Yes, you should be a little freaked out about Hurricane Beryl


Ars Tribunus Angusticlavius
And of course there's the relevant xkcd...

427 (439 / -12)
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Ars Praetorian
Good thing the Florida Legislature banned climate change. Think of how much trouble that state would have if Beryl were allowed to land there!

EDIT: /s, just in case it's not already clear
It's not so much that it's banned because of climate change, but because it rode across the ocean from a foreign land.
302 (305 / -3)


Ars Praetorian
Good thing the Florida Legislature banned climate change. Think of how much trouble that state would have if Beryl were allowed to land there!

EDIT: /s, just in case it's not already clear

The ban's working, isn't it? Beryl didn't hit the US, and since it only affects some poor brown people we can ignore it.

Next up, banning discussion of pollution- since the EPA isn't allowed to do anything anymore we just have to say it's not happening and we'll be perfectly safe. (And if not, most of the damage will be done to poor brown people anyway, so no worries)
185 (206 / -21)


Ars Praefectus
Good thing the Florida Legislature banned climate change. Think of how much trouble that state would have if Beryl were allowed to land there!

EDIT: /s, just in case it's not already clear
That's because climate change is a hoax, spread by the Chinese to, um, uh.... to.... sell Chinese-made solar panels? 🤷‍♂️

Huge /s, of course.
93 (109 / -16)
Good thing the Florida Legislature banned climate change. Think of how much trouble that state would have if Beryl were allowed to land there!

EDIT: /s, just in case it's not already clear
Florida needs a dose of skepticism-ending reality to knock on their door step. Wouldn’t hurt if one came a’knocking on Texas either.
85 (128 / -43)

Happy Medium

Ars Tribunus Militum
Good thing the Florida Legislature banned climate change. Think of how much trouble that state would have if Beryl were allowed to land there!

EDIT: /s, just in case it's not already clear
Good thing their children are safe from the horrible theory of climate change! That way they can peacefully sunbath themselves on the beaches without a worry in the world! ....Wait, what's that dark cloud on the horizon? Also, why is the beach so small now!? Must be those damned Democrat wave machines attacking our beach freedom! /s
138 (144 / -6)
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Ars Tribunus Angusticlavius
Florida needs a dose of skepticism-ending reality to knock on their door step. Wouldn’t hurt if one came a’knocking on Texas either.

Come on, now. People will die and have their lives ruined, and 40.6% of Florida voters voted against DeSantis.
196 (214 / -18)


Wise, Aged Ars Veteran
Good thing the Florida Legislature banned climate change. Think of how much trouble that state would have if Beryl were allowed to land there!

EDIT: /s, just in case it's not already clear
I got that your second sentence was sarcasm, but I couldn't tell if your first one was satire. For anyone still wondering, it's not. Unbelievable.
124 (126 / -2)

Rick C.

Ars Tribunus Militum
Come on, now. People will die and have their lives ruined, and 40.6% of Florida voters voted against DeSantis.
An attention-getting, “wow that was close” event is what’s needed to keep it on the mind. Maybe it’ll trigger a change in building/location attitudes, and alleviate the need for the rest of us to pick up the tab for the inevitable damage of living in hurricane country.
27 (33 / -6)


Ars Scholae Palatinae
An attention-getting, “wow that was close” event is what’s needed to keep it on the mind. Maybe it’ll trigger a change in building/location attitudes, and alleviate the need for the rest of us to pick up the tab for the inevitable damage of living in hurricane country.
That sounds extremely optimistic.
123 (126 / -3)
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Ars Tribunus Angusticlavius
An attention-getting, “wow that was close” event is what’s needed to keep it on the mind. Maybe it’ll trigger a change in building/location attitudes, and alleviate the need for the rest of us to pick up the tab for the inevitable damage of living in hurricane country.

The odds of a) that happening and b) it actually changing anything are slim to none.
43 (44 / -1)
The odds of a) that happening and b) it actually changing anything are slim to none.
Perhaps skyrocketing home owners insurance will do it on its own. The industry see the threat to their bottom line presented by climate change. I perceive Florida real estate as being uninsurable in a few years. No insurance, no mortgage. Complete collapse of local real estate.
240 (241 / -1)


Ars Scholae Palatinae
It's not like Katrina made Louisiana acknowledge reality or anything...
That is likely because the area affected is usually pretty small. Katrina happened to hit a major city and was fairly large but that was the liberal part of LA anyway. I agree that these events will be unlikely to change people's minds but they also usually only affect a small number of people compared to the population of the states.
55 (55 / 0)


Ars Centurion
An attention-getting, “wow that was close” event is what’s needed to keep it on the mind. Maybe it’ll trigger a change in building/location attitudes, and alleviate the need for the rest of us to pick up the tab for the inevitable damage of living in hurricane country.
It would be an interesting exercise to see what codes changed after Katrina. My hunch is that they’re better & stronger to possibly avoid the worst of another Katrina, the financial pressure to not build to worst case is really overpowering in this country. It seems we’re one step behind where we should be as a result.
26 (26 / 0)