Seven years later, Nintendo proves Metroid Prime 4 still exists

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Ars Praefectus
Interestingly, while the first three Metroid Prime games took place between the original Metroid and Metroid II: Return of Samus, this one appears to take place late in the chronology, after Metroid Fusion, possibly even after Metroid Dread, given the helmet design and the ship.

Personally, I always preferred the look of the original ship and Varia suit to the later iterations, but that won't hinder my enjoyment of this at all. Looks very exciting, I hope it's worth the wait.
62 (65 / -3)
Interestingly, while the first three Metroid Prime games took place between the original Metroid and Metroid II: Return of Samus, this one appears to take place late in the chronology, after Metroid Fusion, possibly even after Metroid Dread, given the helmet design and the ship.

Personally, I always preferred the look of the original ship and Varia suit to the later iterations, but that won't hinder my enjoyment of this at all. Looks very exciting, I hope it's worth the wait.
Nah, the suit and ship designs are clear follow-ups to the MP3 designs. Hard to tell on mobile but they might even be identical, just HD.

Looks like they haven't made any changes to the MP1-3 formula or gameplay. That's good, they've held up well, but I was also hoping for something new. It's been 20 years after all.
42 (43 / -1)

Ryan B.

Ars Praefectus
I immediately read "20X9" as "twenty exty-nine." And I think I might be inclined to ask any bosses I encounter in-game if they are asking for a challeeeeeeenge!?!?

Edit to add: I'm at work and haven't had a chance to watch the trailer, but I really hope they support gyro aiming. I've always found twin stick shooters to be nigh-unplayable without it. Metroid Prime 3 on the Wii, with its IR pointer aiming, was the best console shooter ever until Splatoon came along and did it better using gyroscopes.
16 (19 / -3)


Ars Praefectus
Nah, the suit and ship designs are clear follow-ups to the MP3 designs. Hard to tell on mobile but they might even be identical, just HD.

Looks like they haven't made any changes to the MP1-3 formula or gameplay. That's good, they've held up well, but I was also hoping for something new. It's been 20 years after all.
You might be right, but the purplish color and the more arm-like "wings" made it look more like the Fusion ship to me 🤷

Guess we'll see! I think I'd actually like to see the series move forward more, like it did with Dread.
11 (11 / 0)
I bet they're doing the BoTW play with this. Drag it out until it coincides with the next gen platform launch, it will be cross gen, but the Switch 2 version will obviously be the definitive title. Right now this footage looks the same as the MP1 remaster for Switch, 900p resolution and all, so this is probably just Switch 1 footage while they pretend the Switch 2 doesn't exist, and then when it launches with the Switch 2 that'll be the showcase version of the game.

Which is a good thing, because it can only go up visually from here. The 9 year old underclocked Tegra X1 is tired man, it wants to retire and wanted to years ago. Having 3X the RAM, much more rendering performance, and as importantly DLSS will all go a long way to making this look much better.
54 (55 / -1)

Mustachioed Copy Cat

Ars Praefectus
Nah, the suit and ship designs are clear follow-ups to the MP3 designs. Hard to tell on mobile but they might even be identical, just HD.

Looks like they haven't made any changes to the MP1-3 formula or gameplay. That's good, they've held up well, but I was also hoping for something new. It's been 20 years after all.
I guess it’s possible they swerve, give us some story before Fusion and follow up after Dread when the story thread would be picked up and the game progression begin in earnest.

I don’t really associate Nintendo with that sort of storytelling though.

Cynical part of me thinks this looks like a slightly overcooked late-aughts FPS. Not seeing any uh, ‘original zest’.
-1 (4 / -5)


Ars Legatus Legionis
I bet they're doing the BoTW play with this. Drag it out until it coincides with the next gen platform launch, it will be cross gen, but the Switch 2 version will obviously be the definitive title. Right now this footage looks the same as the MP1 remaster for Switch, 900p resolution and all, so this is probably just Switch 1 footage while they pretend the Switch 2 doesn't exist, and then when it launches with the Switch 2 that'll be the showcase version of the game.

Which is a good thing, because it can only go up visually from here. The 9 year old underclocked Tegra X1 is tired man, it wants to retire and wanted to years ago. Having 3X the RAM, much more rendering performance, and as importantly DLSS will all go a long way to making this look much better.

Well they did show a new Legend of Zelda with Zelda as the main char and it definitely was still running on that broken Link's Awakening engine so yeah.

All I need to see is Switch2 and the BC/upgrade plans. That's it.
-17 (2 / -19)


Ars Legatus Legionis
I'm a side scrolling Metroid fan. I hope fans enjoy this one but I've just never enjoyed them anything like the regular old 2D style games.
I like the side-scrollers as well, but Metroid Prime was insanely fun once you got the hang of pointing the Wiimote at the screen. I can't wait to play this one; curious how the controls will stack up.

EDIT: Once I got used to them, I liked the Wii controls much more than the GC controls.
27 (27 / 0)


Ars Scholae Palatinae
There's no way MP4 isn't a cross gen game at this point. I really didn't expect to see it for the Switch but I'm so excited to play it. Surprising amount of good titles in this direct. I feel like if the Switch 2 is BC there's basically not gonna be any lull period at the start of the gen like what usually happens.
7 (7 / 0)


Ars Centurion
The mystery person with the vertical light slit in his mask and the two metroids is blorbo Sylux from Metroid Prime Hunters.
Lightning "Sylux" McAutoAim was great fun in Hunters multiplayer. And that auto-aim was dearly needed, scratching a stylus at the screen to aim wasn't terribly effective, albeit more effective than using an analogue stick.
3 (3 / 0)


Smack-Fu Master, in training
I'm glad Nintendo stuck with this game and didn't abandon it when the original production didn't pan out in 2019.

I am surprised that they are still calling this Metroid Prime 4, as I feel like the original trilogy wrapped up the story neatly. I'm not sure what part of that story they're planning on expanding, but you know that I'll be there for it regardless.
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3 (3 / 0)


Smack-Fu Master, in training
If you look in the background, you'll notice Samus is getting some help from one of those Space Pirates
Hi Kyle - I am not positive, but I think the 'helpful' Space Pirate is actually firing at the small human behind the closer-to-Samus Space Pirate that gets cut down in the video. So, perhaps not so helpful after all. It does look like it's possibly shooting at the closer Pirate though too...
2 (2 / 0)

Ryan B.

Ars Praefectus
I'm glad Nintendo stuck with this game and didn't abandon it when the original production didn't pan out in 2019.

I am surprised that they are still calling this Metroid Prime 4, as I feel like the original trilogy wrapped up the story neatly (and actually the "Metroid Prime" part of that story was wrapped up in the first game with only the phazon parts of it in 2 and 3). I'm not sure what part of that story they're planning on expanding, but you know that I'll be there for it regardless.

Eh, Metroid games have always been light on story. What little lore there is was mostly explained by comics outide of any of the games.
1 (2 / -1)


Smack-Fu Master, in training
Eh, Metroid games have always been light on story. What little lore there is was mostly explained by comics outide of any of the games.
True. I've read those comics. I'm down for more games in the Prime style. I'm just a little surprised they chose to make this game in the same series rather than either do a standalone game or start a new trilogy perhaps. Not a complaint, I just always figured calling it "Prime 4" was a placeholder name rather than the final title.

Hi Kyle - I am not positive, but I think the 'helpful' Space Pirate is actually firing at the small human behind the closer-to-Samus Space Pirate that gets cut down in the video. So, perhaps not so helpful after all. It does look like it's possibly shooting at the closer Pirate though too...
That human refuses to rewind their Space VHS rentals from Space Blockbuster, so they had it coming.
2 (2 / 0)


Ars Scholae Palatinae
Probably worth mentioning that Metroid: Zero Mission is also available on Switch as of today, so now's the next best time to get into Metroid (again or for the first time) in anticipation of MP4.

(The best time was when Dread was announced, followed by a pseudo-best of when MP1 Remastered dropped.)

EDIT: lol both MP1 Remastered and Dread are on the eShop's Featured page and are on sale, Nintendo knows what they have.
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8 (8 / 0)
Probably worth mentioning that Metroid: Zero Mission is also available on Switch as of today, so now's the next best time to get into Metroid (again or for the first time) in anticipation of MP4.

(The best time was when Dread was announced, followed by a pseudo-best of when MP1 Remastered dropped.)

EDIT: lol both MP1 Remastered and Dread are on the eShop's Featured page and are on sale, Nintendo knows what they have.
This reminds me that I started Fusion around Christmas and need to finish it. Even though I'm long time GBA owner I've never played it.
3 (3 / 0)


Ars Praefectus
Interestingly, while the first three Metroid Prime games took place between the original Metroid and Metroid II: Return of Samus, this one appears to take place late in the chronology, after Metroid Fusion, possibly even after Metroid Dread, given the helmet design and the ship.
...No? That's the exact same suit from Metroid Prime 2: Echoes. No idea where in the timeline this takes place, but it's definitely before Fusion.

EDIT: Aaaand of course I was ninja'd. Carry on.
2 (2 / 0)