
Showing posts from June, 2022

Boycotts worked on Disney

Personal reflection: Don’t let anyone ever tell you that boycotts don’t work.  THEY DO WORK! Boycott everything that goes against our Christian Conservative morals, principles and values.  

The Cowboy Priest YouTube Channel

  The Cowboy Priest YouTube Channel     Personal reflection:   When the last cowboy wearing a white hat has been driven out of Dodge, along comes a cowboy riding up into our digital devices.    He was thought to have been canceled, but wearing a white hat he comes to defend the towns folk from the cruel, evil, and villainous cowboys wearing black hats.   When all around us the cowboys wearing black hats are spewing falsehoods and lies, God miraculously sends us  a cowboy riding up into our digital devices.    He was thought to have been canceled, but he comes to defend the True Teachings of Christ and His Church. We all know that in the end;  only those wearing white hats will be left standing at the OK Corral.  

The GOP declares Democrats Stole the Election by Gene Chapman

  The Texas Republican Party State Convention passed a Resolution stating Biden was not legitimately elected!  Something most of America suspicioned, and many were convinced of, watching the State legislatures in must win swing States.  The election was rigged with unguarded election drop boxes in Democrat precincts, financed by 420 million bucks from Facebooks Mark Zuckerberg, and other billionaires. The resolution suggests election fraud in five battle ground states led to Biden’s victory over Donald Trump and describes him as the “ACTING’ President. “We reject the certified results of the2020 election and hold that acting President Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. was not legitimately elected by the Popole of the United States.” It strains credulity to believe Trump broke the second term presidential record with 75 million votes, and basement dwelling Biden just exploded all records with, 81 million votes. Trump beat Hillary with only 69 million votes for your information, a...

Texas ‘Triple Threat’ Leads Hispanic Voters’ Seismic Shift Toward GOP by Breitbart News

  (Left to right: Cassy Garcia, Mayra Flores,  and Monica De La Cruz) “The red wave is here,” Cassy Garcia said. “Now more than ever Hispanics feel a genuine sense of belonging with the GOP. We know Hispanics are conservative on education, on social issues. We’re pro-life and pro-gun. We want lower taxes, religious freedom, and school choice.” Cassy Garcia said controlling the border is a critical issue for those she is hoping to represent.  “We don’t need more facilities … I don’t need more immigration judges. What we need to do is enforce the laws on the books. We need to secure the border,” Cassy Garcia said.  Cassy Garcia is engaged to a Border Patrol agent, and Mayra Flores is married to one. “I understand the needs, the real needs here and processes, and especially what’s happening at the border,” Mayra Flores said. “We have people in Congress here in South Texas that are fighting for California values, that are, you know, fighting for Austin values and not Sou...

Welcome To The Cowboy Priest Channel by Father Henry Clay Hunt, III

God bless “The Cowboy Priest” Channel on Youtube. God bless Father Henry Clay Hunt, III. Spread the word, Father Clay is now on Youtube. Father Clay has a Youtube channel. Click “Like” the thumbs-up symbol      Click Subscribe to “The Cowboy Priest” Channel on Youtube

Silent No More Music Video by Jamie Owens Collins


June 24, 2022: On the Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus the Supreme Court overruled Roe v. Wade


Speed Drawing of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary by Sebastian Dombrowski

June 24 2022: Solemnity of Most Sacred Heart of Jesus June 25, 2022: Feast Day of the Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary

They are Really Changing America by Gene Chapman

  The Capitol police were warned by Homeland Security and District of Columbia police of potential violence, two weeks before the Jan 6 th riots. Why did Pelosi, and the Mayor of D.C. refuse Trump’s offer of 20,000 National Guard Troops to keep the Capitol safe on Jan.4 th ? Did Nancy Pelosi, in charge of the Capitol by our Constitution, only have half the normal Capitol police force on duty? What kind of a deal was this, with deadly braggadocios threats on Facebook advising, let them shoot first then return fire? Absolutely, bring your gun, sling it over your back, and wear a big puffy coat, if you have too. Then, not a single Capitol rioter was charged with having a gun, or insurgency, but Jan. 6th was the darkest day, in all our history. It would have never happened if Pelosi had accepted Trump’s offer of the National Guard. In their last no opposition allow, illegal hearing, they still claimed a Capitol police officer was killed, a lie. Only one Trump supporter died, a weapo...

Wearing a "Black LIVES Matter" t-shirt to a pro-abortion/anti-life demonstration!

  Personal reflection: Doesn’t she get the irony of wearing a Black LIVES Matter t-shirt  to a pro-abortion/anti-life demonstration!

Pelosi Refuses to Condemn Pro-Abortion Violence by Catholic Vote

Personal reflection: Pelosi knelt in the Capitol building  for nearly nine minutes to honor George Floyd. Do you think that as she describes herself saying,  “I’m a very Catholic person”  she genuflects when she enters a Catholic Church  to honor our Lord truly present in the tabernacle?

Pelosi's January the 6th lies by Gene Chapman

  The first Thursday night prime time Democrat dog and pony show was a dud.  Cable News wrote, on a normal Prime time Thursday evening, the three major news networks have 20 million viewers, but for Nancy’s propaganda, they only had 11 million viewers. Fox, by far, the leading cable station didn’t carry it, and the Democrats are mad. The people know what’s going on and are sick of the left’s breathless scandals they create themselves, then blame it on Trump. They used your taxes in the millions to make Trump guilty of colluding with Russia to steal the 2016 election, and it was Hillary and the Democrats who were colluding with Russia all along.   For six years, the media has breathlessly reported we have him now for sure, and so far, we’ve only had believable evidence of criminality for Hillary, FBI leadership, and several in the Obama administration. America is beginning to understand our beloved Republic has been under severe attack from education, beginning in kin...

June 19, 2022 Feast of Corpus Christi: Pange Lingua - Catholic Hymn & Chant Latin with English translation by Catholic & Christian Choral Music

"Pange Lingua Gloriosi" is a Latin hymn written by Saint Thomas Aquinas for the Feast of Corpus Christi. The last two stanzas (called, separately, Tantum ergo) are sung at Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament.  The hymn expresses the doctrine that the bread and wine are changed into the body and blood of Christ during the celebration of the Eucharist.

Quote by Saint Ambrose

  "The devil tempts that he may ruin; God tests that He may crown." - Saint Ambrose

Father Pius: A Father’s Day Farewell by Marian Casillas, Ed.D./Father Pius - Padre Pío: Una despedida en el Día del Padre por Marian Casillas, Ed.D.

Like a good dad, Father; like a good shepherd, Pastor.   It is totally fitting that your fond farewell is celebrated on the most auspicious occasion of Father’s Day.   You did anything and everything to make sure none of your own was lost, even if that meant sacrificing yourself.    On your vacation you traveled to visit your sick and suffering sheep that had moved to other pastures; while facing winter storms and having your vehicle spinning around on the slippery, icy roads along the way.   You exemplified the joy that only God can give, that comes when you know your sons and daughters are in safe pastures beside cool, clean, refreshing running streams of water.   You fed us with the Bread of Everlasting Life.   The greatest times were when you stayed with us and shared in the silence and solitude of Adoration of The Blessed Sacrament.   You loved your sheep enough to stay with them, other shepherds only come to put in their time and then t...