm to check against similarly-hashed hardcoded blocklists.[248]


SUNSPOT monitored running processes for instances of MsBuild.exe by hashing the name of each running process and comparing it to the corresponding value 0x53D525. It also extracted command-line arguments and individual arguments from the running MsBuild.exe process to identify the directory path of the Orion software Visual Studio solution.[249]

S1064 SVCReady

SVCReady can collect a list of running processes from an infected host.[250]

S0018 Sykipot

Sykipot may gather a list of running processes by running tasklist /v.[251]

S0242 SynAck

SynAck enumerates all running processes.[252][253]


SYSCON has the ability to use Tasklist to list running processes.[254]

S0663 SysUpdate

SysUpdate can collect information about running processes.[255]

S0011 Taidoor

Taidoor can use GetCurrentProcessId for process discovery.[256]


TAINTEDSCRIBE can execute ProcessList for process discovery.[257]

S0467 TajMahal

TajMahal has the ability to identify running processes and associated plugins on an infected host.[258]

S0057 Tasklist

Tasklist can be used to discover processes running on a system.[259]

G0139 TeamTNT

TeamTNT has searched for rival malware and removes it if found.[260] TeamTNT has also searched for running processes containing the strings aliyun or liyun to identify machines running Alibaba Cloud Security tools.[261]

S0595 ThiefQuest

ThiefQuest obtains a list of running processes using the function kill_unwanted.[262]

S0266 TrickBot

TrickBot uses module networkDll for process list discovery.[263][264]

S0094 Trojan.Karagany

Trojan.Karagany can use Tasklist to collect a list of running tasks.[26][265]

G0081 Tropic Trooper

Tropic Trooper is capable of enumerating the running processes on the system using pslist.[266][267]

S0436 TSCookie

TSCookie has the ability to list processes on the infected host.[268]

G0010 Turla

Turla surveys a system upon check-in to discover running processes using the tasklist /v command.[98] Turla RPC backdoors have also enumerated processes associated with specific open ports or named pipes.[210]

S0333 UBoatRAT

UBoatRAT can list running processes on the system.[269]

S0022 Uroburos

Uroburos can use its Process List command to enumerate processes on compromised hosts.[270]

S0386 Ursnif

Ursnif has gathered information about running processes.[271][272]

S0452 USBferry

USBferry can use tasklist to gather information about the process running on the infected system.[267]

S0476 Valak

Valak has the ability to enumerate running processes on a compromised host.[273]


VERMIN can get a list of the processes and running tasks on the system.[274]

S0180 Volgmer

Volgmer can gather a list of processes.[275]

G1017 Volt Typhoon

Volt Typhoon has enumerated running processes on targeted systems.[276][277]

S0670 WarzoneRAT

WarzoneRAT can obtain a list of processes on a compromised host.[278]

S0579 Waterbear

Waterbear can identify the process for a specific security product.[279]

G0112 Windshift

Windshift has used malware to enumerate active processes.[280]


WINERACK can enumerate processes.[204]

S0059 WinMM

WinMM sets a WH_CBT Windows hook to collect information on process creation.[281]

S0141 Winnti for Windows

Winnti for Windows can check if the explorer.exe process is responsible for calling its install function.[282]

G0044 Winnti Group

Winnti Group looked for a specific process running on infected servers.[283]

S1065 Woody RAT

Woody RAT can call NtQuerySystemProcessInformation with SystemProcessInformation to enumerate all running processes, including associated information such as PID, parent PID, image name, and owner.[284]

S0161 XAgentOSX

XAgentOSX contains the getProcessList function to run ps aux to get running processes.[285]

S0248 yty

yty gets an output of running processes using the tasklist command.[286]

S0251 Zebrocy

Zebrocy uses the tasklist and wmic process get Capture, ExecutablePath commands to gather the processes running on the system.[51][287][52][288][289]

S0330 Zeus Panda

Zeus Panda checks for running processes on the victim’s machine.[290]

S0672 Zox

Zox has the ability to list processes.[291]

S0412 ZxShell

ZxShell has a command, ps, to obtain a listing of processes on the system.[292]

S1013 ZxxZ

ZxxZ has created a snapshot of running processes using CreateToolhelp32Snapshot.[293]


This type of attack technique cannot be easily mitigated with preventive controls since it is based on the abuse of system features.


ID Data Source Data Component Detects
DS0017 Command Command Execution

Monitor executed commands and arguments for actions that may attempt to get information about running processes on a system.

DS0009 Process OS API Execution

Monitor for API calls may attempt to get information about running processes on a system.

Process Creation

Monitor for newly executed processes that may attempt to get information about running processes on a system. To be effective in deciphering malicious and benign activity, the full command line is essential. Similarly, having information about the parent process can help with making decisions and tuning to an environment.

Because these commands are built in, they may be run frequently by power users or even by normal users. Thus, an analytic looking at this information should have well-defined white- or blacklists, and should consider looking at an anomaly detection approach, so that this information can be learned dynamically.Within the built-in Windows Commands:

  • hostname
  • ipconfig
  • net
  • quser
  • qwinsta
  • sc with flags query, queryex, qc
  • systeminfo
  • tasklist
  • dsquery
  • whoamiNote dsquery is only pre-existing on Windows servers.

Analytic 1 - Host Discovery Commands

info_command = filter process where ( exe == "hostname.exe" or exe == "ipconfig.exe" or exe == "net.exe" or exe == "quser.exe" or exe == "qwinsta.exe" or exe == "sc" and (command_line match " query" or command_line match " qc")) or exe == "systeminfo.exe" or exe == "tasklist.exe" or exe == "whoami.exe")


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