
Showing posts from 2011

Afterwords: Twelve (12) meditations for the twelve (12) months of the NEW Year 2012

1)       Circulation: in with the NEW, out with the old, over and over and over again. 2)       “Now” is “NEW” and “even now” is “ever newer”. 3)       God wants to give us a brand NEW vision, one that is connected to the past and will carry us into the future. 4)       In the NEW evangelization we must be open to the opportunities of finding new methods of reaching new generations with the never-changing message of the gospel of Christ. 5)       Some people will never read or hear the Old and the NEW Testaments; but they will see and listen to the living testaments in their life. 6)       Retreat is a time to be realigned and repositioned for a NEW advancement or attack. 7)       With every experience God gives us a NEW opportunity that is fresh, clean, pure and good. 8)    ...

Afterwords: Ten (10) things to START

1)       Let us stop being our worst critic and START being our own best cheerleader 2)       Stop being a part of the darkness and START being a part of the light 3)       Our public activity for God STARTS with our private activity for God and o ur exterior life for God STARTS with our interior life for God   4)       Stop delaying and START delivering 5)       Only we can START ourselves to START something and o nly we can stop ourselves to stop something 6)       START looking ahead, stop looking back 7)       Ultimately we will never fail unless we quit and even then we can always START all over again 8)       Stop looking at the trials we are facing as curses, plagues or unfair punishment from God; START looking at them as opportunit...

Afterthoughts . . .

  Do not drive forward toward your future with your eyes on the rearview mirror of your life.

December 30, 2011: Feast of the Holy Family

  Dear Lord, bless our family. Be so kind as to give us the unity, peace, and mutual love that You found in Your own family in the little town of Nazareth.   Saint Joseph, bless the head of our family. Obtain for him the strength, the wisdom, and the prudence he needs to support and direct those under his care.   Mother Mary, bless the mother of our family. Help her to be pure and kind, gentle and self-sacrificing. For the more she resembles you, the better will our family be.   Lord Jesus, bless the children of our family. Help them to be obedient and devoted to their parents. Make them more and more like You. Let them grow, as You did, in wisdom and age and grace before God and man.   Holy Family of Nazareth, make our family and home more and more like Yours, until we are all one family, happy and at peace in our true home with You. Amen.     Source:    

Let 2012 be the year you explore the riches of the Catholic faith

Everyone wants to Learn More . You can't help it. It's part of being a "rational animal" – the term Aristotle used to define human beings. You seek knowledge in everything you do. In fact, you seek truth in everything you do – not just knowledge. You aren't a computer, satisfied with data being pumped through your internal circuits. No: Your mind craves truth as strongly as your body craves food. Feed your mind and your soul to satisfy your hunger for truth. Let 2012 be the year you explore the riches of the Catholic faith. Resolve to attend the Knights of Columbus Bible Study and the Legion of Mary Retreats with Father Antonio Moreno throughout the year. Check this blog for upcoming information as it becomes available . . .



Excerpts from Meditation for December 29, 2011 by Jorge Uriarte

Access: Meditation: Luke 2:22-35   “The Holy Spirit was upon him.” (Luke 2:25) Does the way God works ever surprise you? God is not bound by our lim­ited expectations or by our opinion of how he should act. It can be easy to fall into a trap of thinking that he works only in certain ways, or only for those who are spiritually “ma­ture.” Often, however, he is waiting for us to admit our weakness and to cry out: “I can’t do it, Lord!” before he will move. Humility is the key, for it is only when we are weak that we are open to his strength.   It is only when we see our need that we are able to surrender to his Spirit. Christmas Day may have passed, but God still wants to bless us— maybe even surprise us with an unexpected outpouring of the Holy Spirit. What do you really need? Don’t box God in. Instead, expect the un­expected. “Holy Spirit, thank you for showing me your love. I give you my whole heart, and I believe that you ...

Spiritually Prepare For A New Year


Worth Watching in January and February 2012

Access: Catholic Digest By Peggy Weber TELEVISION & MULTIMEDIA PBS’ AMERICAN EXPERIENCE focuses on figures and events of the American West, including Billy the Kid (Jan. 10) , Custer’s Last Stand (Jan.17) , Wyatt Earp (Jan. 24) , and Annie Oakley and Jesse James (Jan. 31) . Busted Halo’s video series Sacraments 101 offers the basics for young adult Catholics and spiritual seekers at . FILM JOYFUL NOISE, starring Dolly Parton and Queen Latifah, tells a fun story about a small-town choir out to win a national competition despite overwhelming odds (Jan. 13) . RED TAILS is the story of the African-American pilots in the Tuskegee training program who faced segregation during World War II (Jan. 20) . BIG MIRACLE highlights a campaign in Alaska to save a family of gray whales trapped by ice in the Arctic Circle. The film is based on a true story and stars Drew Barrymore and John Krasinski (Feb. 3) . STAR WARS: EPISODE I — THE PHANTOM MENACE...

January 28, 2012: Texas Catholic Pro-Life Day in Austin Texas


January 28, 2012: Texas Catholic Pro-Life Day in Austin, Texas

Date: Sat, Jan 28, 2012 Department(s): Pro-Life Activities & Chaste Living Parish: San Jose Parish Resource Documents: Texas Catholic Pro-Life Day Description: This day will include a morning Prayer Vigil at an abortion facility, Mass with Bishop Joe Vásquez at San José Parish and the Texas Rally for Life and party for life. Contact: Yvonne Saldana 512-949-2486 [email protected]

Spiritual Renewal Conference — March 2-3, 2012

Access: Catholic Center for Charismatic Renewal Archdiocese of San Antonio Spiritual Renewal Conference — March 2-3, 2012 Experience the power of the Holy Spirit at the 2012 Spiritual Renewal Conference sponsored by San Antonio’s Catholic Center For Charismatic Renewal. Friday, March 2, 7-10pm Saturday, March 3, 8:30am-10pm St. Mary Magdalen Church 1710 Clower Street, San Antonio SCHEDULE: Friday evening: The Power of The Holy Spirit (Lloyd & Nancy Greenhaw) Saturday Morning: The Power of The Holy Spirit as Counselor (Sr. Nancy Keller) Mass Saturday Afternoon: The Power of The Holy Spirit as Comforter (Fr. Bob Hogan & Melody Escobar) Eucharistic Adoration Meditation followed by Healing Prayer Saturday Evening: The Power of The Holy Spirit as Advocate (Sr. Nancy Keller) Empowerment Service Click here to download the conference registration form.

The Message of Christmas from Archbishop Gustavo

Access: Archdiocese of San Antonio

Christmas Madonna

♫ The Twelve Days of Christmas ♫

•A Partridge in a pear tree -- Jesus Christ, who gathers his own under his wings -- God's first gift. •Two Turtle Doves -- represents the sacrifice of the Jewish family at the birth of a son (also: The Old and New Testaments) •Three French Hens -- The Gifts of the Magi (also: The Blessed Trinity; also: Faith, Hope and Love) •Four Calling Birds -- The Four Gospels (also: the Four Evangelists who wrote the Gospels) •Five Golden Rings -- The first Five Books of the Old Testament, the Torah. •Six Geese A-laying -- The six days of creation •Seven Swans A-swimming -- The seven gifts of the Holy Spirit and the seven sacraments of the Church •Eight Maids A-milking -- The eight beatitudes (also: the eight persons saved in the Ark) •Nine Ladies Dancing -- The nine Fruits of the Spirit Galatians 5:22 (also: kinds or ranks of angels) •Ten Lords A-leaping -- The Ten Commandments •Eleven Pipers Piping -- The eleven faithful apostles •Twelve Drummers Drumming -- The twelve...

Dear Friend of St. Jude

Access: Weekly Devotion to St. Jude

Afterwords: Allowing God

Allowing God to touch our eyes we will forever see things differently never seen before Allowing God to touch our ears we will forever hear things differently never heard before Allowing God to touch our nose we will forever smell things differently never smelled before Allowing God to touch our tongue we will forever taste things differently  never tasted before Allowing God to touch our body we will forever feel differently  never felt before Allowing God to touch our life we will forever live differently  never lived before

December 25, 2011: Sacred Heart Catholic Church Bulletin Announcements


December 25, 2011: St. Joseph Church Bulletin Annoucements


December 25, 2011: Our Lady of Guadalupe Church Bulletin Announcements


The Birth of Christ: Merry Christmas 2011 & Happy New Year 2012


Merry Christmas from Mary's Touch

  Access: Mary's Touch

Christmas Eve Blessings from The National Shrine of St. Jude

May God bless you this holy night of Christmas Eve and always. Yours in prayer, Father Mark Brummel, C.M.F. Director, St. Jude League

The 12 Days of Pro-Life Christmas

One – ONE Historic Investigation of Planned Parenthood . . .   Two – TWO unprecedented votes to Eliminate Planned Parenthood Funding. . . Three – Americans learned that THREE Hundred and Sixty-Three Million in taxpayer dollars go to Planned Parenthood every year. . . Four – FOUR Testimonies before the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee during the confirmation hearings of Supreme Court Justices. . . Five – FIVE States Restricted Insurance Coverage of Abortion. . . Six – SIX Issues of Defending Life. (Number seven waiting in the wings. . .) Seven – An unprecedented level of pro-life activity in the states: SEVEN -TY pro-life bills passed! Eight – The EIGHTH Circuit Court called on AUL to detail the psychological risks of abortion to women in abortion. . . Nine – NINE AUL attorneys are turning their passion and knowledge into public policy and law. . . Ten – Title X , a federal program well-known as a conduit of taxpayer cash to the abortion in...

The Cardinal Newman Society: Merry Christmas!

Access: The Cardinal Newman Society May you experience the peace of Our Lord!


“It’s a wonderful feeling of confidence that comes into our hearts when we realize that we depend on Jesus for everything.” Mother Angelica Access: EWTN   January 6, 11 a.m. – SOLEMINITY OF THE EPIPHANY OF THE LORD: Pope Benedict XVI celebrates the Mass from St. Peter’s Basilica. January 9, 11 a.m. – SOLEMN MASS FOR THE FEAST OF THE BAPTISM OF THE LORD: Pope Benedict XVI celebrates Mass with the Sacrament of Baptism from the Sistine Chapel. January 13, 9 p.m. – CUTTING THROUGH THE SPIN ON STEM CELLS & CLONING: Catholic Bioethicist Fr. Tad Pacholcyzk separates fact from fiction on stem cells and cloning. January 20, 5:30 p.m. – ECHOES OF OUR CHOICES:   (NEW) Leading doctors from the Pope Paul VI Institute for the Study of Human Reproduction discuss the causes of infertility, IVF risks and what the medical field has to offer to Catholic couples. January 21 12:30 p.m. – THE WALK FOR LIFE WEST COAST:   Live pro-life coverage from San Francisco with Fr. ...

Hello Media Missionaries and Merry Christmas

I hope your hearts are full of joy in preparation for the blessed event of our Lord’s birth. Thanks to EWTN ’s Advent season programming and listening to our local EWTN Guadalupe Radio, how could you not be filled with peace, joy and anticipation. One of my favorite shows was aired this morning and I hope you caught it. If not, The Star of Bethlehem with Rick Larson walks you through Biblical and historical clues revealing the incredible significance of the Star of Bethlehem and will be shown again on December 26, at 4 p.m. Watch it, tape it, and save it, you will be glad you did. January is a busy month with all the special programming promoting Pro Life. Please pass these programs on to your Pro Life director at your parish and get the word out via email on these significant and profound specials. I have listed a few of the programs on the sample bulletin notice, but you may want to send a program ‘heads up’ to your director as the programs appear throughout the month. You ar...

One Bread,One Body Reflection: "ALL I WANT FOR CHRISTMAS IS _____"

Access: Presentation Ministries The Lord shouts to us: "Arise" (Song of Songs 2:10, 13). He calls us to rise above our meager expectations. In the northern USA, we expect snow; God expects a new springtime in the Spirit (Song of Songs 2:11). We expect family gatherings; God expects us to take our royal place in His glorious family (John 3:5; Matthew 12:50). We expect good tidings; God sends the Good News by sending His only Son, Jesus (John 1:14). We expect delicious Christmas treats; God expects Christ-Mass, featuring the Eucharistic banquet of the Lamb. We expect the Christmas Spirit; God expects us to be filled with the Holy Spirit (Luke 1:41). We expect Christmas carols; God provides His own music as He sings joyfully about us (Zephaniah 3:17). Raise your expectations and have yourself a Mary Christ-Mass.

Afterwords: The Rules of Life

Some people complain about the rules of life and are downcast and upset. Some people comply with the rules of life and are delighted and upbeat.

Father Barron and CATHOLICISM executive producer, Mike Leonard, on the NBC Today Show

Last week, Father Barron and CATHOLICISM executive producer, Mike Leonard, were on the NBC Today Show.

Christmas Greeting from The Marians of the Immaculate Conception

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